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donderdag 20 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY LIVORNO - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Livorno, FAL: LET'S DESERT THE BALLOTS, LET'S FILL THE SQUARES! THURSDAY 6/06 AT 9PM AT THE FAL (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Faced with the upcoming local and European elections, don't vote,

organize and fight. ---- The much vaunted democracy is always a
deception, but in the case of the European elections it reaches the
point of ridiculousness. ---- The European Union has its center of power
in the European Commission, not in the European Parliament, which does
not even have the possibility of proposing laws, but simply ratifies
what has been decided by the Commission. ---- The role play between the
Commission and national governments ensures that the actions of both are
free from any control. Governments are forced to adopt anti-popular
measures because they are bound by the stability plans of the European
Union, while the Commission is forced to adopt these policies because
some national governments want it that way. Ultimately, neither one nor
the other end up being bound by the so-called popular will that would be
expressed in elections.
The various competing electoral lists have in common, in a more or less
marked way, unacceptable issues: the plans to increase competitiveness
and strengthen Europe's role compared to other economic powers in a
capitalist context, the plans to protect the European energy supply
through predatory policies of territorial exploitation also supported by
specific military missions, plans to build walls on the borders and arm
ourselves to the teeth according to the war policy lines that
characterize European foreign policy.

On the administrative elections front, the music is no different. In
this period we have witnessed the assembly of imaginative lists created
by political forces that have joined forces even in incomprehensible
ways in order to participate in the party game with the symmetrical
deployment of the lists and strategic agreements in the event of a
run-off. Accepting the rules of the system means having dull and
narrow-minded, if not contradictory, programs that are often
disconnected from the reality of the struggles. It means foreseeing that
there may be space for the right, which democratically has the right to
represent. It means locking yourself in the asphyxiated dimension of
motions if you are in opposition, shaking hands with businessmen,
soldiers and various lobbies if you dream of governing the city.

The five-year period of the piddì restoration did not mark any
discontinuity with the five-star administration. The city's problems
remained unchanged and it was not the city council that addressed them,
much less resolved them. The real struggles constantly take place
outside the council chambers, in the bottom-up structures created by
networks of working and unemployed citizens, those where the method of
struggle rejects the mechanism of delegation and electoral exploitation.

Change doesn't come through the ballot box. The vote cannot shake up the
city, but only fuel harmful illusions.
In a city where the problems are called unemployment, exploitation,
housing, school buildings, militarization, repression, pollution,
environmental destruction, the solution does not pass through the ballot

Voting is useless. The European and local elections are a scam.
Abstaining is the first step to saying no to all this!
Fighting and organizing from below without giving in to the deception of
the ballot box is essential to truly change society

To discuss it together we will meet on Thursday 6 June at 9pm at the
Livorno Anarchist Federation, Via degli Asili 33

Livorno Anarchist Federation

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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