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maandag 27 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT: Anarchosyndicalisme #186 - DO WITH THE SCHOOL FOR OUR ANARCHIST PROJECT (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

In a previous issue of Anarchosyndicalisme!, we saw, without forgetting
its many faults, that the National School-Education is no longer the
place of formatting, indoctrination and social reproduction that it was
until the end of the 20th century, and we admitted that a large majority
of staff working within it are dedicated, as much as possible, despite
the burdens and obstacles of the state school system, to the development
of young people, sharing in this ( often without knowing it) our
educational, even political, ideals. As a result, it seems that, in
various ways, we can now "do with the School" and compulsory education
in favor of our anarchist revolutionary project (establish a libertarian
pedagogy and work for the advent of anarchist society ) more easily than
was possible in the past, taking advantage of the gaps open to us if:

1) For this, I first propose that we prohibit any speech which is only
negative against School and compulsory education, because the
consequences of such a position for the young people who read us or
listen to us, could be to push them to reject these without seeking
another educational solution, which would necessarily be damaging for
them knowing that, in today's society, the majority of school dropouts
without qualifications are doomed to social exclusion or precarious
employment and exploitation, or even for a minority of them,
delinquency. However, we are neither cynical nor nihilist: our goal is
not to lead young people into a dead end and/or a miserable situation in
the name of our fight against the State and its institutions. This is
why all our criticisms of the Republican School and instruction must be
accompanied by concrete, positive and affordable proposals today (and
not only for the anarchist society to come), for the education of young
people, whether outside or within the current state school system... And
as for young people (and their parents) who are not satisfied with our
proposals or for whom they are not suitable, we cannot be sure encourage
them to "do with public school", to strive to benefit from everything
positive and interesting there is for them and for their future, because
worse than having to endure school- National education and compulsory
education would mean fleeing them without otherwise receiving an
education allowing one to later live comfortably and freely within
today's society...

2) That being said, it seems to me that as anarchists, the easiest and
most coherent solution that we have to propose to prevent young people
from state schooling is found in the boycott[1]of its educational
establishments by promoting (libertarian) family education. This would
indeed place us in agreement, on the one hand, with our assertion that
the State is ineffective in all things, including the education of the
youngest, and, on the other hand, with our confidence in autonomy and in
the responsibility of individuals, including that of young people. We
could therefore, in the name of anarchy, become a force of support for
young people (and their parents) choosing (libertarian) family
education, like associations, which are apolitical, such as Children
First (LED'A) or Free to Learn and Instruct Differently (LAIA).

Apart from this radical option, we can also resist, fight and act within
National Education itself.

3) We can thus encourage young anarchists interested in this
professional path to direct their studies towards access to teaching
professions so that they can establish a pedagogy in classes and public
schools, once they become teachers. libertarian as many followers of
alternative pedagogies currently do within National Education (Freinet,
Montessori, Oury or Collot[2]pedagogies; cooperative and/or inverted,
open, single or multilevel classes; 3rd type school, etc. .), knowing
that, due to the educational freedom[3]guaranteed to each teacher, each
National Education professional is free to organize his class management
and pedagogy as he sees fit and in particular to co-manage them with
students. In addition, you should know that National Education allows
teachers sharing the same educational convictions to group together
within the same establishment, through transfers, until they establish
an establishment project consistent with their educational convictions.
municipalities, to which any teacher applying for a position in this
establishment must then subscribe[4]. Within National Education, we
could thus encourage the emergence of a growing network of teachers and
educational establishments applying a libertarian pedagogy, which would
make our anarchist project active, visible and convincing.

4) As anarchosyndicalists, we can also promote libertarian pedagogy and
our ideals to all teachers of National Education by sending them our
writings (magazine or simple letter, monthly or occasional),
individually or in groups at the address of each school establishment,
according to our financial and human resources, as other unions do, with
the hope that more and more teachers will begin to apply a libertarian
pedagogy and join our anarchist movement, or even our union.

5) If the number of libertarian teachers within National Education were
to increase, we could little by little create[It is true that this is
easier to achieve in primary schools than in middle and high schools
where the number of The number of teachers is larger and the method of
appointing management staff is different. But experimental high schools,
still existing, with alternative pedagogies have already been able to
open within the National Education: experimental high school of
Saint-Nazaire, self-managed high school of Paris, Experimental
College-Lycée of Hérouville-Caen, Experimental Center of 'Anduze-Gard,
Polyvalent and Maritime Experimental High School of Oléron (LEPMO). Cf.
"Vive l'Education", Colloquies, ACL, 1988]]of schools under contract
(which would limit financial needs since in this hypothesis the salaries
of teachers would be covered by National Education) or outside
contract[5](This would obviously be ideal because as anarchists, we want
to free ourselves from the supervision of the State, but this would pose
the problem of financing the establishments created on the one hand and
the salary teachers on the other hand, unless the latter also exercise
another paid profession allowing them to intervene voluntarily in our
libertarian schools) with those of these professionals who, with their
teaching experience acquired within the educational establishments of
National Education, would like to leave state educational establishments
to enroll in a libertarian establishment project, the educational
establishments that we would create then becoming "showcases" for our
ideals and our anarchist project[6], especially if we give them
sufficiently explicit names, for example by referring to their
specificities and to renowned anarchist pedagogues[7]: self-managed
school, Francisco Ferrer, free education community, Jakob Robert Schmid,
Paul Robin integral education center ...

6) We can also advise young people and their parents to demand a more
libertarian pedagogy within National Education classes and educational
establishments and not to tolerate any authoritarian drift from teachers
or educational teams. It is up to everyone to choose, according to their
convictions, the most appropriate means of acting in this direction:
direct relationship with the teacher concerned, hierarchical recourse,
creation of a committee of students and/or parents of students, change
establishment, etc.

7) We could finally fight ardently against elitist private Catholic
establishments[8]where the social reproduction of the ruling social
classes begins[9], by denouncing the contradiction between their
proclaimed religious ideals (those affirmed by their messiah, such as
they are recounted in the New Testament which denounces inequalities,
the rich and the cult of wealth, the desire to appear, to dominate, to
rise above others, individualism, etc.) and their educational practices
(selection by money - due to high tuition fees - and by academic record
to admit only "good" students from rich families; grades, rankings,
elitism used to exclude from the establishment "bad" students;
organization of only general courses of excellence aimed at supposedly
prestigious higher education; cramming, etc.) by putting up posters and
stickers as well as distributing leaflets in order to appeal to young
people[10]distorted in this type of evil place...

Frédéric B (Lille)

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