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donderdag 20 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #349 - International, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The soundtrack of the Israeli genocide (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


For more than six months, Israel has been carrying out a genocidal
operation in Gaza, accompanied by intense propaganda on television,
radio and in official speeches. Music is one of the levers: many songs
glorify the massacre and dehumanize Palestinians. Immerse yourself in
the extremely violent words of Israeli genocidal rap, reading which can
be particularly harrowing. ---- With 22 million views[1], the rap clip
Harbu Darbu is widely distributed. Nes and Stilla spit on the "band of
rats coming out of the tunnel", and the chorus calls on the different
army units, against the sound of weapons: "Golani, 1,2, shoot, nakhlawi,
1, 2, shoot, Shirion,1,2 shoot, where is Givati? 1,2, shoot". Dozens of
hits of this type have appeared on Israeli platforms.

The celebration of the massacre
While the Israeli army has long sought to euphemize its action,
genocidal rap describes the unvarnished reality. In October 7 (1.3
million views), EZ sums up this state of mind: "There is no longer the
most moral army in the world, "moral" my ass, "moral" ends up in the
closet." In Shager (2 million views before its deletion by YouTube[2]),
Raski raps: "There is no more "hit on the roof": today we no longer
warn.»[3]Mi mechuga by Duda Gang (2.3 million views) ends with: "You
don't have bread and water, ah! and you have no home.» When these songs
were released, all of this information was true.

As you might expect, racism is pervasive. In Mi Mechuga for example,
dehumanization occurs through clichés about the body: "All your fatmas
look like p..."; "your leader looks like a chimpanzee", etc.

But genocidal rap mainly serves to galvanize. Dozens of videos of
soldiers posting their crimes on social media play these songs in the
background. On one of them, a bulldozer destroys olive trees against the
backdrop of the verse of Harbu Darbu where Stilla raps: "We're sending
the whole army on you and there will be no forgiveness.» On another, we
see the corpse of a Palestinian, in the middle of the rubble, with as a
soundtrack a verse of insults against "terrorists" in Mi Mechuga.

Militarist hell
These songs celebrate a deeply militarized state where everyone must be
able to take up arms at any time. Giborei al, from the group Hatikva 6,
celebrates this mass enlistment: "It's true, everyone looks normal, but
we are a people of superheroes. Behind each of us there is a soldier.»

These songs describe the majority and the opposition united in the
genocide[4]. Ratski says it clearly, in Shager: "The army unites when it
is necessary to liquidate. There is no left, no right, everyone: shoot!»
Likewise in Harbu Darbu: "In half a second the whole country is in
uniform. Reservists, in military service: everyone, one, two, shoot!»

Children are not spared. For Purim, a traditional dress-up holiday, many
videos show small children dressed as soldiers or playing with fake
weapons. The Kahn News channel published, on November 19, a clip
presented as the "2023 friendship song", deleted after a few hours. We
see very young children singing: "In a year, there will be nothing left
there, and we will return to the safety of our homes. Within a year, we
will eliminate them all, and we will return to plowing our fields.»

Fascism, religious fanaticism and the cult of force
The militaristic nation united to "defend itself" with arms is an idea
rooted at the heart of the Zionist national narrative. In the first
years of the creation of Israel, the dominant discourse pitted powerful
Zionists who would not give in to the victims of the Shoah, who would
have gone to the camps "like sheep to the slaughter". We find an echo of
this in Ze alheinou: "Not a timid little Jew with knocking knees, a Jew
with firepower, smoke and swords.»

The most violent episodes in the Bible are invoked in support of
nationalism. The destruction of Amalek by the Hebrews (Exodus, 17.8) is
everywhere, with Palestinians often being called "sons of Amalek". The
ten plagues imposed by God on the Egyptians also serve as a reference.
As we can hear in the song Shager: "IDF like the ten plagues.[...]They
fire like a rain of shells and Jenin is under the wound of the first

Most often, singers present this massacre as an opportunity to finalize
ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the West Bank. "They yell at me "Free
Palestine"[pun on "free Palestine"], but strangely it makes me think of
holiday sales" (Harbu Darbu); "2,3, shoot!" Let's get busy!» (Shager).

If the genocidaires do not hide, it is also because their international
supporters see no problem with it. A verse from Mi mechuga says it
clearly: "We will leave Gaza when there is nothing left. The United
States is behind us, did you hear Biden telling you to be careful? "I
have one word: don't"[6]. Yallah! You will have difficulty seeing the
photos of Gaza, there are no more neighborhoods left in Gaza, you can no
longer drink anything in Gaza, you will no longer be able to bury the
bodies in Gaza.»

This is what the "unconditional support" of the United States, France or
Germany for Israel means. At a time when Israel threatens to provoke a
regional war, there is an urgent need to demilitarize this genocidal
state and to fight against the complicity of the French state.

Daniel (UCL Lyon)

To validate

[1]Unless otherwise noted, YouTube view counts were last checked on
April 17, 2024.

[2]All the other songs mentioned are still available on YouTube at the
time of writing this article. Obviously, the platform considers that
these videos do not violate their policy relating to hate speech, which
leaves one wondering.

[3]"Roof knocking" was a practice by the Israeli army during previous
massacres in Gaza to "warn" the residents of a building before bombing
it, by sending a first empty shell at it. This allowed the army to
pretend to care about civilians, while continuing to commit mass
killings. Today, many bombs have been sent without being preceded by a
warning shot, therefore without leaving any time to escape.

[4]In May 2023, an article by Ory Noy already criticized the
institutional opposition for its silence during the massacres in Gaza.
See the May 9, 2023 article, "War on Gaza is the glue that binds
Israel's opposing camps," on 972mag.com.

[5]The plague of the firstborn is the last of the ten plagues of Egypt,
the one that finally leads the Pharaoh to free the people: it involves
the death of all newborn Egyptians. It is important to note that Jenin
is not in the Gaza Strip: all Palestinians are targeted, from the Sea to
the Jordan.

[6]"I will only say one thing, don't do that.» Excerpt from Biden's
speech on October 10, 2023.

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