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woensdag 19 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL CA #340 - Digital, cretinization, COP 28 and autonomous car: truly eco-friendly (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

It's Libé who tells us this (1): hiking apps for so-called smart phones
are multiplying to the point that the French Hiking Federation got
involved because "this has made it easier to use the map... ". It is
certain that no longer needing to know how to read a map is a great
progress for humanity: no more need to understand these contour lines
which symbolize slopes, no more need to identify north, in short,
perfect happiness and a " maximum connection" (two-way) to nature...
except in the event of network coverage failure. So... it would be
better to have and know how to read a map.

Another gadget with a bright future (?): the connected metal water
bottle (for true eco-friendly people aware of climate issues and the
life cycle of products) from HidrateSpark PRO STEEL which flashes you
when to drink because it "calculates and adjusts your personalized
hydration goal based on your body and activity level. The sensor
integrated into the bottle measures the amount of water you drink... and
then records it in the application installed on your iPhone...". And, if
you are concerned about your daily health to always be more efficient,
the bottle can connect with Apple's health application which - while
siphoning your data to resell it - will offer you valuable advice to
maximize your health capital. .

Then ethical start-ups will be able to offer you an ever more connected
world, equipped with apps that are ever more ready to respond to the
desires that these companies have been able to create. That to run this
shit, we need ever more energy, servers, chips, lithium batteries,
factories, materials and drinking water is never on the agenda. Putting
in the hands of capitalists and digital ideologues the ability to find
one's way in space or the basic biological act of drinking (sorry
hydrating) when one is thirsty is, through technologist fascination,
consumerist alienation, conformism, laziness (the human animal like all
animals is in favor of the least effort), accepting to be dispossessed a
little more of its autonomy to better feed capitalism.

Slight blowback on COP 28 in Dubai
There are some who like to spit in the soup... See Valérie
Delmotte-Masson, member of the IPCC, this IPCC which has complacently
accepted that COP 28 will take place in the Emirati petro-dictatorship
(while waiting for n° 29 to take place in Baku in Azerbaijan, capital of
an autocracy that runs entirely on oil). Sultan Al-Jaber welcomed "a
solid action plan to keep the goal[of limiting global warming]of 1.5°C
within reach". For Valérie "there is nothing "historic" about this
agreement (2). For her, "we would need a very strong drop in greenhouse
gas emissions between 2019 and 2030 (- 43%) and global CO2 emissions
reduced to zero around 2050 to limit warming to nearly 1.5°C.»

However, the commitments made in Dubai would at best allow a reduction
"of the order of 2 to 5%", or 10 to 20 times less than the planned
objective. The final text therefore "ignores these long-term
implications". The "loss and damage fund" intended for the poorest
countries impacted by global warming "is only supplemented... to 700
million dollars" while "100 billion per year" is needed by 2030. And the
exchanges of carbon credits which should associate "with each tonne of
greenhouse gas emitted financing for losses and damages" are not even
mentioned. Greenhouse gas champagne for all these beautiful people, and
stone caviar for the others.

Why so many hedges?
Hedges are not a natural plant formation, because nature abhors straight
lines and prefers curves, irregularity and sinuosity. Old hedges are the
artificial creations of farmers intended to demarcate plots, prevent
herds from wandering, protect paths and crops from the wind or limit the
erosion of arable land. Hedges were also, originally, providers of
goods: wild fruits (blackberries, hazelnuts, even fruits of fruit trees)
or firewood which was the origin of the "poldpole" pruning of trees..."(
3). Purely utilitarian therefore, they gave rise to these bocage
landscapes which were massively destroyed from the 1950s in the name of
land consolidation, a precursor to rationalization, mechanization and
agricultural industrialization. 70% have therefore disappeared and we
continue to "take off 24,000 km per year since 2017" (4).

Farmers are not the only ones responsible for their disappearance:
departmental councils and state services responsible for road
maintenance, SNCF but also fiber optic installers are uprooting or
pruning this proliferating vegetation and pruning it. anarchic.
Hedges encourage wildlife that is often useful for crops: insectivorous
birds, pollinating insects. They also play the role of an ecological
corridor allowing the movement of animals and the genetic mixing of the
living things they host. Without forgetting the "well-being of domestic
animals by offering them a shaded rest..." Their uprooting increases the
risk of floods and floods and destroys their capacity to store useful
water in periods of drought.
Their absence "promotes soil erosion" whose particles "increase the
turbidity[the quantity of solid matter suspended in water]of rivers and
an entire ecosystem which needs light will suffer. Sediment deposits
also clog the spaces between the stones, which serve as spawning grounds
for fish.» Without forgetting the chemicals from agro-industry which are
no longer retained and will further rot aquatic environments.

Theoretically, hedges are protected and farmers receive subsidies to
plant them. But all this does not work very well and many farmers (but
not all fortunately) complain of the difficulty of circulating their
super tractors for which they have gone into debt, while they occupy
space to the detriment of their production. agricultural. Another
recurring complaint is their cost and the time spent cutting them.
Whereas to have a beautiful hedge, you have to leave it alone. But here
we touch something very deep in a majority of farmers: the hedge is a
mess, it's not productive and it annoys them. This joins a more global
fear analyzed a long time ago by François Terrasson, "the fear of
nature", a fear that we combat by artificializing by controlling to the
death, the living and the wild.

However, even the technocrats and other poisoners of the Ministry of
Agriculture have promoted the 2023 "hedge pact" with "110 million
euros... to develop and maintain hedges and the objective is to give the
same amount in subsequent years. The challenge is to plant 50,000 km of
hedges by 2030." Because "the preservation of old hedges is therefore an
emergency, in the name of safeguarding an invaluable historical,
cultural and natural heritage, not only compatible but vital for 21st
century agriculture.» Unfortunately, following the recent farmers'
movement, the organized crime syndicate that is the FNSEA has been there
and the hedges, these lousy obstacles preventing ever more production,
will once again be able to be massively destroyed.

By the way, a short extract from an old song (1977) by Gilles Servat
which hasn't aged a bit:
"But why so much relentlessness / To want everything to be taken away /
But why so much relentlessness / To want that everything is ripped out /
Is it for yield / Or so that no one hides there. Chorus: And the water
runs away, runs away, runs away / In the meadows, the grass was so
beautiful / And the water runs away, runs away, runs away / I hear the
tap bucket on the bottom of the well»(5)

Autonomous car, end clap?
Apple's "Titan" project was to revolutionize electric car driving by
removing the steering wheel and pedals in order to leave all the driving
to super AIs that would leave the passenger free to consume music and
films, and to buy superb, useless objects. , to work for his boss (the
automobile was the only place where an employee could not work), on
roads peppered with sensors ensuring perfectly safe journeys. It was the
promise of a bright future. Saint Macron told us in 2020 "do not be
afraid". But unfortunately, Apple has just announced the end of this
beautiful novel, this beautiful story after 10 years of experimentation,
billions of dollars spent and hundreds of layoffs as a result (6).

Because the fabulous fully autonomous cars tested on American streets
have spent their time running over pedestrians (to protect passengers?)
or hitting "a fire truck... all sirens blaring". A few manufacturers are
still struggling: Honda, Mercedes, Xaomi (telephones) while Elon Musk
laughs at Apple's setbacks. However, its cars in autonomous mode tend to
leave the road, killing their passengers, as in Texas in April 2021.

And, the electric car niche is starting to have various problems. First,
its lucrative business on carbon credits has crumbled. Since 2019,
Stellantis (Peugeot, Fiat, Chrysler, etc.), which mainly manufactured
very polluting thermal vehicles, bought Tesla's "rights to pollute" and
carbon credits (very important at Tesla because electricity is
carbon-free like everyone else). knows) so as not to be subject to
significant fines (we are talking about 2 billion per year). The magic
of green finance thus allowed Tesla to be profitable in 2021 "with a net
profit of $438 million and $500 million in revenue linked to carbon
credits, Tesla would have finished in the red by $62 million if he had
not found customers to sell his carbon credits. (8)» All this has just
ended. In addition, sales have been falling since state bonuses have
decreased and Chinese competition is fierce. Finally, the protests
against its German giga-factory are impressive: demonstrations against
its expansion (occupation of sites), sabotage of its electrical
supply(7) claimed by the "Vulkan group" for whom Tesla "eats up land,
resources, men, labor and to do so cough up 6,000 SUVs, killing machines
and monster trucks per week." Result: production was stopped from March
5 to 13 and Tesla claims to have lost several hundred million euros.
Sniff. Fortunately, the transhumanist billionaire with eleven children
has found a solution: 10% of the workforce will be made redundant, or
14,000 employees.

Never trust macronists, never, never...
We are going to tell you the sad story of a law wanted by Modem
senators. These dead-end allies of Macronie had decided to limit the
massive encroachment of private forests in Sologne. This closure, also
called "solognization", resulted from the desire of the owners to defend
their sacrosanct private property against beggars and to prevent their
precious game from escaping because hunting is sacred and it is a big
business in the region. This fence had some flaws, "it traps[kills]wild
animals and causes biodiversity to collapse"(9). It also made it
difficult, if not impossible, for firefighters to intervene in the event
of a forest fire.
The law of February 2023 therefore requires the reduction of fences
which must be lower to allow wildlife to move. Wunderbar. But, to rally
their voters - the humanist landowners - to this law, the elected
officials voted for an article stipulating "that the simple fact of
walking in a rural or forest property was punishable by a 4th class
fine, i.e. EUR135 'fine... ". To prohibit walking, a simple sign is
enough. This provision establishes "an inequality before the law between
hunters and non-hunters. Hunters have "the right to enter almost all
properties without ever being worried, from the moment they pursue a
mortally wounded animal. (10)» . As 75% of forests are private in
France, the contravention machine to defend private property and
appropriation will start hitting quickly and hard!

Two examples. Two marquises. Two punctures. The first owns 700 ha in the
commune of Villeneuve-Loubet (a third of the surface area of the commune
and 90% of the natural spaces). He "put private game guards on duty" to
prevent access. The second owns 750 ha in Chartreuse: travel ban there
even though his "property" is part of the Haute Chartreuse nature
reserve. Hundreds of demonstrators denounced "the monopolization of the
natural environment by a few people for financial objectives, to the
detriment of the rest of the population" (11). Two green deputies wanted
to have this article of law repealed, arguing that since the Ancien
Régime "a 'gray zone' has prevailed giving everyone free access to
nature...". Their bill was presented in committee: LR, RN, and
Macronists rejected this initiative worthy of the partitioners of 1848.
As they were mercilessly massacred by the party of order in 1851 one
might think that Macron Imperator, the Duke of Bayrou, Viscount de
Ciotti and Baroness Le Pen are preparing the return to the monarchy or
the Second Empire... But beware of revenge, when all the poor will join in.

Rook and Eugene the Jeep


1. Apps, GPS... Hikers in connection with nature.F. Bardou. Release of
2. Valérie Masson-Delmotte and Sonia Seneviratne: "The weakness of the
COP28 commitments implies the continuation of warming beyond 1.5°C".
Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Sonia Seneviratne. Le Monde, 12/29/2023
3. Planting a new hedge does not compensate for the destruction of an
old hedge. G. Decoq, Arnaud Mouly et al. The Conversation of 03/13/2024
4. Give us back the hedges. Antonio Fischetti. Charlie Hebdo from 02/28/2024
5. Madame la Colline. Gilles Servat. Song taken from the album "Chanter,
la vie, l'amour et la mort". 1977
6. The autonomous car makes a splash. JL Porquet. The Chained Duck from
7. Germany: An arson attack shuts down the only Tesla factory in Europe.
20 minutes from 03/05/2024
8. Tesla has just lost a French customer for its carbon credits. Presse
Citron from 05/05/2021
9. Forest ban. JL Porquet. Le Canard chainé from 04/10/2024
10. The limitation of fencing in natural areas established. Lucile
Bonnin. Mayor info from 01/27/2023
11.Chartreuse: a marquis privatizes the mountain, hikers rebel.
Raphaëlle Lavorel. Report from 10/16/2023

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