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dinsdag 28 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCAD'I #184 - April 26, 1945 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

You read that right, April 26th. It's not a typo. This year we are on
the 79th anniversary of the liberation from fascism and Nazism and the
attempt to build a different country. If things don't change (but maybe
they will and for the worse) the 80th anniversary of liberation will be
celebrated by the same heirs of those who were defeated. A space-time
paradox. The direct children of the fascists will have to attend (but
will they?) at the demonstrations to remember when Italy got rid of
their fathers. A plot worthy of a Philip Dick book. But why be surprised?
In this country resistance has become a burden for everyone. Without the
celebrations, the flowers and the crowns, that period remains extremely
uncomfortable. For the right, of course (they fought against them) but
even on the other side they don't joke, in terms of misunderstandings.
Partisans over ninety are remembered (to whom all due homage is given)
but we avoid thinking about that extraordinary path of disobedience, of
rejection not only of fascism and Nazism, but also and above all, of the
exploitation that those regimes carried out . But what weighs most is
the individual and collective choice to rebel without waiting for
commands, above and beyond the armies.
The fear, the fear, of this armed popular force which we were tasked
with disarming as soon as possible is understandable.
April 26th is what happened next. A decades-long struggle to affirm
those values that had been the basis of the resistance. But after the
blaze of the 70s of the last century, anti-partisan revisionism has
become common currency, on the right but also on the left (writing
"left" seems inappropriate to me). The success of Pansa's books, a
well-orchestrated condensation of falsifications, half-truths and
outright hoaxes, has given many right-thinking people the weapon they
were waiting for. Books that many have not even read but which have been
brandished like an ax against the partisans.
Last but not least, Minister Sangiuliano who did not fail to celebrate a
"martyr of the partisans" by pointing out the ANPI for who knows what
(without anyone pointing out him, recalling that he militated with the
fascist Almirante, republican and "journalist" on the
Defense of the Race) for then move on to the eternal lamentatio for the
killing of Giovanni Gentile to whom a stamp was dedicated.
But enough with this story. Gentile was not killed because he was a
philosopher in peacetime, but as a supporter of CSR, the Nazis and
everything that followed in a world conflict that took 60 million human
So as the historian Santomassimo rightly writes, a collaborationist, of
whom no one disputes the importance of him as a philosopher. But, in the
course of human events, it can happen that we are judged for what we do
in that moment.
Philosophers, workers, farmers, poor or rich.
In the upside-down world, the fascists in government call anyone who
condemns the genocide that Israel (the State of Israel, the government
of Israel) is committing against the Palestinians anti-Semitic.
Remembering that Jews and Palestinians are both Semites is of no use,
but seeing the representatives of the Jewish communities defended by the
grandchildren of those who sent their ancestors to the gas chambers
continues to strike us with an unscrupulousness without any limits.
The entire Italian press and the entire constitutional "arch", including
the fascists, then used the term "resistance" to indicate the defense of
the Ukrainian army against Russia. An obvious, and not harmless,
falsification that has once again brought accusations against ANPI
(which is now fashionable to target. Renzi began in 2016).
These friends of the partisans are curious. Everyone is fine with him
but not the real and historically determined ones, who fought not only
to expel fascists and Nazis but for a future progressive and egalitarian
But the government in office, it must be said, has made its mark on the
office. Anyone who dares to protest or criticize is beaten with
truncheons, or, as in the case of Prof. Canfora, sued directly by the
Prime Minister.
Quite an intimidating attitude. But which lies in the general silence
because the pact, as we have written it other times, is clear: internal
"sovereignism (with rose water)" in exchange for total adherence to the
external neoliberal diktat and total submission to
NATO's war policies.
Moreover, to avoid any misunderstanding, it is the same path that Benito
Mussolini followed, who already had quite clear ideas before he went up,
so much so that in Udine on 20 September 1922 he made them explicit:
«We are for class collaboration, especially in a period like the current
one of very acute economic crisis. We want to strip the state of all its
economic attributes. Enough with the railway State, with the postman
State, with the insurer State, Enough with the State operating at the
expense of all Italian taxpayers and aggravating the exhausted finances
of the State.»
As April 25th approached, they warned us that it was not appropriate to
ask for a "ceasefire". As always, political and media powers love
war...but they make others do it.
And the good Mentana says that the equidistance of the ANPI is a shame
(again!) and not only between Ukrainians and Russians but in Gaza, where
in response to an attack arising from the specific situation, Israel
eliminated tens of thousands of civilians .
Who knows what lesson of equidistance can come from those who in recent
years have cleared the declared fascists of CasaPound by inviting them
on broadcasts or going directly to their offices.

At that time? Which April 25th should we remember? The one that had as
its objective the elimination of fascisms as ideologies born within the
capitalist West and intimately and closely linked to it, or a kind of
"liberation" under the hegemony of the USA, NATO, and again the
fascists, a arm in arm with neo-Atlanticism which is now openly

Andrea Bellucci

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