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vrijdag 28 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL leaflet, Against the far right: the urgency of an anti-racist front (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, while the
far right has never been so high, threatens us with an extension of the
power of the National Rally, Reconquest and LR axis (Eric Ciotti
tendency) in parliament , while almost one in two people did not go to
vote. We must oppose the coming to power of the far right as well as the
widely accepted racism in France, of which the RN is its political
We see a part of French society legitimizing murders and harassment by
the police in our neighborhoods, legitimizing the persecution of people
risking their lives at sea and at our borders in the name of "French
identity". It is this part of French society which creates the far-right
electorate, regardless of their social class. Macron has never been
anything other than a stepping stone for the racist project of the far
right. His government plunges France into a deep social, economic and
political crisis while implementing some of the demands of the extreme
right, such as in the Asylum and Immigration law.

The RN feeds on this past and present colonialist tradition of the
French Republic, the one which imposes its racist domination under
so-called universalist values. Indeed, France is present in all oceans.
The French flag is raised in French Polynesia, in Guyana, on Reunion
Island, in the Antilles, in Mayotte in the Comoros and finally in
Kanaky. Cooperation agreements and access to raw materials, interference
and military interventions in decolonized countries gave rise to
"Françafrique". Let us also not forget that the French government
perpetuates its support for Israel, through a convergence of our
imperialist interests, making us complicit in genocide by delivering
weapons Made in France.

Attacking the far-right at its roots
At a time when the RN and Reconquest are achieving record scores in the
last elections, a real long-term fight against far-right arguments is
urgent. This fight must be against the main fuel of the RN: racism. It
is assumed against Muslims, people perceived as black or Arab or even
the Roma or "Travelers"; he is less assertive today against Jews but
that will not last once he is in charge of the State.

We recently learned of the murder of Angela, a mother and 7 months
pregnant by two men with hatred of Rrom people, as well as the attempted
attack in a gymnasium during Eid in Bonneuil. All our thoughts are with
Angela's loved ones as well as all Muslim people who have been victims
of the latest attacks from the far right. We do the same for Jewish
people who have recently faced anti-Semitic attacks.

We need a grassroots anti-racist fight, anticipating the best and the
worst, by forging bonds of solidarity in neighborhoods, in places of
study and at work. We need union collectives and sections to defend
ourselves against racist violence and to achieve social victories that
will improve the living conditions of all of us.

No voice should go anywhere other than the Popular Front but let us
always remember that racism is not a moral but a social question! Racist
violence maintains discrimination in employment, housing, health and
access to a decent life in general. No path to victory is possible in
the short or long term without the unity of our social camp in the face
of the racism which is plaguing France.

Down with the far right! Let's bring down state racism!

Libertarian Communist Union, June 18, 2024.

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