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woensdag 29 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL CA #339 - Valdunes, DOM-TOM, Jamaica: chronicles of the class struggle - Wage insubordination 339 (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

At the Saint-Martin private hospital in Caen, after 27 days of strike,
employees are still demanding salary increases and better recognition of
seniority, management is offering a bonus. ---- The unions, united in
this conflict, are worried about the future of the site, bought in 2014
by Ramsay, an Australian pension fund. The group, which bought several
hospital establishments in France, made a profit of 2.9 million euros in
Caen last year, 15 million over the last five years. But apart from the
increases linked to Ségur de la santé, salaries have not followed...
Today, there is a shortage of 27 full-time equivalents for Saint-Martin
hospital to operate normally.
The movement concerns different services every day. Only non-urgent
appointments and operations are postponed.

End of a historic strike at Bausch-et-Lomb in Aubenas! The first in decades!
Employees of the eye drops manufacturer returned to work on March 13. An
agreement was reached, after a meeting with the French management of
Bausch-et-Lomb. The unions obtained a basket bonus of 147 euros per
month for employees working night shifts and 147 euros in restaurant
vouchers for daytime employees.

The CFTC and Solidaires Informatique unions called for a strike on March
6 at the Luminess site in Mayenne. The last strike on the site was
around fifteen years ago. There were around a hundred employees (out of
around 250) mobilized for salary increases, ahead of the company
specializing in digital services and printing.

End of the strike at FPEE in Brulon: the 400 employees of the Sarthoise
window specialist voted to return to work on February 27. Management and
unions have reached an agreement which provides for an increase in
monthly salary of 100 euros net per month and for the company to cover
75% of the complementary health insurance.

End of strike at the Baduel post office, in Guyana. The strike that
began on February 19 ended on March 1, with the signing of an agreement
between management and the UTG-CGT-PTT and SUD PTT unions. The closure
of the half-night service within eight months, effectively resulting in
a loss of salary, was compensated by commitments, particularly in terms
of bonuses and promotion of agents.

Around ten Agaphone employees in Cabourg have exercised their right of
withdrawal since March 7. They denounce the psycho-social risks in this
company which provides telephone switchboards for several companies,
sometimes with more than 30 calls/hour.
Unmanageable pace for some who say they found themselves managing four
telephone lines at the same time.

Every day, they picket in front of a different office. Postal workers at
the offices of Le Mans Chasse-Royale, Coulaines, Les Maillets and La
Milesse have stopped working since March 6. They are protesting against
a reorganization project wanted by management for January 2025. This
provides for reductions in hours, as well as a reduction in staff
numbers in certain offices.
Residents fear longer queues. For their part, agents fear seeing their
working conditions deteriorate. With just one teller, people risk
becoming impatient, and in the event of an incident, they will be left
alone to deal with it.

Workers at the Yssingeaux hospital (Loire), the Jacques Barrot hospital
center, have been on indefinite strike since March 4. The unions speak
of staff exhaustion in the face of a lack of staff: agents are regularly
called back from their rest days, retirees regularly work as reinforcements.
The Jacques Barrot hospital center is a hospital, but also a nursing
home, with around 250 beds in total, for around 300 staff.

The mobilization of AESH (support agents for students with disabilities)
from the Matiti high school in Macouria (Guyana) has been successful!
The strike started on March 2 by the 5 agents ended on the 7th with the
lifting of the picket. The AESH assigned to this agricultural high
school demanded the reinstatement of a dismissed colleague, and the
improvement of their working conditions.
They won their case on the following points:

A 3-year contract, without trial period, will be offered to the AESH
which had been made redundant.
Establishing a job description regulating their mission
A weekly service schedule of 39 hours instead of 42 hours and payment
for all overtime already worked.
On March 4, an agreement was reached following a mediation meeting with
employees of the Plaine des Palmistes Family and Rural House (Reunion)
at the Labor Directorate. On strike for two weeks, they complained of a
deterioration in working conditions.

Staff of the Saint-François d'Assise Association went on strike on March
5, in front of the association's headquarters in Saint-Denis de La
Réunion. At the heart of the demands: recognition towards employees,
social dialogue and lack of human resources. AFSA takes care of elderly
people as well as children and adolescents subject to pathologies and
disabilities. Employees are exhausted, the rate of absenteeism continues
to increase because staff on leave or sick are not replaced.

The rotations of Vedettes Tropicales, which usually provide public
service delegation for maritime transport with connections between
Fort-de-France, Trois-Ilets and Case-Pilote in Martinique, have been at
a standstill since February 26. Employees denounce the deterioration of
their working conditions.
The demands also concern financial bonuses, grievances which do not date
from yesterday (The findings remain the same as in November 2023).
According to the CGTM union, it has been "8 years" since working
conditions have been denounced in this maritime transport company. User
representatives, 500,000 per year, stand in solidarity with the strikers
to demand a mediator and negotiations. They also received the support of
union representatives from the Régie des Transports.

Unusual walkout! Several Météo-France forecasters went on strike on
February 22 to protest against predictive systems deemed unreliable! The
protesters are also demanding an increase in staff numbers, in the
all-digital age.

Valdunes (see previous CA): Denouncing the absence of news of the social
plan planned by the buyer of the Trith-Saint-Léger site (the French
group Europlasma) which will see the elimination of 130 positions, the
employee strike movement of the Valdunes factory, the last manufacturer
of train wheels in France, resumed on February 19 in Trith-Saint-Léger
(North). After two days of strike, the mobilized employees indicated
that they had obtained "guarantees of reclassification and training".
On the one hand, Europlasma has finally announced its recovery plan by
proposing to invest EUR15 million.
On the other hand, the CGT demands that the former Chinese shareholder
MA Steel pay for the planned layoffs. She asks that he participate in
the financing of the PSE to be able to requalify, retrain, the people
who will be left behind.

Between "150 and 200" of the 360 permanent employees of the Eiffel Tower
Operating Company (SETE) went on strike on February 19, causing the
closure of the monument. The CGT and FO unions denounce in particular
the increase in the amount paid each year by this local public company
to its majority shareholder (99%), the City of Paris, while its finances
have suffered in recent years. The fee, collected by Paris town hall,
will increase from 16 million to 50 million per year. With Covid, there
was a loss of 130 million euros. In addition, lead depollution in
particular cost more than 120 million euros.
This renewable strike, resulting in 6 days of closure of the monument to
the public, ended on February 25. The unions and the monument operating
company notably reached an agreement on "an ambitious investment of 380
million euros until 2031". An Olympics effect?

Employees at the Bosch factory in Mondeville decided to return to work
on March 5. Employees, both workers and managers, who, for the first
time, went on strike to, they say, save their company and secure their
An agreement has been reached with one of the two possible buyers.
However, employee representatives remain vigilant. They hope that the
economic and financial project will be sufficiently solid.

Corsica Linea employees have been on strike since March 11 against the
opening of a passenger and freight link between Toulon and Corsica. The
latter will be provided by Méridionale, which belongs to CMA-CGM.
They denounce a threat to the Corsica-Continent public service
delegation (DSP).

The conviction handed down in May 2020 against the tire manufacturer
Goodyear for unfair dismissal at its Amiens site was confirmed on appeal
on February 22. (Six months salary)
Called to rule on the case of a former employee of the Goodyear factory,
the Amiens Court of Appeal judges that his dismissal "is devoid of real
and serious cause", "for lack of proof that the decision to close the
Amiens-Nord factory site in 2014 was necessary to safeguard the
competitiveness of the Goodyear group."
The difficulties experienced by the Amiens factory alone are not enough,
in the eyes of the Court of Appeal, to justify the existence of a threat
to the competitiveness of the company. The court recalls that Goodyear
had in 2014, the year the factory closed, "distributed dividends to its
shareholders for the first time since 2004."

The social plan targeting the Sud-Ouest newspaper is not a surprise for
its employees, but its scale caused a shock within the company and led
to a one-day strike on March 6. 118 positions at the regional daily out
of a total of 720 employees would be eliminated.
In detail, the editorial staff could lose 25 positions (out of around
250 journalists), the rotativists would give up on 24 positions, the Pau
printing house would see 18 positions eliminated when the prepress
(preparation of printing) would lose 22. management and marketing are
also affected but on a smaller scale.
If the number of editions will remain unchanged (ten), the closure of
three agencies is planned by management. The local areas of
Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Orthez in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Sarlat
(Dordogne) are concerned.

March 4, 2009 - March 4, 2024. 15 years ago, the agreements signed
between the State, communities and trade union and employer
organizations put an end to 44 days of mobilization by the Liyannaj Kont
Pwofitasyon (LKP).
The plural collective called LKP, made up of around forty associations,
employee unions, political parties, cultural organizations, and even
artists, intended to fight against the high cost of living in
Guadeloupe, denounce monopoly situations and , as its name suggests, the
"Pwofitasyon" of economic actors, to the detriment of consumers. It was
also about making demands in favor of improving the living conditions of
citizens in Guadeloupe.
The agreements notably provided for an increase in low wages, as well as
an increase in the purchasing power of Guadeloupeans by reducing the
price of certain products.
Today, what remains of the agreements full of promise, obtained through
a hard struggle during this major general strike, which paralyzed the
archipelago? Almost nothing has changed, according to general opinion.
The LKP spokesperson agrees. For Elie Domota we are witnessing a
prolonged inaction, or rather a "keeping the people of Guadeloupe in

Lufthansa group ground staff were called to strike on February 20. A
previous strike, at the beginning of February, was very successful,
causing the cancellation of almost 90% of the flights initially planned
by the group.
The Verdi union is demanding a 12.5% increase in salaries, with at least
500 euros more immediately on the monthly pay slip as well as an
inflation compensation bonus of 3,000 euros.
The pilots of Discover, the group's leisure subsidiary, also went on
strike from Saturday February 17 to Monday February 19 for the
introduction of a salary scale and regulations on flight missions and
rest times.
Lufthansa always. This time, it was the cabin crew of the leading
European airline group who were invited to strike on March 12 for all
flights departing from Frankfurt airport, and on March 13 for all those
departing from Munich. Employees want to benefit from the "record
result" recently announced by the company.

Dozens of delivery workers in Kingston, Jamaica, went on strike on
Valentine's Day demanding higher wages and other changes to their
working conditions.
Drivers have planned one-day strikes in Kingston.
"They must improve the minimum wage"
"It's not enough to survive in this country"
There is much work to be done, there is much to conquer.
Get organized! To struggle against!
Transmitted by Solidarity Federation Jamaica, supporters of the AIT
(International Workers' Association) in Jamaica. (Source CNT-AIT)

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