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zaterdag 22 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Australia, Melbourne, MACG, THE ANVIL #13-3: New Caledonia "Riots" (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

"Anything that happens in New Caledonia is of interest to the nickel
industry", the Financial Review reports. The French government is
pouring soldiers and police into Kanaky (New Caledonia). Kanaky
possesses an estimated 25% of the world's known nickel reserves and
accounts for approximately 6% of global nickel production. ---- The
French state maintains the fiction that "New Caledonia" is part of
France, in truth it is a colony. France seized Kanaky in 1853, drove
Indigenous Kanak people from their land, introduced diseases,
perpetrated massacres, confined Kanak people to "reservations", and
sought to replace the Kanak population with European migrants. Today,
three major companies exploit Kanaky for its nickel reserves, all are
ultimately owned by multinationals with their roots in France.

Nickel is a key component of the lithium-ion batteries used in electric
vehicles, and the electric vehicle industry is expanding rapidly. China
is rapidly becoming a centre of electric vehicle manufacture and
threatens to out compete European car markers. French capitalists fear
that an independent Kanaky could decide to sell the rights to its nickel
mines to Chinese capitalists rather than French ones.

This is why the French state is trying to undo its past promises to "New
Caledonia". In 1998 France signed the Nouméa Accord, which promised
greater Kanak political power and the possibility of Independence. Under
the terms of the Nouméa Accord, voting in provincial elections was
restricted to people who had resided in New Caledonia prior to 1998, and
their children. France is now seeking to undo this process. A recent
constitutional amendment would expand the franchise to recent French
settlers, further marginalising Kanak people, and heading off the
prospect of a successful independence referendum.

The French state is intent on maintaining control over its last Pacific
colony, and Australia implicitly supports France in this aim. As
anarchists the path is clear, we must support the struggle against
colonial rule.

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