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vrijdag 21 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Australia, Melbourne, MACG, THE ANVIL #13-3: Anarchism 101: Organisation - Anarchist? Organisation? Surely that's a contradiction in terms! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

This is still one of the most common 'mainstream' objections that
anarchists encounter. The Italian anarchist Errico Malatesta responded
to this topic at length. ---- Malatesta argued that human society is
synonymous with organisation. Everything we require to live, from food
to housing to education, is the product of cooperation and interaction
with multitudes of other human beings. In order to live, humans have to
associate for various purposes, and adopt the forms and means required
to achieve those purposes. Which is to say, in order to live, humans
build organisation.

The ruling class tells us that organisation cannot exist without
'authority', the idea that some are in command, and others must obey. To
maintain this authority, all manner of violent coercion is required. The
notion that there is no organisation without authority is a self-serving
lie concocted by rulers of all kinds trying to defend their parasitic

At the heart of anarchism is the idea that humans can organise and live
and produce everything we need without masters, without a ruling class,
and without any special group in command that everyone else must obey.
Authority is not a prerequisite to social organisation, but a hindrance
upon it. The ruling class gives us wars, poverty and environmental
destruction, whilst syphoning off the wealth produced by the working class.

Political Organisation and Class Organisation

To us it only makes sense that we should unite with others who share our
politics, reach agreement on strategy, share resources, and cooperate to
advance our politics. Comrades who refuse to organise squander their
time and energy on ineffective and isolated action, before falling into
inactivity, and leaving the next generation of anarchists the task of
once again rebuilding our politics.

We seek to build an organisation that unites committed revolutionary
anarchists from across the working class, in order to advance our
politics and strategy. This organisation cannot be separate from the
working class. Anarchist ideas are a historical development of the
experiences of workers, who as an exploited class seek to create a new
world free of tyranny and exploitation in any form. The challenge before
us is to make these ideas the leading ideas of struggle within the
working class.

But it is not enough to only build anarchist organisation. The minority
of workers who are convinced of anarchism are not enough to make a
revolution. We should not make convincing everyone of every aspect of
our ideas a prerequisite for revolutionary struggle. To convince people
of our ideas, we need to struggle alongside them. This means that beyond
the political organisation, anarchists must enter and build wider
organisations of class struggle.

We call the wider organisations of class struggle mass organisations.
Within the mass organisations we argue for anarchist principles and
methods of struggle. We argue for ever greater and wider solidarity
between struggles. We show that our own struggles and other struggles
are linked, that we face common enemies, and that the issues we face
have systematic causes rooted in capitalism.

We want to make anarchism the leading idea in struggle, but we never
want to make the mass organisations officially "anarchist". To be
effective, mass organisations of class struggle must draw in all workers
prepared to struggle, and not just those we can convince of anarchism.

Within organisations of class struggle we argue for direct action, and
we fight against hierarchical control and for movement democracy. We
argue for these principles and methods both because we believe these are
the best methods for winning the immediate demands of movements today,
and because we believe these methods and principles equip movements to
fight and defeat greater enemies tomorrow.

By participating and fighting for our ideas within the organisations of
struggle that exist and emerge today, we hope to support the development
of the mass organisation of the working class that can make and win the
social revolution against capitalism tomorrow.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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