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dinsdag 25 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE BULGARIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Bulgaria, BA: Give up the war! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In a few decades, historians will debate exactly when World War III

began. Today we can hardly predict the future. But we can say for sure:
we are already at war. ---- The Bulgarian state has openly taken sides
in the war between Russia (China) and Ukraine (USA) - the rulers are
racing to demonstrate loyalty to the USA by rushing to send military aid
to Ukraine. But what's worse is that the processing of the subjects'
minds is in full swing. Although not particularly successful, the ban on
Russian news channels is censorship not seen since the days of
"communism". The dehumanization of the "aggressors" is part of the
processing - the Russians are equated with orcs, the Bulgarian media
compete to erase Russian culture and Bulgarian history, and the
"services" - to hunt Russian spies on commission. We are not supposed to
be in a state of war, and the taking away of rights and cutting people's
incomes is constantly justified by war.

Wars are due to two factors.

One is the growing income gap between the poor and the rich. This gap
leads to an opposition that the minority of the rich has only one way to
win - by convincing the majority of poor people that other poor people
in another country are to blame for their problems.

The second factor is the opposition between the capitalist giants. The
erstwhile hegemon, the United States, is gradually withdrawing its
military and economic tentacles from the world, and in its place is the
rising Chinese dragon. There is no instance in history when a dominant
empire has given way without sacrificing the lives of the enslaved
people - it is too antithetical to the nature of capitalists. For money,
they are ready to set the whole world on fire. Not only Palestine and
Ukraine are burning. Currently, with more or less casualties, more than
50 wars are being fought around the world. A war could break out over
Taiwan or Iran at any moment. And Bulgaria will not remain neutral.

If they could, "our" rulers would turn their rears to the West and to
the East at the same time. They will refuse no one to sacrifice us in
the coming carnage. It is only a matter of time before the Bulgarian
state gets involved with an army in some hot conflict, is attacked by a
neighboring country or, if we learn from history, invades somewhere in
another attempt to "take back the original Bulgarian lands". Each of us
can become a victim of the struggle for "democracy", "traditional"
"European" values or simply for the "national ideal".

But before you sacrifice yourself in war, consider the following:

Politicians' skins are more expensive than yours. Wars are fought so
that there is no danger to them. While ordinary people pay for the
"national ideal" with their lives, they negotiate on the phone about
where to sit at the negotiating table. For decades now, they have been
scaring each other with nuclear weapons, but no one has dared to use
them against an equal opponent - after total destruction, there will be
no one left to rule over. So they prefer to let us kill each other, then
divide the planet between them.
The children of the rich do not die on the front lines. Even when they
decide to play war, the commanders make sure to kill the ordinary
soldiers instead of them, for which they will not be held accountable.
When the Bulgarian army goes to war, the children of Peevski and
Kostadinov will not return in coffins, but our children.
While people kill each other, the rich get richer. Germany was noisily
sending tanks against the Russian army, while quietly buying so much
Russian gas that the US authorities had to blow up Nord Stream to stem
Russia's gains. However, the same American authorities continue to stock
up on Russian nuclear fuel, while with their dollars the Russian army
buys drones. Blood can smell, but money can't. Murders are just another
way to make money at someone else's expense. The more death, the more money.
Money, money, money! - Napoleon I once said and stared to swallow the
whole world; money, money, money! - say our Bucharest people's
baziergens and listen to who will die in order to snatch the property
from him; money, money, money! - said our kir Mihalaki, and he was - a
porker. Money is mind, money is feelings, money is life, money is god.

Hristo Botev, "This is waiting for you"
["Alarm Clock", year I, issue 3 of May 20, 1873]
And in the Bulgarian army there are people who are ready to kill for
money. Some of them are currently on "missions". But this text is to
those who abhor murder, no matter who gains from it. Give up the war!
Leave the army! Do not respond to subpoenas! Don't let your kids there!
Be heroes and stay home!

When they send you to war, they won't talk about money - the money stays
with them. They will talk about the "protection of the original
Bulgarian lands" (which they should sell), about the "monstrous crimes"
(but only for foreign ones), about the "protection of Bulgarian
children" (who are being sent to death), about the "fight against
fascism" (while preach fascism). But the fight against fascism begins at
home, by refusing to participate in the crimes of the monsters that rule
us. And it continues to resist these crimes - not as part of an army of
monsters, but among the people who suffer.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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