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dinsdag 28 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT: Anarchosyndicalisme #186 - About Education (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The article "Doing with the school for our anarchist project" published
in AS 185 called for a debate. Here is my contribution to the start of
the debate. ---- 1. Education concerns every person. ---- Each of us has
had, has or will have a personal experience with the educational
institution. It is often even the emotional relationship that we have,
or have had, with it, which constructs our representation of the school
system, which often implies that people who have felt excluded or who
have been excluded, continue to being, as citizens, leaving the field
open to the "experts" who would be the politicians who also do without
those who have expertise: the teachers!

I believe that education must be one of the primary concerns that
anarchosyndicalists must take head on. Debate and build proposals around
the meaning of a coherent educational project consistent with their
emancipatory and libertarian aspirations.

2. While Blanquer is no longer a minister, but his reform is being
applied and is growing more and more every day, which parents are aware
of the phases of student recycling induced by "Parcoursup" which also
allows 10% high school graduates to be deprived of access to higher
education when obtaining the Baccalaureate gives them this right?

Who knows that at the start of the school year, selective sorting will
be implemented from the sixth and fifth grades of middle school through
level groups and will be prepared from elementary school, to continue in
high school? Who will be in the blue bin?

Who knows that at least 23% of people who "teach" children are contract
workers without training, recruited at best by France Travail, but also
by the classified ads websites "Le Bon Coin" and others of the same ilk?
Example: in a college in Haute-Garonne, at the start of the school year,
a contract worker taught technology. Today, he teaches history at the
same college!

Personally, I am not able to say here, on what basis these contract
workers are recruited, but, I am able to affirm that each time a parent,
a student thinks he is speaking to a teacher, he must First ask yourself
who he's dealing with!

In short, currently, the government is trying to put an adult in front
of a class, not necessarily a teacher.
Did you know? Since Blanquer, 12,000 qualified teaching positions have
been closed!

3. Through his training, the teacher acquires expertise on the
pedagogy(ies), on the management of a necessarily heterogeneous class,
on the knowledge of the resources to be put in place so that the child
becomes a student, it is that is to say that he is able to learn for
himself and in cooperation with others... This basic training is itself
increasingly reduced in duration and in favor of formatting recipes for
both knowledge and 'to be's rather than to be's know-how.
4. The educational project of liberal economy is increasingly linked to
employers' demands: it is a question of ensuring an ever larger and more
flexible reservoir of precarious workers, poorly educated to think, that
is to say capable to criticize, to create alone and collectively, and,
ultimately, to collectively imagine another future and build it.
Imposing social determinism and republican merit is therefore a good way
to avoid collective struggle.

5. For me, private contract education has no place in a national
education project, but it is still part of the problem. For information,
private schools are financed at least 75% by the state and local
authorities.: Teacher salaries, operating cost per student, various
subsidies ranging from the renovation or even construction of premises
to participation in specific "educational" projects. This financing of
private schools deprives public education of the means of its primary
mission of educating all, for the benefit of a single selective mission.

In addition, the state finances 90% of the training of private sector
personnel, itself 96% Catholic, and this training "free" from any state
control in its content is only subject to the agreement of the diocese.!

6. Militarize youth: Universal National Service will be generalized
during school hours. What we have seen from the experiments is
frightening: Young people from secondary schools and even from some
primary classes are learning, in fatigues and in the school
establishment, how to do arm locks and put bracelets/handcuffs on their
classmates . Of course, through joy, play and laughter, everyone learns
to submit to the authority in uniform and to submit their friend to the
authority given by the uniform while learning to "detect" the offender,
the terrorist! When the violence of the uniform is legitimized at
school, by the framework of the SNU, it is because we have already
crossed the limit of respect for individual conscience and we are
already in the process of telling, of write another very inspired story,
this one about "marshal here we come"!

Macron-Attal-Belloubet have just released the compulsory company
internship in second grade. If the young person and their family have a
network, the young person will be able to find a host company to carry
them out. If his family has a network and money, he can do it abroad.
If, despite all these possibilities, the student does not find anything,
he or she can do an SNU internship instead of the company internship!!!
Which students are going to do SNU instead of the company internship?
What is the proportion of private and public students who will do the
SNU internship?

Finally, what is the meaning of this "U" for universal? It is above all
a misinterpretation: This "Universal" is national, even nationalist and
goes against freedom of conscience which, as a universal value, must be
exercised, as a human right, on the whole planet. Unless, as a good
imperialist dictatorship, France asks for an SNU across the entire
planet... Well, it is true that many "democracies" already use their
in-house SNU to contain young people who could rebel. (Greece, Finland,
Denmark, Austria, Estonia, Norway, Cyprus, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine,
Israel, and 85 other countries not included in the totalitarian
republics in which the militarization of youth is constitutive of the

Here, in short, and without elaboration, are some of the questions that
I would like to see addressed in a forum on education, which could lead
to a brochure.

Josette, Montauban

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