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zaterdag 29 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY TRIESTE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Trieste, Germinal FAI: At Smarza Pride (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


In an LGBTQIA+ panorama increasingly invaded by exploitation of rainbow
symbols for capitalist and homonationalist purposes, as queer and
anarchist subjectivities we feel a strong need to push towards other
visions and conceptions of our trans* and fag existences and struggles.
Today, many Pride events sell themselves to sponsors and beg for
patronage from institutions and organizations that often find themselves
on the side of those who oppress us, beat us up or generate death all
over the world; we stand in solidarity and participate in alternative
Prides, against any institution and imposed order. Today, capitalist
societies and bloodthirsty organizations use support for non-heterocis
identities as proof of a phantom moral superiority for the sole purpose
of obtaining the consent necessary to perpetrate policies of
exploitation and death. We believe that the queer struggle must
necessarily pass through a decolonial critique, as the liberation of any
body and subjectivity from external domination; faced with the rainbow
flags hoisted above the rubble and corpses of the inhabitants of Gaza,
we can only underline a strictly anti-militarist position, against any
war and oppression.

As queer anarchichx we claim another use of the flag and the symbolism
of queer transfeminist struggles, which is in opposition to the
institutions and processes of institutionalization and capitalist
exploitation of our lives, which starts from grassroots and
self-determination struggles. Being trans*, fagot or oppressed is not
enough if thought and action are not driven by a sincere feeling of
universal liberation. And Israel itself exploits its fame of being an
LGBT+ oasis in the Middle Eastern desert to bomb and present a barbaric
image of the Palestinian people, an image denied by the numerous
testimonies of queer people in Palestine, some of which can be consulted
on the Instagram page @queersinpalestine.
We reiterate once again our unreserved condemnation of the Israeli state
and its genocidal policies and our closeness to the queer and decolonial
liberation struggles from Gaza to the rest of the world. But we are also
aware that no structure - state or otherwise - based on the political
use of religion can open up real spaces of freedom for everyone.
We hope that we can all one day free ourselves from clerical oppression,
class exploitation and all those who undermine self-determination.
Our solidarity is directed to anyone who expresses and acts dissent
towards colonial regimes and states, underlining how oppression is a
condition that transcends national and cultural borders and how a spark
of liberation can come from anywhere.
Only the transnational alliance of the oppressed and the exploited
breaks the borders, shatters the statist and patriotic logic, blows the
identity cap linked to the place, to religion, to tradition to open a
symbolic and real space to the non-place, to utopia, which is not the
unrealizable but only the unrealized.
As queer militants who live and fight in the so-called north of the
world, we have the opportunity to exploit our relative privilege, making
it a tool to open alternative horizons that start from a critical vision
of what exists: not doing so means strengthening the structures of
oppression in place .

Germinal queer and anarchist subjectivities

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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