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woensdag 22 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCAD'I #184 - Fascistization on the march (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We would have liked to talk to you about the Def, but at the time of

writing we realize that we cannot do so because the document simply does
not exist, as this Government, in the imminence of the European
elections, prefers not to explain to the country that to reach the end
of the year it will be a blood and blood budget maneuver is necessary,
aimed at recovering the resources that are missing to conclude the
financial year.
Not only that, he should have told the country that it has no ideas
about what it will do next year, but that it will have to dedicate the
few resources available to responding to the infringement procedure that
the European Community will inevitably open due to exceeding the deficit
which today stands at 7.4%.
He should have said that a fiscal maneuver will be necessary which will
burden the lower classes and workers on fixed incomes, because
furthermore there is no money for schools, for the health service, for
pensions, for welfare services, for anything. Better to boast of the
fact that 80 years after the Liberation from fascism, the fascistization
of the State and Italian society is underway by the grandchildren of
fascism and Nazism and that this is the only promise that the Government
has been able to keep.
For the moment the narrative continues and talks about a country where
everything is going well, where employment is growing like never before,
but it forgets to explain that it is poor and very poor work, extremely
precarious and underpaid, where millions of people work but they are
poor in a disastrous demographic situation, where the economy is
destined to slow down due to a lack of manpower to feed a job market
that requires new workers; this while a senseless policy squanders the
resources available to combat migration with useless image initiatives
such as the concentration camp for migrants under construction in
Albania and while 500 thousand young people abandon the country every
year due to lack of prospects and due to starvation wages.
In recent months, the right-wing government has prepared and is
implementing a tax reform that places the cost of the state on
fixed-income workers, who pay 95% of taxes, more than in the past; the
distance between rich and poor widens until it becomes an abyss. Every
measure to support poverty has disappeared and more than six million
citizens live with an income below the subsistence threshold. The
government majority refuses to accept the introduction of a minimum
wage, as happens in all European countries, a housing policy does not
exist, the national health service is on the brink of disaster, due to
the absence of doctors and nurses , queues to obtain a health service
that are lengthening beyond measure. Every day 3 workers, who had left
their home to go to work, do not return and lose their lives at work; if
this were not enough, the only problem that seems to become increasingly
urgent is that of rearmament and the increase in military spending.
A Parliament completely dispossessed of its functions is toying with the
adoption of measures ranging from increasing penalties for the
repression of raves to the introduction of anti-abortionists into
counseling centres, legitimized to torture women who turn to these
structures for termination of pregnancy, in order to blame them. No
greater space is left for civil liberties: while the government
challenges the administrative provisions of Emilia Romagna before the
TAR which would allow the application of the ruling of the
Constitutional Court on the dignified end of life to any protest
demonstration, starting with those against the war and against the
genocide taking place in Gaza, are repressed with truncheons; while
prison sentences are proposed for journalists who dare to circumvent the
snark introduced with the ban on reporting the text of the decisions of
magistrates who indict white-collar workers and politicians for their
misdeeds, censorship on television paid for with public money is decreasing.
The sting imposed on the media through the acquisition and control of
newspapers, the occupation and subdivision of Rai, the control of
information agencies, the intimidation of critical voices through
intimidating complaints and reckless arguments, we are witnessing the
re-emergence from the sewers, more and more frequently, of fascists and
Nazis, once marginalized from public life. The political personnel of
the militant right, having survived the class clash of the 70s, which
constitutes the backbone of the neo-fascist party, taking advantage of
the defeat of the working class, is today firmly in power with a spirit
of revenge which materializes in the re-proposal, not even very
sweetened , of the classic fascist dictatorship, in its most repulsive
forms and social contents, materializes in the occupation of every space
of power.
The emptying of political life and the barbarization of social conflict
sees individual hatred prevail which is no longer class hatred, but is
the fruit of the social envy of those who do not want to feel less smart
than others and are therefore ready for any compromise , to every
transformation, to every cowardice, just to prevail over those at his
side, rejecting social solidarity with contempt, replaced by the belief
that the poorest, the most unfortunate, are such through their own
fault, because only power and Material well-being can bring success and

The triumph of the oligarchy

By implementing a revisitation of Robert Mickels' revisited theory of
social classes, the right in power stands out for the establishment of
the supremacy of the oligarchic component of society and gives life to
"illiberal democracies" which in fact constitute in another form, only
apparently different, the revival of Putin's oligarchic model, supported
by an identical role of the traditional and religious social components,
although without a religious apex figure that Putin instead has,
Patriarch Kyrill.
For the most refined strategists of the ownership of power, attributed
in "illiberal democracies" to a composite oligarchy due to its social
origins and characteristics, and which was formed thanks to a new
stratification of social classes, jobs and roles , in the highly
ideological post-industrial society, legitimation belongs to the
management of power. It does not need the support of the majority of
citizens, but that of a qualified and motivated minority of them is
sufficient, obtained through a progressive selection, by abandonment, of
the electoral body which is sufficient to legitimize the exercise of a
general plebiscitary power , confers the mandate by an apparent direct
participation of all in the appointment of the top representative of the
Seen in this context, the premiership proposal takes on a less vulgar
and occasional configuration and becomes part of a more general
political project based on a revisited theory of social classes which
reinterprets the role and function of classes and classes to identify
social segments that act as point of reference and element of
legitimation for the political management of society, supporting the
"new" political class.
This vision of society, while recalling the previous fascist and Nazi
experiences in the configuration of power and in the social roles of the
different components of society, presents itself as something new and
aims to constitute the answer to the complexity of managing life and
society today, eliminating the role of collective social participation,
simplifying everyone's social responsibility, electing the individual as
a cultural and political point of reference, once again becoming a
subject of a society managed by an oligarchy which alone possesses the
tools of social management and the legitimacy to exercise power .
Only the temporary presence on the papal throne of a pontiff foreign to
these logics does not today allow the oligarchs of the West to have a
religious authority that allows the simultaneous use of the truncheon
and the aspergillum, but in Europe there are already those who, albeit
in a minor tone, he proposes himself for this role: the Ecumenical
Patriarch who was already patriarch of the empire.

A classy response

The class left arrives at the appointment with history not equipped to
give an articulated and reasoned response to the strategy of the
dominant classes, aimed at strengthening the power of domination over a
social structure which, precisely because it is more complex, lends
itself better to being manipulated, if it lacks points of aggregation
and a clear location for classes and social classes whose boundaries
have been made evanescent, contributing to creating a melting pot within
which it is almost impossible to distinguish rights and duties,
interests and needs, aspirations and hopes; in other words it is
impossible or almost impossible to glimpse the plan of an open, free
future society, both in terms of civil rights and, above all, freedom
from want, even if the conditions for creating a more just and humane
society are all there. Thus everything today contributes to making us
forget that equality is the prerequisite and foundation of freedom and
that without freedom from want there is no republican eution that
contains the perspective of equality in freedom, stating that "All
citizens have equal social dignity and they are equal before the law,
without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political
opinions, personal and social conditions.
It is the duty of the Republic to remove economic and social obstacles
which, by effectively limiting the freedom and equality of citizens,
prevent the full development of the human person and the effective
participation of all workers in political and economic organisation. and
social development of the country." With this Government the
constitutional pact is failing.

The editorial team

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