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woensdag 29 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL press release: Crash of unemployment insurance: another attack against all employees (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The Minister of Labor announced it at the end of April: by decree, from
July 1, the duration of unemployment compensation will be reduced to
twelve months. In two years, this duration has been halved! This
concerns us all: more than half of employees are faced, in their
professional life, with at least one period of unemployment. ---- In six
years, the government has methodically demolished unemployment
insurance. Before 2019, you had to have worked at least four months out
of the last 28 months to have rights for at least four months; you must
now have worked 6 months out of the last 24 months. Likewise, to
recharge your rights, you must have worked 6 months instead of one month
before 2019.

In addition to making access to compensation more difficult, the amount
of allowances has been reduced since 2021, because the government has
changed its method of calculation, removing the principle that one day
worked gives entitlement to one day of compensation. . Another major
decline since 2023: the duration of compensation has been reduced by
25%, going from a maximum of 24 months to 18 months. And from 36 months
to 27 months for those over 55, for whom finding work is more difficult.

The consequence of this destruction of unemployment rights is an
impoverishment and precariousness of workers deprived of employment.
Allowances fell by 16% on average, reaching an average amount of just
over 1,000 euros. This drop has affected a million people since 2019:
many young people, temporary workers and job seekers subject to short
contracts. Since 2019, the number of rights granted has fallen by
30,000. As for the number of people receiving unemployment compensation,
it has also plummeted to well below half of those registered with France

Everyone is concerned!
This new attack on the rights to protection against loss of employment
concerns all workers, with or without employment. In reality, more than
half of employees have experienced job loss and unemployment in their
careers. So to incriminate the unemployed is to incriminate yourself, in
a labor market degraded by employers and the State. Especially since
with the announced abolition of the ASS, the time between permanent
employment and RSA will be reduced to twelve months. This is for the
greater benefit of employers who are making employment more and more

Protection against unemployment is collective
Employers will largely benefit from this reform. The pressure to return
to work under any conditions will weigh as much on the unemployed as on
active workers. During this time, the State will make budgetary savings
at the expense of the most vulnerable and will continue to subsidize
businesses by paying apprentices in their place.

We fight the idea that unemployment is the fault of the unemployed, that
Arlesian "growth" will create jobs, and that we must "work more to earn
more". This is why UCL defends high-level unemployment insurance,
financed by increased employer contributions. And to reduce
unemployment: reduction in working hours with corresponding hiring.

Libertarian Communist Union, May 20, 2024

Read also:

"Libertarian communist orientation: struggles against unemployment and

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