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zaterdag 22 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil: FOB CEARÁ: ORC Bulletin 05/24: In the Sindiute elections, vote for Plate 2 - Opposition for the Base. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Despite the surprise of the anticipation of the Sindiute elections,
sectors of the category's base and organized groups managed to dialogue
and establish a unity program to be presented and debated with the
category. This group must remain organized after the union elections,
regardless of the results of the elections, to monitor and question the
union leadership. ---- IN THE SINDIUTE ELECTIONS, VOTE PLATE 2! ----
After four years, the category of education workers in Ceará return to
the polls to elect their new union leadership. However, this process was
not and is not being done in the best way possible and we will analyze it.

The 2020 elections were virtual due to the pandemic. With a single
ticket, ArtSind/CUT and O Trabalho/PT came together to manage Sindiute
until December 2024. The assembly that established the electoral rules
for the 2024 elections decided on a virtual election, but there was a
proposal from opposition sectors of the basis for the union mandate to
be extended for another year, in order to await the vaccination process
that would put an end to the pandemic. However, the union leadership
managed to approve the virtual elections, leading to their victory.
School representatives, in their vast majority, voted for virtual
elections. We imagine that without debating with your schoolmates, which

We understand that this decision is wrong since there are no reasons for
the elections to be in this format. In addition, many colleagues are
already having difficulties registering on the link provided by Sindiute
for the elections.

Reorient Sindiute and correct its path towards independence from governments
The function that Chapa 2 fulfills is fundamental for the oxygenation of
the union movement. The presentation of agendas that deviate from the
logic of official unionism has the function of breaking the limits
imposed by propositional unionism, of "real politik", of the "politics
of the possible".

As revolutionary trade unionists, our perspective is to constitute our
category as an autonomous force in relation to official trade unionism,
the State and Capital, so that our demands can diminish the forces of
our opponents instead of being assimilated by them as is the case today.
Thus, we exercise "revolutionary gymnastics" whether through direct
struggles or disputes with official trade unionism.

Several union entities, including SINDIUTE/CUT, expressed solidarity
with APEOC/CTB due to the category's response to the entity's
undemocratic action. In general, entities linked to reformist trade
unions. These countless defense notes from the APEOC-CTB leadership
reflect the fear of the base that these union leaderships have, the fear
that one day their bases will reproduce this type of response.

In response, notes and more notes emerged from groups of teachers from
schools in the state network, showing solidarity with their own
category. This response is more important than bureaucratic notes, as it
expresses class solidarity in its purest state!
"Let us do with our own hands everything that concerns us", The

During the strike at the beginning of the year, we decided in the
category's assembly to carry out strikes to pressure the City Council to
vote on the bills won during our movement. However, as elections turned
into the Sindiute leadership did not forward the measure.

These bills deal with the CLT for substitute teachers, equality of
rights between employees, regardless of the time of entry, the
recreation of the position of employees as supervisors and educational
advisors, among other topics. These PLs are important because their
implementation politically defeats the PMF and the Roberto Cláudio/PDT
and Sarto/PDT governments, given that it was during the administration
of the first that the replacements lost the signature of their work
card, and in the second the "mini administrative reform" was carried
out. " taking away the rights of civil servants who entered public
service from that year onwards.

We left the February assembly with the proposal to carry out monthly
strikes, to demand and pressure the signing and progress of such bills.
However, the union leadership has so far not made any progress. These
strikes are important not only to defeat the Fortaleza administrations
that attacked us, but to reinforce the most important spirit of the
working class, solidarity.

The method that we believe to be the best is to hold a monthly strike at
the city council, occupying it, forcing councilors to sign the bills
that still need signatures. For example, in June we would stop the
entire category due to the signing of the PL for the replacement's
portfolio. In August, for the teachers in the last competition who lost
their rights, in September, for the recreation of the positions we
appointed, and so on. All teachers would stop, as it affects the entire
category. We are a unique category, but with several segments and
specificities. Separately we fight, but we are weak. United we are stronger.

We are a group of workers dissatisfied with the hegemonic union model,
including that of Sindiute-CUT and APEOC/CTB. We fight for union freedom
and the autonomy of our class. We fight the Tax and Union Unicity, a
consequence of the State's Union Investiture on the forms of
organizations of workers. Meet ORC! Get organized!

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