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donderdag 20 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - (en) Ceskoslovenské anarchistické sdruzení - CAS: ELECTION BOYCOTT AS A FORM OF PROTEST AGAINST THE STATE, CAPITALISM AND ITS INSTITUTIONS (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

We know very well that not voting is not enough, yet we believe that
boycotting the elections makes sense and anti-election activities open
up a space for a stirring discussion on the search for an anarchist
alternative as a way to get out of the hopeless situation of
representative democracy, which does not serve the needs of ordinary
people and only legitimizes capitalism, in which most of us are
relegated to being wage slaves for a narrow group of wealthy owners and
If we ever succeed, according to the anarchist slogan, to take "our
lives into our own hands", it depends on each of us, and the smallest
activity can become a fragment in a mosaic that can ultimately lead to
social change and the establishment of a new establishment - social
self-government - anarchist communism. Therefore, promote anarchist
ideas in your surroundings by word and print, participate in protests
and protest actions as anarchists, join unions in your workplace and
radicalize your colleagues - show them the forms of anarchist organizing
and awaken the fighting spirit in them, and organize!
Indeed, the anarchist movement needs a solid political organization with
a clear class and social basis. An organization that will unite all
social anarchists in one body, which will develop anarchist theory and
practice, help educate themselves and those around them, be a base and
support for anarchists so that they can work in popular movements and
trade unions and bring the anarchist spirit of rebellion there and
The Czechoslovak Anarchist Association (CAS) offers space for the
association of social anarchists. Read our program and statutes, if you
agree with them, expand our ranks and become our new member. Our email:

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