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vrijdag 28 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN CATALONIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #185 - Elections in Catalonia (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Elections took place in Catalonia on 12 May: the PSC, led by Salvador
Illa, obtained 42 seats, gaining a majority in the regional Parliament
after 13 years. The three pro-independence parties, which in the
previous 2021 elections had obtained 74 seats, obtained just 59: Juntx
(Junts per Catalunya) 35, ERC (Esquerra republicana de Catalunya) 20, la
Cup (Candidatura d'Unitat Popular) 4 seats, halving its presence. The
People's Party becomes the fourth political force with 14 seats, ahead
of the ultra-right Vox, with 11, and the Comuns of the former mayor of
Barcelona Ada Colau, with 6. Finally, 2 seats went to the anti-Islamist
and secessionist party Aliança Catalana , on his debut in the
Generalitat, isolated by a pre-electoral sanitary cordon that excludes
him from any government alliance.
For the socialists this is an unequivocal victory on which the Pedro
Sanchez crisis of a few weeks ago which erupted due to accusations
against his wife, suspected of having received financing and economic
advantages from obscure speculative deals in which she was involved, had
no influence foreign. Even if there is some uncertainty regarding future
alliances, it is very likely that, at a regional level, the agreement
with the two strongest pro-independence parties which at a national
level led to the launch of the amnesty for those accused of the
pro-independence push will end up reproducing Catalan, in exchange for
the support of the Catalanist parties for the PSOE-Sumar executive.
When this happens, it demonstrates to the country's public opinion that
only the socialist party is capable of channeling Catalan autonomism and
the management of the region within the constitutional framework and it
is for this reason that Pedro Sanges and his government emerge
strengthened from these elections . Certainly the loser of this
electoral round is Junts, Carles Puigedemont, who had ruled out
post-electoral agreements with the PSC and promised to withdraw from
politics if he was not able to have a sufficient majority to allow him
to hold the office of President in Catalonia.
To form the new government and have a majority in parliament, 68 votes
are needed, i.e. an agreement between the socialists, the two
independentist parties and the political formation of the Comuns. led by
the former mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau, aligned with far-left positions.

The Editorial Staff

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