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maandag 27 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #349 - Politics, Call for mobilization: In Brittany, the anti-fascist response is being organized (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


This April 21, 2024, a broad and united mobilization is called in Saint
Brieuc to counter the rise of fascism, echoing an upsurge in the
establishment of reactionaries in a region which until then seemed
preserved. ---- For several years now, attacks and fascist acts have
been accumulating in Brittany. ---- A worrying assessment... ---- Even
if the center stage was occupied by the events in Callac, where
far-right activists mobilized against the opening of a reception for
asylum seekers, this was only the most visible part of a significant
upsurge in this region. Attacks on activists, emergence of small
neo-Nazi groups or those advocating a fantasized "Breton identity",
LGBTQIphobic attacks, threatened journalists, the list is long and
revealing of a worrying movement, which affects a historically remote
region RN votes and which until then seemed protected from the most
radical fringe of the far right.

However, it would be misleading to speak of a total novelty. Already in
the 2000s, the ADSAV party, defining itself as right-wing nationalist,
attempted to appropriate public space by mixing Breton independence and
Islamophobia. Even if this group was dissolved, others have emerged, and
can count on propaganda tools like Breizh Info, an outspoken far-right
media outlet. More recently, we were able to witness the creation of the
"An Tour Tan" group in Vannes or even the "Oriflamme" group in Rennes,
which are not content with being active on social networks, and are
multiplying their actions and targeted attacks.

... which calls for a strong, united and united response
In Saint-Brieuc, an "anti-fascist common front" was created in reaction
to the numerous attacks, and is calling for a large demonstration on
April 21. This date is not insignificant, since it was chosen on the one
hand in echo of the mobilization of 2002 against the first arrival in
the second round of the FN in the presidential elections, but also in
relay of the march against Islamophobia and racism organized on the same
day in Paris.

This call, with which the UCL groups from the West are joining, has
several objectives. First of all, organizing a massive demonstration on
a regional scale has a strong symbolic significance, especially since
the list of signatories has been open, in addition to collectives and
political and trade union organizations, to traders and even to local
associations. .

But it also allows us to connect all those who, at their level, try to
fight against racist, sexist and xenophobic ideas. Many anti-fascist
groups have recently been set up, debates and training are also
multiplying in public spaces, in unions and activist places, giving hope
for the broadest and most unified response possible.

Florence (UCL Lorient)
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