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vrijdag 28 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EU FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL: Dissolution of elected officials, their political strategies and their political apparatuses! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


We are seeing the emergence of a popular reaction to the possible
arrival of the RN to power. ---- Even if the electoral and political
alliance of left-wing parties from the NPA to the PS tries to lock us
into an electoral straightjacket offering as the only perspective the
establishment of a reformist government which will continue to exercise
power in the service of the bourgeoisie, we also see an offensive and
hopeful revolt taking shape. ---- In Quimper, hundreds of high school
students have been hitting the streets for several days!
In Brest, an AG open to all is organized from the "AG of Struggles"
which was created during the retirement movement. Different actions are
planned. The AG will meet regularly.

Just as the left-wing parties and the leadership of the inter-union
movement slowed down the development of the latest social movement
against pension reform, these same groups seek to lock us into the sole
electoral perspective. Many of us have understood: the single candidates
of the left and their electoral victories would change nothing. Indeed,
the heirs of Jospin and Hollande will never break with the capitalism
that crushes our lives. Exploitation and domination would continue to
fall upon us... and to advance the RN even further in the future.

Let's intensify the class struggle!

However, we understand the emotions and fears that can lead to this
electoral reflex and whatever our vote or not vote in the legislative
elections, what is certain according to us is that our social class,
united and combative, must have the objective to tackle the real causes
of the rise of the RN: in particular the social misery caused by
capitalism such as for example the 155 jobs threatened at the Saupiquet
factory in Quimper following the announcement of the Bolton food group
of a closure project .

Let's organize AGs in the streets, neighborhoods, workplaces. Let's
occupy the street. Let's get organized.

State leaders began to wreak havoc...

Let's take advantage of this to finally see our living conditions and
our society radically change!

Libertarian Communist Organization - Finistere - ocldz at riseup.net -

Read Courant Alternatif, anarchist-communist monthly

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