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donderdag 20 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY PONTE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Ponte: s.m.a.r.t. l.i.f.e. a primer to avoid it and live happily - Meeting with Roberto Brioschi (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

For use by younger generations but not only - a spelling book to younger
generations, but not limited --- Sunday 16 June at 5pm at the Circolo
Anarchico Ponte della Ghisolfa - Viale Monza, 255 Milan ---- This primer
is a critical emergency, not a "notebook of complaints and
possibilities": Beta testing to subvert neo-liberal and digital
capitalism 4.0. ---- The digital society of platforms has privatized and
de-politicized the individual, monad in the Multitude, terminal of AI
and its humanized apps, in bodies re-composed by the bio technologies of
necessary Beauty, separated from the mind reallocated in the clouds , in
the thoughts and desires put to work in data computing, in our being
producers and products, a mere transaction within a blockchain, in the
imagination of likes, followers, the Metaverse. Dehumanized humanity
whose existence is worth as much as the price of a commodity at the
shopping center.
On the contrary, life must be happy subversion, placed within the
productive imagination which is the construction of History, of equality
in diversity & freedom expressed in the plural, in which everyone can
choose the ways of inhabiting the planet which belongs to everyone and
where everyone is available to help each other with mutual duties: the
libertarian Ethics of the World, where humanity is a living species
aware of a shared becoming together with the other species within the
Nature that is Gaia. Cleansed of all acquiescence and resignation,
re-connected in the bodies & minds of everyone, it is the right and
joyful life that is worth living in the world of people and not of things.
Deserting the existing to free life from capitalist exploitation,
bio-political domination and the dictatorship of the algorithm: we don't
want to live in a world that doesn't exist.

ROBERTO BRIOSCHI was there in the 70s.

Already in Azione Libertaria and in the editorial staff of the historic
magazine "Collegamenti" then "Collegamenti-Woobly", a participant in the
notebooks of the "Fabbrica diffuse", from the 80s and 90s he escaped
Alberoni, Berlusconi and Bruno Vespa.

In the new century he is on the boards of the "Rural Seeds Network" for
food sovereignty, the mutualism of the "Fair and Solidarity Economy"
(REES), the right to universal citizenship of "Refugees Welcome"; today
member of the Scientific Observatory of Civil Economies of the Campania

Unpacified he inhabits contemporaneity. Without a party, he is at ease
in the Common Goods returned to collective use, in the Urban Autonomous
Zones (ZAU). Among his activities he has militant writing: he is the
author and co-author of "Seeds and the earth, manifesto for peasant
agriculture", "Agriculture is social", "Ethical organic", "Guide to
peasant hospitality", "l 'Transformative Economy' (Altreconomia
Edizioni); "The care of the Earth" (Livi Editore); "the concrete Utopia"
(Edizioni Zero in conduct); he intervenes in the periodicals "Sicilia
libertaria" and "Umanità Nova". The volume in progress: "The collective
city, the self-management of the municipality",

"We sat on the wrong side
since all the other seats were occupied"
Bertolt Brecht

What we lack most is believing in the world,
we have lost the world completely,
it was taken from us
Gilles Deleuze, Pourparler
We are looking for the World
James Senese

We want to be sovereigns of the future,
not subjects of a destiny
the author

Ghisolfa Kulübü Bridge

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