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maandag 24 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - en) Czech, OAFed: #Ukraine: People fight back against conscription commissions (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

We publish several videos that show the true reality of the war in
Ukraine. ---- The mass media, rich people, politicians and reformist
anarchism from the AF are promoting a relatively distorted image of the
war in Ukraine, where enthusiastic workers take up weapons and willingly
head to the trenches to die for the homeland and the nation. The videos
we share show that Ukrainian men and women not only reject the war
machine, but actively defend themselves against the conscription
commissars, with the support of passers-by.
In the first video, we see a man punching a soldier and refusing to be
dragged to the front. The confused soldiers are apparently taken aback
by his reaction and do not escalate the situation further. In the next
video, the executors of state power try to knock down a person riding a
motorcycle with a car, but he gets up after falling to the ground and
runs away. The third video describes a mass fight between soldiers who
want to drag the men to the front and the outraged public.

Let's add to these incidents the events in Russia - the anarchist group
BOAK has already carried out hundreds of anti-war sabotages. People
carry out arson attacks on recruitment centers. Russia has summoned
thousands of African students, threatening them with deportation if they
disobey. What is the motivation of these students to fight for Putin?

The development of the situation speaks clearly - if the media,
politicians and reformist anarchism support more and more rounds of
armaments and involve the soldiers of other states in the conflict, the
conflict will soon grow into a global one and will no longer be fought
with conventional weapons. The nuclear ones will come next and the
result will be destruction and chaos. On the contrary, if we support
ever-increasing numbers of deserters, eventually the powerful will have
no one to send to the front. The cogs of war engage for good, and the
survivors finally deal with those who sent their relatives to their deaths.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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