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dinsdag 25 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, AF - On the occasion of the recent student elections: 10 reasons not to organize into a party (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


From anarchism in Education ---- (The Philosophical Anarchist Forum,
October 2022) ---- 10 REASONS NOT TO ORGANIZE IN A PARTY LINE ---- This
text does not support "depoliticization". He does not prefer vulgar
individualistic solutions of the type "everyone for his part" or
indifference to social and political life. On the contrary, we propose a
politicized participation in student and wider social and class events,
collectivization and organization, with the difference that these
concepts are in opposition to organization in a party faction.
It may seem like a trivial anarchist argument but it is the complete
truth. Student factions are youth parties and are completely dependent
on their reference parties. Inside the universities, they express their
party's strategy, to which they are accountable for their actions and
work for it. The students of the party factions aim at the party's
electoral support by operating with the sole aim of the party's
interest. As much as it spoils the romantic narratives some party
members may have, to the higher-ups of those parties you will always be
just one thing: a vote.

Of course, the way of searching for voters and new members differs from
faction to faction. Throughout time, the factions of DAP and PASP tried
to find party clientele through bribery, handing out notes and vulgar
parties. On the contrary, the party factions of the left are looking for
new voters in a way that is more reminiscent of selling a product:
narrow branding of the prospective customer and siege in auditoriums,
corridors and wherever else they are left alone. Few students have not
experienced it!

Both the establishment factions (e.g. DAP, BLOCO, PASP) that support the
existing economic and political system, as well as the communists, that
support the regimes of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" (which
historically have been party dictatorships over the proletariat) are
hierarchically structured bodies. Whether "tightly" or "loosely"
structured, these bodies do not favor the equal participation of their
members in decision-making. Even those factions of the
extra-parliamentary left that try to copy such "libertarian" models of
internal structure and have a relative autonomy from the parties they
belong to, are in fact caricatures of the dominant ideologies they
espouse. Divided and clashing with each other, they fight to see who
will take the lead over the other in the factional hierarchy, a "battle"
that often leads them to internal fights that show their...

All party student youth are trying to contribute to the pursuit of
power. In other words, their parties either aim to take over bourgeois
power in a parliamentary way (this mainly concerns the youth of N.D.,
SYRIZA and PASOK) or they fight for the replacement of bourgeois power
by the "dictatorship of the proletariat". In no way do they want the
politicization of young people to lead to the formation of a
revolutionary movement to overthrow the state and capitalism and to
build an egalitarian society without classes and power, in which the
people will take life and fate into their own hands, will be
self-governing and master of social affairs. In other words,
politicization for them is not the active participation of students and
by extension the whole people in decision-making, but the passive
reinforcement of party decisions.

About factions these things are simple. These are resident youth of the
three ruling parties. They can be judged both by the deeds of their
parties as governments and by the way they act as party officials within
the universities. What these parties mean for the social majority, what
are the anti-people, anti-work and anti-social policies they have
implemented are known things and this text does not fit such an analysis.

So let's stay on the part of universities, mentioning three stations:
Diamantopoulos law (PASOK), Gavroglou law (SYRIZA), Kerameos law (N.D.).
Three bills that struck down the public character of education and paved
the way for further university/market nexus by devaluing studies and
degrees. The goal of the three governing parties was and is to maintain
the class university (after all, there cannot be a non-class university
within the existing class system) and therefore the strengthening of the
profits of capital, the reduction of the cost of the labor force, the
class barriers in education , its seamless operation as an ideological
mechanism in the hands of the state and the dominant economic social
class to perpetuate their power.

Those who insist on differences between themselves, those who believe
that there are substantial political differences and not just different
"recipes" of urban political management between ND, PASOK and SYRIZA,
are in fact just showing which government they want to serve urban
interests against people and the working class. It's time to turn our
backs on them!

The "University Cooperation Movement" is the student faction that is
close to the KKE and is the most representative representative of
Marxism-Leninism within the universities. Its worldview advocates
absolute hierarchy and absolute distinction and inequality between the
leaders (of the Central Committee) and the ordinary members. This
hierarchical distinction also reflects its strategic goal: the seizure
of the state by the party vanguard, its emergence as absolute power over
the people and, consequently, the reproduction of inequalities, which it
opposes. A look at the despotic "socialist" regimes of all countries and
of all variations established during the last century is enough to
understand what this domineering ideology entails, which does not
abolish the social classes and oppressive social relations that exist
within the capitalism, on the contrary, it replaces them with new ones,
equally anti-people and anti-labor.

"Panspudasti" aims at the complete hegemony of every student struggle
and its inclusion in the party plans. He doesn't hesitate to betray
matches he doesn't control, slander opponents, and even organize violent
attacks. Entering the University, if you are not lucky enough to be
among the "few" who will rise in the hierarchy, you will always be a
proxy of the superiors, living a miniature of the class relations of a
factory, a company, any urban enterprise.

The EAAK is also a faction that advocates the Marxist-Leninist
worldview. With the difference that it is divided into tendencies, each
of which sees the socialist regimes of the previous century in a
different way. They refuse to accept that the practical application of
their ideology merely reveals its character and therefore try to crack
it down with 200 different readings to find "what went wrong". The
result of this process is that they end up not even believing in their
ideology and end up supporting social democratic governments within the
capitalist state.

The reformist policy of EAAK (that is, aiming at the reform of the
system and not at its overthrow) leads it to a policy of integration. In
previous years, EAAK and ANTARSYA played an active role in the ascent of
SYRIZA to power, with which they also supported electorally in the
universities through the AREN faction, which is now close to LAE, a
split of which is BLOCO. But also during the years of the N.D.
government. the role of EAAK did not change. Presenting everything as an
"ideological obsession of the right" they spread the illusion that a
"social democratic government" is more favorable to student interests,
as if we never experienced the four years of SYRIZA! It goes without
saying that the large majority who voted for EAAK in the student
elections, when the time comes for the parliamentary elections, will
vote for SYRIZA and not ANTARSYA, which is the big winner of EAAK's
politics. We hope this world turns its back on both of them!

Finally, the EAAK, in order to "open up" to other forces, often copies
their slogans and projects ultra-revolutionary phraseology by carrying
out "friendly attacks". It is the logic of opportunism that
characterizes it, in which only the naive or only corresponding
opportunists bite. While on the one hand the EAAK is "ANTI-KKE" and
"ANTI-ANARCHY" on the other hand it is desperately looking for unifying
collaborations and bass fronts and manages to strengthen itself!

As far as DAP, BLOCO and PASP are concerned, things are again simple. It
is impossible to believe that these factions can strengthen the student
claims since their parties as governments fought them. These factions
infiltrate the universities to trap student forces in their
party-government agendas, at the core of which is the continuous
devaluation of studies, the unfettered profiteering of capital and
everything we described above. These party formations are
representatives of the sufferings we live in and not supporters of the
students' demands.

As far as Panspudastika is concerned, history shows that the struggles
led by the Stalinists of the KKE stop where Koma has completed its
entry. It reaches the point where the "strengthening of the party" finds
a dead end and cannot collect anything more. Wherever the KKE dominated
the movements, it was not long before the moment of retreat, the
surrender of the occupations (as in 2006-7 in many schools), the
breaking of the strikes, the abandonment of the "struggle". Where the
KKE has taken the "head" even today, it will do the same even if no one
has any illusions about it.

As far as EAAK is concerned, the struggles go as far as the reformist
politics of integration and self-delusion meets its inherent limits. To
the extent that a dynamic has developed, which will be transferred to
the ballot box for the change of government. The struggles controlled by
EAAK and the opportunists in general, are struggles that do not lead to
victories and reversals but to the feeding of social democracy, the
"lesser evil", to compromise with the bourgeois political system.

If you want a student movement guided by the party factions we have
described, then the choice to organize in the PKS or EAAK is correct. If
you want there to be no contests and claims, for everything to remain in
place, then the right choice is DAP, PASP, BLOCO.

If you support the despotic socialist states, then the PKS is a one-way
street, while if you believe in the existing system and the possibility
to "change from within", perhaps apart from the government factions, the
EAAK suits you again.

On the contrary, if you want a struggling student movement, that fights,
claims, wins, a student movement made of flesh and blood of unguarded
social and class struggles, then you should look elsewhere. If you want
your struggle today not to be in vain but to aim at another society
tomorrow, then you will have to turn your back on the parties. Then you
should organize and collectivize equally, anti-hierarchically, comradely
and in solidarity with the people who distributed this text to you.

The worst form of organization is that which is not based on conscious
political criteria. We oppose such an organization either in a ruling
party or even with us, at the Anarchist Philosophical Lodge. The
organization for inclusion in a "social belonging" is not a political
criterion. We organize ourselves based on our beliefs, ideals, values
and the society we want to build and not on the basis of where we will
find shelter for our existential impasses, where our friends are, what
others will say about us or how we will strengthen a acting "appearance".

Organizing politically means first and foremost agreement with the
body/organization I am organizing, knowledge of its operation and goals,
as well as knowledge of all other political bodies and their ideologies.
The choice of participating and organizing somewhere should be based on
free, comprehensive and responsible criteria. Otherwise, we are not
talking about politicization, collectivization and participation, but
about passive followership. What, in other words, are claimed by all
kinds of party formations, of all forms, of all ideologies, of all shades!

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