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zondag 26 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Argentina, Rozario, FAR: FACING FLOODS IN RIO GRANDE DEL SUR (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


There is nothing natural in the tragedy that the gaúcho people are going
through. The emergency of climate change, caused by this system of
capitalist domination, has long been announced. Insatiable accumulation,
progressive profit, the expansion of the precariousness of social rights
legitimized by the State guarantor of capital, the ideological expansion
of neoliberalism with its maximum individualization and capture of
subjects by a business rationality, are the factors responsible for
these deaths , losses and disasters that we see in Rio Grande do Sul.

Sebastião Melo, mayor of Porto Alegre, has been in power for 12 years,
whether as deputy mayor or incumbent, and Governor Eduardo Leite, who
has been in office for 6 years, are two exponents of this policy that
delivers us to chaos , at the service of businessmen and landowners who
speculate in the city and destroy in the countryside. Furthermore,
although he is not of the same political line, Lula, in his third term,
also decided on a similar path, with the valorization of agribusiness
and the maintenance of a spending ceiling, created during his
government. Not for nothing, the three speak of the need for extensive
privatization to "rebuild" the Rio Grande do Sul.

We understand that climatic events are part of the natural functioning
of the planet. However, day after day, we perceive that the increase in
its frequency, amplitude and impacts are, as we said, directly affected
by the capitalist system and its logic of profit over life.

The environmental catastrophe that we are experiencing in Rio Grande do
Sul today, the largest ever documented in the state, is, therefore, a
social, political and economic phenomenon.

It is social because it mainly affects those from below, indigenous and
quilombola communities, peasants and the poor people of the countryside
and the city. Meanwhile, those above continue to enjoy the comfort of
their glass fortresses. The landowners, soybean colonels and ranchers,
who inherit their heritage from the slave system, are safe with their
diesel-powered trucks.

The catastrophe is also a political and economic phenomenon, since it is
thanks to the international capitalist system, allied to the economic
interests of national states (especially in the global north), that
predatory extractivism and agribusiness sink their claws into biomes and
territories. to absorb every last penny they can get from the Earth.
Brazil, and particularly Rio Grande do Sul, are known "breadbaskets"
that support much of the world's agribusiness with soybeans and
livestock. Even so, privatization policies and the creation of a
spending "ceiling" strangle public investment in basic infrastructure,
such as sanitation and energy, which are so necessary in this time of

Thus, we at CALA identified 10 social, political and economic causes of
the environmental and climate collapse that devastates RS, and that need
to be fought by those below immediately, with direct action at all
levels, solidarity and independence. of class:

01) Privatization of basic infrastructure (water, electricity, sanitation)

02) Liquidation of environmental protection on rivers, forests and soils

03) Intensive exploitation of agribusiness, mining and real estate

04) Dismantling of strategic social and ecological research and planning
on common goods and the environment

05) Cut public spending for popular demands and worsening public services

06) Capture of politics and the public budget by financial groups
usurers of the state debt

07) Poverty and precariousness of communities on the urban periphery,
housing, community infrastructure and work

08) War of extermination of indigenous, quilombola and peasant ways of
life and cultures

09) Violent increase in private wealth and power of the rich classes in
the world

10) The neoliberal adjustment of society, the supreme rule of the
market, of the company, of every man for himself

That is why we shout LET THE RICH PAY FOR THE CLIMATE CRISIS, since it
is their companies that invade and exploit the Earth, destroy forests
and contaminate water.

Let the rich pay for the destruction driven to maintain their
parasitism, their whims, the concentration of power, goods and capital
in their hands. May we tear them from their comfort in the face of the
end of the world that they have imposed on us!

Only with self-organization, solidarity and mutual support can we
overcome this historical period that, without illusions, will only
intensify towards increasingly extreme events. We cannot expect
increasingly hypocritical charity from those at the top! Let's create
solidarity committees, collection points, pickets, mobilizations. Only
popular direct action will truly combat this crisis.

Getting Melo and Leite out of their Palaces, getting agribusiness out of
their granaries, holding the bosses accountable and rebuilding the
cities is the task of the people.

Only the People save the People!

We will not forget it and we will not let our guard down!


- Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB)
- Rosario Anarchist Federation (FAR)
- Uruguayan Anarchist Federation (FAU)

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