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maandag 24 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: MAIA - DEFENDING THE FOREST (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The Alcantara Independent Fire Fighting Movement was born in 2022 from
the need to manage an emergency that overwhelmed us and caught us
unprepared.  We are people, families, associations and entities who have
found ourselves living in partially abandoned rural areas. Many of us
are strangers, not natives, recently settled in a place that called us
for its magnificent landscape and the idea of having found a corner of
the world that is not too contaminated.
  The need to care for the territory that hosts us, and of which we feel
we are custodians, has generated a shared and spontaneous awareness and
responsibility, a movement opposed to the instinct to delegate to others
(or to institutions) the effort to find and apply possible solutions.
Pushed out of our comfort zones, a strong energy motivated us to come
together, discuss and act.

The action was initially hasty and unprepared, so we asked for help.
Thanks to the intervention of the Ibleo Fire Fighting Movement and other
subjects involved in this fight, the impetus to act was confronted with
the need to understand and learn. Learning about the existence of other
groups born with the same intentions gave strength to the growth of this
movement; sharing knowledge, experiences, reflections and practices
remains the basis of this process! An ongoing process of mutual
enrichment and growth.

A rhizomatic network is growing, which is woven starting from the
individual, towards family nuclei, then local hubs, up to regional
coordinations, but also beyond... united, even if distant, by the logic
of mutual help, active citizenship and community management. emergency
(but also everyday)..

This network unites the fight against fires with those who shoveled the
mud from the floods, it unites artists who have never seen arson but
wish to contribute through their languages, we invite you, the reader,
to weave together and generate other rhizomes in a scattered form, at
times casual, spontaneous and genuine.

Sometimes the processes of understanding are nothing more than a way of
going further and further back in the chain of causes and effects that
hide behind a phenomenon.
The fire, the one of human origin that burns the forests of Sicily,
certainly has many causes, but they are all the result of the poor value
attributed to the spaces that disappear every year. Whether it is due to
the carelessness of the owners, the absence of institutions, to satisfy
criminal interests, or for hundreds of other reasons, it is clear that
if something of great value for everyone burned, the solutions would be
easier to find.

find, more transversal and would come from both above and below.
Fighting forest fires therefore, like fighting illegal landfills,
deforestation and monocultures, also means fighting in favor of spaces,
and also asking why this battle must be shared by others. Why do we like
the forest? How can we bring Sicily to see the forest as a precious,
fragile, important space to be defended and enhanced?
The countryside is abandoned because for generations the Sicilians have
learned that the countryside is slavery and toil, backwardness and
sacrifice. Fighting against forest fires means bringing Sicily back to
its countryside, among its wonderful natural resources, and investing in
these spaces as cultural, artistic, visual and human resources.
If the woods are not usable, talked about, and inhabited, it will always
be difficult to explain why we should protect them. We know well that
the forest is good for us even when there is no one inside, and that it
literally produces the oxygen we breathe. The chemistry of our bodies,
however, is more difficult to explain than the wonderful experience
experienced by those who have crossed the forests of Malabotta on foot,
those who have seen the moon rise over the rocks of Crasto, those who
have visited the snow-capped forests on the slopes of Etna .
Defending ourselves from fire means, in our opinion, starting
educational paths aimed at young Sicilians, and not just at small groups
of virtuous environmentalists, who already share the same ideas and the
same spaces. It means working with the schools of small towns, with the
old and new inhabitants of these lands, to explain that these spaces are
resources, both tourist (and therefore economic) and natural
infrastructures where we can live quality lives, time that is precious
to the point of being invaluable .

Environmentalism is not just a political struggle, but a commitment
towards a cultural transition, which cannot avoid bringing local
communities into the forest, restoring paths, and imagining innovative
spaces of art and cultural enjoyment, where the territory is now
abandoned, or worse, managed by wicked market dynamics and illegal
practices, tempting places for arsonists and those who have not
developed an environmental sensitivity.

 From the Alcantara valley with ardent passion and spirit MAIA -
Alcantara Independent Fire Fighting Movement


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