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woensdag 22 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, Aragon, Apoyo Mutuo AM: Mutual Support defines its political line: for democratic confederalism in Aragon (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

On February 26 we celebrated the first Aragón Mutual Support Congress.
Five months after the first libertarian social forum Colectiviza!,
organized in Andorra, we met in Ejea / Exeya to lay the foundations of a
political organization that we want to be a reference for
confederalists, libertarians, municipalists, unionists, collectivists,
cooperativists, feminists, interculturalists and ecosocialists from
throughout the Aragonese territory.
During the morning, we received the delegations of Union Communiste
Libertaire (France), Embat (Catalunya), the KCK (Union of Democratic
Communities of Kurdistan), CNT Aragón-La Rioja, colleagues from
Andalusia, as well as support videos from Nafarroa Ekosoziala and Apoyo
Mutuo Madrid, and greetings from CGT Aragón.

A political organization for the entire territory.

The first block of agreements focused on the organization of Mutual
Support around territorial nuclei. Our objective is to adapt to a
territory like Aragon, disorganized by capitalist development during the
20th century, which has depopulated our regions, while concentrating
more than half of the population in a single city, Zaragoza. We want the
good people who reside in our neighborhoods, towns and small
municipalities to be able to have a political home, in which they can be
supported in their militant commitments by colleagues who are
geographically and emotionally close.

At an organic level, therefore, Apoyo Mutuo was defined as an
organization based on federalism and the social insertion of a political
strategy resulting from the analysis and collective debate of its militants.

Our structure will be based on the principles of autonomy,
responsibility before the assembly and the organization, revocability,
co-representation (women and men in all positions) and female veto. This
last principle means that co-responsible women will have the right to
veto the decisions and issues to be dealt with at different
organizational levels. In addition, Apoyo Mutuo agreed to draft a
"Protocol against sexist attacks" in the organization.

Political Line.

Next, we debate and agree on the Framework Presentation on our Political
Line. In it we define Mutual Support as a political organization
belonging to the tradition of libertarian socialism and that is
committed to a model for Aragon inspired by Democratic Confederalism.
This opposes the Nation-State model, born of Capitalist Modernity. We
understand that the State, as a tool of class oppression, is an enemy to
defeat, which we need to convert into something as weak as possible to
be able to overcome it. This task is carried out from the construction,
in opposition, of popular power, the strengthening of the structures and
organizations of the movements. From the awareness that the State is not
an ally to count on, but an obstacle that must be overcome, we defend
its replacement by a society organized around institutions of democratic
counterpower, capable of taking charge of the administration of the
common issues.

Just as our colleagues defended decades ago, our territorial model faces
the borders defined by Nation-States, which tend to cultural
homogenization and segregation. In an opposite sense, our confederal
model, starts from the same municipality or neighborhood, establishing
an organization from the bottom up and where diversity is welcomed and
promoted on a daily basis.

Radical Democracy.

Secondly, Apoyo Mutuo defends a radically democratic society,
understanding this democracy not only as the existence of open channels
of political representation, but also as a system that allows and
encourages the participation of the entire social body in public affairs
based on mechanisms of direct and federal democracy. This concept of
democracy is incompatible with capitalism, which puts the means of life
in the hands of a privileged social class, preventing the free social
and political development of the majority of the population.

The democracy that we defend is equivalent to replacing the current
structures of domination and exploitation with others based on the
collective ownership and management of social wealth, as well as on the
socialization of political power. To achieve this, we are committed to a
representation model that prevents privilege through mechanisms such as
co-representation, revocability and delegation mandated from grassroots

Radical democracy implies a democratization of the economy. Proud of our
collectivist history, we are committed to a libertarian socialist
economic model, which we understand as the collective ownership of all
means of production, distribution and investment, as well as natural
resources. We defend this collectivization to be carried out through
institutions such as the union, the cooperative and the various
democratic institutions of territorial administration, starting from the

In the presentation we also defined our position as a feminist,
eco-socialist organization that supports respect for cultural pluralism
as a condition for achieving democracy. Next, we debate specific
presentations on Aragonese linguistic diversity, overcoming the weak and
self-conscious proposal of an outdated and ethnocentric "trilingualism"
of the country; and other presentations on the different strategic lines
to follow during the next two years: in the face of the normalization of
machismo in our society, in the face of the institutional reality of
Aragon or our commitment to class unionism.

We closed the congress with four territorial nuclei in progress, opening
the organization to the good chent / good people / good people who want
to create a radically democratic Aragon.

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