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vrijdag 21 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, FDA/IFA: 34 people took part in the anti-right rally in Offenburg. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The strange provincial antics and quarrels that took place in the run-up
to the rally are not easy for observers to understand and the local
press did nothing to shed light on the matter, not only because their
articles were mostly hidden behind paywalls, but also because they
misrepresented details. Well, we are used to that from Baden Online and
the Offenburger Tagblatt. ---- The action was supposed to be part of the
nationwide anti-right demos registered on the day before the most
important, fateful super elections on June 9th. This is roughly what
happened (without giving away any details): A demo against the right was
registered. The right-wing Junge Union was of course not on board - note
the demo motto. They complained about this so successfully that various
supporters of the demo canceled: parties, churches, Stand Up Against
Racism, etc. The demo was then canceled completely and re-registered by
people from Fridays For Future and the Left. It is basically good that
everyone is against the AfD and wants to make this known publicly. But:
do everyone always have to do it together? And who still believes in the
holy firewall and who needs it anyway when the SPD, Greens and FDP are
outdoing each other in doing AfD and CDU work? Why should I vote for all
parties except the AfD? Because only the AfD is "undemocratic"? Because
only it would lead us into dark times? Because all other parties, just
because they are not the AfD, will give us a good, livable future? How
will they do that? By finally, really, actively doing something about
the climate catastrophe and the extinction of species? By finally
abolishing capitalism and establishing an economic system that is tied
to ecological and social concerns and the real needs of people? Oh no,
that is not even on the ballot papers and no party is offering that...Shit!

So today, after all, it's been a few months since the Correctiv
investigations and the subsequent demos, only 34 people came to the
anti-right rally on the town hall square. Of course, the quarrels
beforehand did the rest. There were over 6,000 people at the demo at the
end of January. Where were you today?

An hour earlier, right here on the same square, the fascist deportation
party AfD was able to spread its inhumane propaganda to the people
completely unhindered. Taras "Gollum" Maygutiak and Co. stood with their
ugly pavilion next to the Free Voters and the SPD like any other
democratic party. Because that's exactly what the AfD is: a democratic
party. And that's the problem: we can vote for fascism. And many will do
that because that's exactly what they want. They don't want to be
bothered with complicated things like climate and species protection,
sea rescue, human rights, war, diversity, transport transition,
anti-Semitism, racism and you name it. They want to believe that
everything can continue as it has for the last few decades. And that is
exactly what the AfD is promising them. And in a way, most other parties
are doing the same. You don't win a lot of votes by saying that we have
to change and turn everything around and that we can't carry on as before.

Anyway, the rally followed the usual pattern. A few speeches were given,
anti-fascist songs were played and people stood together and talked for
a while. The speaker from Die Linke made a funny contribution when he
thanked so many people for coming to the rally. He read it from his
smartphone. He had probably written the speech in the hope that we would
experience a second January 20th...I love self-irony.

Of course, tomorrow will not leave me cold and it does matter whether
the SPD or the AfD is in power. If I have the choice between a small or
a large pile of shit that I have to swallow, it is clear what I will
choose. Horst Stowasser once said something like this at an event (or
did he write it in one of his books? Whatever): "If I were a prisoner
and could choose my own guards, I would of course choose the least
sadistic ones." But that doesn't mean that the prisoner has to agree to
being in prison and not working on escaping at the same time.

I'm definitely going to vote tomorrow and what I do in the voting booth
is... secret.

Against the AfD!
Against fascism!
For anarchy!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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