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donderdag 27 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL: Return to the mobilization against STMicroelectronics and Soitec in Grenoble (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Water not fleas.: Grenoble cannot accommodate all the engineers in the
world! ---- On April 5, 6 and 7, 2024, the Grenoble collective StopMicro
(1) organized a weekend of mobilization. It followed a major
demonstration the previous year. ---- Friday was devoted to several
presentations and speeches on the deadly, especially military, facets of
digital technology. A moment was dedicated to the presentation of the
book "trellises in the labs", published by the editions of Monde à
l'Envers, which highlights the links between the CEA of Grenoble, the
microelectronics industry and the sector of the defense. Still on the
military theme, the Anti Armament and Militarism Coordination (CRAAM)
spoke about the militarist industrial fabric in the Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
region. A particularly current question, at a time of Macronian
"rearmament". On another side of the digital issue, La Quadrature du Net
addressed the issues surrounding the law, fundamental freedoms and the
purpose of controlling digital tools.
The program was a bit dense for a single afternoon, but the discussions
were rich.
In the evening, François Jarrige, technical and environmental historian,
presented to more than 300 people a historical overview of the question
of the monopolization of water resources in France: from the beginnings
of the textile industry with the " retting" (maceration of flax stems),
tanneries, then the 19th century and steam engines to arrive at the
current era with, among other things, the microelectronics industry.
A fascinating presentation, which gives a historical perspective - too
often absent - to current ecological issues.
The discussions following this presentation mainly revolved around
questions of combat strategies: how to deal with this colossus that is
the industry? Sabotage, Earth Uprisings, local Grenoble context, etc.,
but as sometimes in this type of discussion, these themes could only be
approached superficially. Some people from the Anti Tech Resistance
(ATR) group spoke several times about the current struggles which they
consider ineffective given the ecological issues and the need, according
to them, to act to hasten a collapse ". The "avant-garde" aspect of
their movement is quite clear in the speech, and we cannot say that
their opinions reached consensus, but there were several constructive
exchanges with them following the debate, in particular with people
Total Screen.

Saturday was demonstration day: departure at 2 p.m. from Parc Mistral,
heading to the scientific peninsula, where the CEA and the
STMicroelectronics offices are located - about five kilometers, a
beautiful walk joined by 2000 people. The procession was animated with
great energy, with floats, slogans and various and varied songs well
taken up by the crowd. A group had prepared in advance, five or six huge
banners which were hung high at various points along the route with the
help of hooks and long poles. The banners were still in place the
following Monday, so we can say that this action was not insignificant!
A pro-Palestinian procession was also present (it held a press table the
day before), but it is regrettable that from start to finish it only
took up its own slogans centered on the Palestinian question, and never
those of the organization on STMicroelectronics the theft of water and
industry, which could have posed a problem given their sound amplitude.
The incident was the subject of an exchange between the organization and
this committee, let us hope that the two work in good harmony in the
future! The collusions between STMicroelectronics and Israel must be
denounced, and the ongoing disaster in Gaza makes the emotion and the
desire to act in all directions understandable, but that does not
obviate the need to communicate with the organizers of a friendly event
when we decide to intervene extensively...
Upon arrival in front of the STMicroelectronics research center, the
police blocked access. Apparently, the few tags made on the path did not
please the authorities, who would have wanted to show their

On Sunday, we met in a park in Crolles, near the STMicroelectronics and
Soitec factories, for various discussions on the question of water and
the farming world, a guided tour of the surrounding area - the "Mordor"
of microelectronics - by the Office for the Promotion of the Future and
the Greenwashing Trophies 2024 awards ceremony.

Present were the Atelier Paysan, the Confédération Paysanne, Nature &
Progrès and the Voluntary Reapers. Several hundred people followed the
discussions. the canteen was efficient and of good quality, and the
press tables were numerous. Gendarmes and cops in civilian clothes
prowled with their noses to the wind, eager to obtain information in
order to be able to better fight internally against industrial society.

This weekend ended with a great success, and we were already
complimentary of StopMicro for the quality of these three days. But it
wasn't over: Monday morning, the StopMicro collectives, Action Autonome
Isère and the Grenoble Earth Uprisings committee went to block road
access to the scientific peninsula of Grenoble, which concentrates most
of the research and the electronics, digital and biotechnology industry.
Around a hundred people were present, and the blockade lasted for an hour.

See you next year for the next demonstration. And, until then, plenty of
autonomous field struggles in Grenoble and elsewhere!

Z. in the Grenoble metro

(1) As a reminder, this collective is fighting against the expansions of
the STMicroelectronics and Soitec electronic chip factories located in
Crolles, on the outskirts of Grenoble, and in general against the
microelectronics industry and the world that goes with it. An
information tour in the southern half of France preceded this weekend of

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