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zondag 26 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT: Anarchosyndicalisme #186 - About anti-fascism... (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

If anti-fascism is in some way for us anarchists a political and
strategic evidence in the sense that we find ourselves in the absolute
opposite of the values and means deployed by fascism, it is also obvious
that by participating in this kind of gathering, we must emphasize: ----
- that fascism is not a historical "accident", but a possibility (more
brutal) among the different modes of governance contributing to
maintaining in place a bourgeois elite and a system economic based on
   - that it always intervenes "from and for the top" contrary to its
"social" pretensions which are only electoral promises on a ground which
has also been largely deserted by the governmental or parliamentary
left, facilitating its growth that we observe,
   - that as such, we will remain opposed to logics of the "republican
common front" type which bury the class struggle and the desire for
social transformation and promote the election of a "less bad" person to
block the worst.

I remember the demonstrations of 2002 during the Chirac/Le Pen
face-to-face. In Toulouse, with the CNT AIT and the JL -Young
Libertarians-, we advocated "revolutionary abstention"...

The "blockade" of the Chirac vote effectively prevented the FN's
potential accession to power at the time, but also opened the way to
around twenty years of the most antisocial policies possible, from the
right, from the left and then Macronist, the different governments
coming together and harmonizing more and more with neo-liberal ideology.
The latest one relies largely on a set of postures and practices of the
extreme right...

Even if the emergency situation can often push us to our limits, even if
life within this system constantly seems to condemn us individually to
compromise, it seems to me that if we, anarchists cannot collectively
carry the message of a project of radical revolutionary social
transformation without compromise with the different forms of government
and variants of capitalism, who will do it?

The period is extremely dark and certainly far from revolutionary, but
we have to stick with it. We've come a long way...

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