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vrijdag 21 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE. - (en) France, UCL AL #349 - Culture, Read Olga Bronnikova and Matthieu Renault: "Kollontaï, Undoing the family, making love again" (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Of Alexandra Kollontaï we only had biographies, compilations of texts,
abstracts, not work equivalent to that of this critical biography of the
work and the person. The primary interest of this work is indeed in this
original approach of going back and forth between writings and lived
experience. It restores all the relevance of his thoughts, his audacity,
but also his irrelevance, his errors, even his untruths. ---- This essay
takes as its starting point an alliance with Lenin on the question of
the participation of working women in the revolution and the progress
they made from it (access to work, divorce, abortion, equality salaries).

But this time of understanding gave way to conflicts. Kollontai's
thoughts on sexuality were described as "anti-Marxist and anti-social"
by Lenin. Because for her, the emancipation of women had as a
fundamental condition the abolition of the family (bourgeois, nuclear)
and the property relations (physical and psychological) which underlie it.

There lies the core of her revolutionary thought and her materialist
feminism, which she declined in two complementary and intertwined
directions: on the one hand, the radical reinvention of love; on the
other hand, the integral socialization or communalization of
reproductive tasks, starting with motherhood.

She opted for camaraderie, as an elementary communist emotional
disposition, which was to allow the conception and consolidation of the
"great proletarian family".

Rediscovered after May 1968 only to immediately fall back into memory
amnesia for a few decades, it reappears today with the currents of
thought of materialist feminism.

Interesting commented and critical biography, which does not spare the
confrontation with its theoretical errors of revolutionary thought.

Dominique Sureau (UCL Angers)

Olga Bronnikova and Matthieu Renault, Kollontaï: Undoing the family,
making love again, La Fabrique éditions, 264 pages, 18 euros.

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