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woensdag 29 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCAD'I #184 - Pre-lucan elections (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

If the Lucanian elections are a precursor of future voter behavior, they
tell us that the combustion process of liberal democracy and delegated
representation has developed a flame that threatens to grow stronger.
Less than half of those entitled to vote voted, 49.8% . This tells us
that those who will govern have the support of around 26% of voters:
definitely a good example of participation and democracy, which provides
less reliable indications than an opinion poll on the real political
orientations of citizens. The level of disappointment and discouragement
of the voters reaches ever higher heights, because it is increasingly
clear that even if they vote nothing or very little changes and that for
the voters " this or that is equal to me ." And let it not be said that
it is a matter of indifference because voters have every reason to be
disgusted after having witnessed the various "ballets" before the vote
and the choice of candidates. The result of the vote therefore
plastically expresses the role and function of the owners of the cards.
One of the keys to understanding the electoral results is the
transhumance of the Pittella clan from the Democratic Party to Action
and of this into the centre-right coalition, bringing 30,000 votes which
are the ones that made the difference. In fact, the national and local
Democratic Party had dumped the Pittella brothers; the first, Gianni,
because he was involved in the scandal relating to the relations of
left-wing European parliamentarians with Qatar, the second because
already President of the Region, accused of crimes relating to the
management of the health service, he had first been investigated and
then acquitted, even later degree, from any accusation. Gianni Pittella,
however, retained the position of mayor of Lauria and the ability to
direct his personal hectorship, demonstrating the weight of the owners
of the cards. These aspects of judicial news at a local and even
European level have many repercussions on the territory because the
Pittella family consortium, quite legitimately, was still able to act as
an intermediary to obtain access to community funding and therefore keep
the consensus alive of his family constituency and his clientele.

A program for the Region

Then there is the issue relating to the management of oil extraction:
the Eni field located in Viggiano in the province of Potenza is flanked
by the more promising Tempera Rossa field. headquarters of TotalEnergies
Italia and home of the Basilicata oil centre. Here the well called
«Gregolane 2» entered into activity in 2023 with an estimated production
of around 7 thousand barrels per day. The oil company that manages the
new well in partnership with Shell and Mitsui, plans to activate another
one in the wake of the meshes expanded by the Government. We are talking
about a still exploratory well called «Gordinene 3» for which
TotalEnergies Italia received a denial from the Ministry of the
Environment of the previous executive, which raised a series of critical
issues of the project in relation to the environmental impact. The
Basilicata Region deemed the documentation insufficient with regards to
references to seismic risk and waste disposal. Also on standby is the
"Gregolane 4" well, through which the multinational intends to evaluate
the potential of the northern part of Tempa Rossa, which has never been
drilled until now. The entire Basilicata project of TotalEnergies Italia
involves the commissioning of eight wells, an oil center with a daily
production capacity of approximately 50,000 barrels of oil, 230,000
cubic meters of natural gas, 240 tonnes of LPG and 80 tonnes of sulphur,
a LPG storage center equipped with four road loading points. On the Eni
front, however, no other wells are planned, in line with the provisions
of the recent renewal of the concession which does not contemplate other
extractions, but only ordinary and extraordinary maintenance works.
Political choices are then necessary regarding the future of the Melfi
plant, belonging to the Stellantis group, whose employment strategies
are unclear, but which constitutes the main employment opportunity in
the Region. On the level of the general economy of the Region,
agricultural policy is of particular importance, due to the presence of
cultivation of first fruits and investments relating to tourism would be
essential for further valorisation of the valuable area of Maratea and
Metapontino, which has the archaeological site of Paestum, located among
thousand-year-old olive groves.
There are scant and vague traces of these problems in the electoral
programs which do not even find room for problems such as those of the
health service in the Region, the subject of many scandals and judicial
investigations, which have so far constituted the main concern of the
political class interested in profiting from them through a
clientelistic management and above all to profit from "health tourism"
made necessary by the insufficiency and inefficiency of the health
service in the Region.
If the forces of the reformist left had been able to develop serious and
credible proposals for at least some of these problems raised to the
attention of the reader, instead of having to witness the theater of
clashes between the national secretaries of the parties of the so-called
camp However, it is perhaps possible that the election results would
have been different.
But anyway, faced with a fascist government that undermines freedoms,
leads the country to poverty and disaster, commits it to wars and
rearmament, the reformist left finds nothing better than to clash over
who should be the prince of a non-existent and increasingly improbable

The Editorial Staff

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