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zaterdag 22 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #349 - Ecology, Flamanville Power Plant: In Caen, resumption of the anti-nuclear fight (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On March 23, in Caen, a demonstration took place against the launch of

the Flamanville power plant scheduled for 2024 - twelve years late. A
first mobilization in which the Norman groups of the UCL participated in
a libertarian procession. ---- It was on the west coast of the Channel,
not far from Cherbourg, that work began in 2007 on a new generation
nuclear reactor, of the EPR type, in the Flamanville power plant.
Scheduled for commissioning in 2012, then 2017, then 2020, it is
finally, after twelve years of delay, numerous adventures and billions
spent, in 2024 that the reactor should be started. EDF does not seem to
want to postpone once again, despite a recent suspicion of falsification
committed by one of its suppliers on the site. News which does not
delight the many opponents of this project who have been campaigning for
years against the EPR and who, for some, had fought against the La Hague
nuclear waste reprocessing plant since the 1960s, located just a few
kilometers away. It is for this reason that, at the initiative of the
Anti-Nuclear Coordination, a demonstration was organized in Caen on
Saturday March 23, in which UCL Caen took part.

At 2 p.m. in front of the premises of the Nuclear Safety Authority
(ASN), the body which will have to decide whether or not to start the
reactor, there were around 700 demonstrators, displaying the colorful
flags of numerous associations and political organizations, accompanied
by of the traditional autonomous procession contenting itself with
black. For our part, it is a small libertarian procession, red and
black, that we formed with comrades from UCL Rouen and the Rennes group
of the Anarchist Federation (FA).

A mobilization restricted to the militant environment?
It was a silent demonstration which set off towards the Calvados
prefecture under the downpours of the Normandy rain and it was under the
hail that it largely dispersed after a speech by the organizations and
elected officials present near the Château de Caen.

Although the weather was not favorable to environmentalists this
Saturday, we can still regret that the demonstration did not bring
together more than activist circles. The question of nuclear power is
linked to the question of a social project. The numerous irregularities,
frauds and incidents which accompanied the construction of the EPR are
symptomatic of the productivist headlong rush into which capitalism is
embarking in the face of climate change.

We can therefore hope that this mobilization is only the beginning of a
relaunch of the fight against nuclear power in the region, more
necessary than ever in the face of the government's projects.

Pierre (UCL Caen)

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