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zaterdag 22 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, Ace Anarchist Collective: Call to anti-election microphone on Thursday, June 6 at 19:00 in Propylaia (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The European elections are to be held for the 10th time in Greece. This
time they are taking place in the shadow of rapid geopolitical
developments, the carnage in Gaza and with a new global financial crisis
on the doorstep. No matter how much the rulers try to convince us that
voting is important, the political and economic decisions for our lives
are and will continue to be made by them. Only the struggle against
states and capitalism can pave the way for a free society, a society
that will not be dominated by exploitation and oppression but by
equality and solidarity.

Elections and the perpetuation of the capitalist world

The entire political world calls to the polls "to strengthen democracy",
"to raise wages", "for more police", "to punish the political system",
"to prevent the rise of the extreme right, etc." The arguments are many,
but they deliberately overlook the reality: whatever the election result
is, it is not going to change the grim capitalist reality. The
(Euro)elections are simply a process of legitimizing the politically and
economically dominant and perpetuate the exploitation and oppression of
our class. It is a cover that hides (and presents as natural and
necessary) class exploitation, exclusion from all decisions concerning
our livelihood, racist policies that entrench societies, the destruction
of nature in the interests of capital, the financing of murderous
mechanisms of the police and the army. All of these are non-negotiable
pillars of the EU. States make sure that they have continuity so that
their power is maintained. This is done by a series of mechanisms,
ideological and repressive, such as the police, prisons, courts, the
army, the church, the media, the school, the family, etc. Despite the
enormous propaganda, the whole of European societies are firmly against
the war in Ukraine. Nevertheless, the European elites without any
hesitation put the war machines forward, fueling the carnage and trying
to maintain their share of the geopolitical pie. Approved goal of the
E.U. it is within the next few years to militarize even more and prepare
for a possible generalized war. It is important that the kinetic forces
and more broadly those from below do not succumb to the war cry. To
sabotage the war and the war industry, not to allow more blood to be

European union, democratic values, hypocrisy

The European Union, throughout time, tries to present itself as a
"superior power", with "deep democratic values", with "interest in human
rights and peace". In reality, however, it is a military and economic
alliance that, either directly or indirectly, participates in most wars,
treats the rest of the world on predatory terms, and suppresses those
who fight. The foreign policy of the EU it overflows with hypocrisy. On
the one hand, in the war in Ukraine, it denounces the Russian state as
an aggressor, concealing its own responsibilities for the war. On the
other hand, it supports the Israeli state in the massacre it carries out
in Palestine. The alleged appeal to humanitarian values aims to hide the
exploitation and oppression, the massacres of people all over the planet
for the interests of the capitalists.

Far right and EU

The warmongering nationalist narratives of the E.U. and the harsh
anti-immigrant and repressive policy, are shifting the political
foreground to more and more conservative paths, steadily strengthening
the far-right and nationalist factor. Unfortunately, parts of it "from
below", for many different reasons in times of crises and wars, turn to
far-right formations. In fact, many times this vote is also presented as
"anti-systemic". A frequent argument of left-wing parties is that this
rise can be blocked at the polls. Something which is misleading, since
historically it has been proven that fascism only crumbles on the
street. Also, supporting the European elections primarily legitimizes
the European elites, as they also maintain and strengthen the
nationalist and fascist reserves.


If we accept that there must be a ruler and ruled, the rotten world
today will be perpetuated and the decisions will be made by some
expert-politicians. Through delegation, sovereigns are given a blank
check to define every aspect of life. Based on the logic of delegation,
instead of going out on the street to fight, they suggest we vote for
some savior who promises us some extra crumbs. Let's just look at how we
(supposedly) "get comfortable" forgetting that as long as the state,
power and exploitation continue to exist, billions of oppressed people
live and die, in absolute poverty, in a daily torture. An everyday life
that is captured in the most shocking way in the migrant concentration
camps in Greece, in the prisons of Iran, from the Favelas of Brazil to
the children's markets in Thailand, from the ghettos of Paris, to the
coal mines of South Africa.

A frequent argument is that the world does not change, so we must look
realistically at how we will survive in the present. Unfortunately, this
argument often "catch" and the possibilities of assimilation through
elections is a very powerful weapon of the democratic regime.
Participation in the elections with the logic of voting for the "lesser
evil" was the main cause of defeat, immediate as well as long-term, of
many struggles and movements. It marks the withdrawal from the path of
strugglers, the abandonment of any liberatory perspective, delegation
and the search for governance solutions within the system.

The pitfalls of democracy can be overcome. The erosion of the
consciences of the oppressed by the state's ideological mechanisms is
reversible and the state's superweapon can be defeated. The path that
leads to a powerless society is difficult, but it remains open. When the
oppressed and exploited of this world believe in their powers, anything
can become possible.

Let us fight without leaders and followers. With faith in our own
strength against all forms of power and exploitation. Let's spread our
struggles from the sabotage of war and the military, to the conflict
with the cops, the everyday violence of patriarchy and racism. From the
opposition to the torture of incarceration in the cells of democracy,
the plundering of nature and non-human animals. The confrontation with
small and big bosses, promoting solidarity in the fights that take place
all over the planet. With the aim of uniting the individual struggles in
the perspective of the overall rupture with the existing: the social and
class revolution. To pave the way for anarchy. A society of freedom,
equality, spreading throughout the planet.



Anarchist collective Acte


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