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dinsdag 25 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Anarchist Agioi Anargyri - Kamaterou: Publication of the brochure "The Working Class and its allies (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

An anarchist approach to the question of defining and clarifying the
term today" ---- From anarchism in Anarchist theory, Anarchism in Greece
---- Publication of the brochure "The Working Class and its allies - An
anarchist approach to the question of defining and clarifying the term
today" ---- From the initiative for the production and circulation of
anarchist political discourse and theory "Ortus" ---- From the brochure:
----[...]Anarchism it is a revolutionary movement with clear roots and
references to the working class, the oppressed and the exploited of the
planet. His most important political vision, his final vision, is the
social revolution that will overthrow this domineering and exploitative
world and gradually give birth to a new one: that of equality, freedom,
solidarity, without borders, states and classes, without gender and race
discrimination. The members and activists of the anarchist movement have
traditionally come from the wider working class - and those who have
historically come from an upper class, have willingly given up their
political and material privileges or put their wealth in the service of
the cause...
... As can be seen from the chapter above, a key part of our broader
political analysis as anarchists (should) be class analysis. And an
important part of this analysis is a task for anarchists
today is to clarify what the definition "Working Class" means in modern
terms and who it consists of. This is something extremely important,
since social classes are not mere literature, but their members have
competing material and political interests. So we should put some seals
on the anarchist movement as revolutionary-class and not as simply a
"rights", "identity", cross-class protest movement. That is, a movement
that aims to overthrow the state and capitalism and build a society
of freedom, equality, common property and solidarity - and not simply in
a parallel competitive course. In this way we will manage to determine
his address, his enemies and his potential allies.[...]
The initial version of the text of this brochure took the form of an
article, which was published in two sequels, in the December 2023 and
January 2024 pages of the anarchist newspaper "Mavrokokini Simea"
published by the comrades/equals of the Anarchist Saints
Anargyro-Kamaterou Initiative in Athens.
In parallel with the publication of the newspaper, another version of
the text was turned into a script for the podcast "EmVolya", within the
framework of the libertarian informative website Alerta.gr, while it was
also published on the site itself in the form of an article.
The present version of the text accommodates some minor corrections, as
well as additions of chapters (such as those on the agricultural issue
and the concept of "People"). In addition, now freed from the spatial
and temporal limits of an article and a podcast, the text can "spread
out" a little more verbally and expressively, in places that in its
previous versions were perhaps more laconic, while also hosting a
necessary introduction.
(Note: the so-called "printer's demon" could not but visit us once more,
but the harm is small: Several of the copies of the "first batch" are
missing 3 footnotes (the 1st, 11th and 12th) from the bottom of the
respective pages. Fortunately, this was noticed in time and several
correct copies were obtained. However, in order not to render the many
"missing" copies useless, these 3 footnotes have been added to the end
of each brochure - in a very convenient for our purpose blank page - in
the form of a sticker, as shown in the photo. Consider them...collectible!)
We would also like to thank once again comrade Angelos A. for overseeing
the layout of the brochure (and let him see the cover idea as a ghost of
the European anarchist movement of the 60s!). Solidarity and camaraderie
are cherished values of anarchists.

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