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dinsdag 2 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #185 - What's new - 15 Politics and business (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Judicial news reports on the activity of the Public Prosecutor's Office,

which is increasingly interested in investigating the relationships
between politicians and business and the buying and selling of votes
during the various electoral deadlines. The object of investigation are
the relationships that many local lists establish with the majorities
that are determined from time to time, offering to support with their
support uncertain and shaky councils, ready to ask to be rewarded for
having allowed the stability of local governments. There is one for
everyone: it ranges from Sicily, to Piedmont, to Puglia and, lastly, to
Liguria which certainly constitutes the most striking case among all of
these. The house arrest for the President of the Region and for other
political and business leaders have in fact created the temporary
paralysis of local institutions, focusing attention on the affairs that
revolve around the management of the port of Genoa, the state
concessions of public areas , the penetration of large-scale private
distribution in the Region (read Esselunga), the management of
landfills, while the activities and businesses that revolve around the
regional management of healthcare could not be missing.

I'm not doing it for my own pleasure...

The politicians would have pocketed, by declaring them, sums intended to
subsidize their political activities and aimed at making up for the lack
of public financing of politics. But the fact is that the mechanism
created favors some, the corruptors, and disadvantages others, who
either did not want to or did not want to was able to take part in the
appropriative division of public activities and goods. This large
availability of money, which would have been illicitly perceived, is
however aimed at obtaining consensus and not only through propaganda
activities, but also through the direct purchase of it, paying for each
single vote a sum ranging from 20 to 50 EUR, or by promising a change of
job or other perks.
We have no intention of being the ones to condemn or acquit those under
investigation, nor do we have the tools to ascertain the truthfulness of
the specific facts contested, but when this is happening it constitutes,
in our opinion, an opportunity to ask ourselves what it is today that
makes it possible, cronyism and the selling and buying of consensus are
becoming easier and more frequent.
Vote buying is certainly not a fact, neither new nor original, but it
characterizes all regimes and political systems in which people vote,
starting from ancient Athens, where vote trading took place even in the
What makes the phenomenon more widespread and worrying today is the
progressive reduction in the number of voters.
In other words, fewer and fewer votes are needed to win and govern; by
applying the laws relating to supply and demand, the value of the vote
becomes more attractive, inevitably rises, and the vote becomes a
precious opportunity for an exchange of favors, especially as the
growing distrust in politics makes various competitors
substantially equivalent alternatives. In other words, aware of the ever
decreasing importance of the vote, the voters, reduced to the gas barrel
by their living conditions or disgusted by the general climate of
dishonesty in politics, find nothing better than to make the sale of the
vote an opportunity to at least gain a utility material from an
irrelevant tool to see their choices affirmed. Lack of participation and
abstentionism therefore support each other and the degeneration of the
political class, of the elected representatives, serves as a
justification for the illicit behavior of the voters and at the same
time justifies their behavior.
We are convinced that the remedy for this situation is not to vote for
honest politicians, also because there is no doubt that it is the
opportunity that makes a man a thief, it is the material, structural and
legal conditions that determine behavior. Therefore we only see in the
modification of mandate democracy the possible guarantees for greater
and effective participation of all in the management of public interests
and activities.
We therefore believe that a clear and irrevocable mandate, subjected to
repeated and periodic verification mechanisms, is the only guarantee for
effective management of the institutions, in accordance with the
interests of the populations.
The proclaimed absence today of intermediate bodies, such as parties,
bearers of programs and ideas is a further element that impoverishes
politics which is essentially based on business committees that arise
and melt like snow in the sun, in the face of opportunities electoral
and which have the sole purpose of obtaining positions of control and
management of public interests in order to be able to distribute favors
and benefits.

In such a context, how surprising is what happens.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL CA #341 - Editorial: The Macrons dare everything, that's even how we know them (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Why put Macron in the plural? Just one is already too many, we are not
going to breed them... ---- By "The Macrons" we mean these parasites who
rot everything they touch and make our lives impossible; The Al-Sissi,
Biden, El-Assad, Erdogan, Jinping, Kadyrov, Meloni, Modi, Netanyahu,
Orban, Putin, Trump, Six (Mohamed) etc... This little banker is not the
target of this editorial for what it is but for what it represents and
which we will never stop fighting: Capitalism in all that it drains of
lies, contempt, obscenity, injustice, violence and death ( s). This
insignificant conductor who gives himself the air of Napoleon III is
neither the first nor the last to occupy the position of zealous valet
of capitalism and the owners. Like the others, he will end up in the
sewers of history... Although...

If it is true that with each new president we say to ourselves that we
have reached rock bottom, this one, we could attribute to him the palm
of the sewers because he always finds himself digging deeper the well of
Since it will have escaped no one's notice that we are in the Olympic
Games period, the OCL Paris Region Group would offer to create a medal
just for it. The medal for the destruction of... In fact, for the
destruction of everything!

In his attacks against the unemployed, private and public workers,
people from immigrant backgrounds, those who fight for more justice and
rights or against large, useless projects, etc., he goes "more faster,
higher, stronger." The Olympics and their world may make us vomit, but
we will allow ourselves to remember that this motto ends with "Together".
For him and his government, "Together" is like "liberty, equality,
fraternity": Vague concepts to mystify the masses.
For him and his government, this means: Bourgeois, bosses, FNSEA,
lobbies, governors, cops, army, possibly curetons and - as in Kanaky -
militias, together to fuck us in the face.

We spoke above of Napoleon III but the methods used over and over again
by this government are more like those of Thiers:

Are employees fighting for their rights? Come on! We gas, we beat, we
mutilate, we arrest and we imprison.
Yellow vests express their disgust with the owners and their lackeys? We
gas, we beat, we mutilate, we arrest, we imprison, and sometimes WE KILL!
Are the suburbs raising their heads after one of the numerous
assassinations committed by police or gendarmes? We gas, we beat, we
mutilate, we arrest, we imprison and sometimes we take the opportunity
to expel.
Struggles against useless projects? Same.
Peasants making a mess? Oh well no... We don't beat up anymore (except
at Conf'). Mr Darmanin "refuses to send CRS on people who are working".
Like, those mentioned above don't work there who are repressed by a
military and judicial arsenal which reached heights during the Macron
era. These characters who believe they can teach us about life with a
joke should, at least once in their lives, get off on the metro or RER
at 5:30 a.m. in working-class neighborhoods (not in the 16th). They
would notice that transport is already armored (even outside the Olympic
period). Full of these invisible people who do not drive tractors
costing several tens of thousands of euros but are nevertheless
essential... Which does not prevent them from being attacked by numerous
racist laws and no less racist cops responsible for applying them. What
an idea also to not be the right color!

And then, even if we don't work, we still have the right to dignity.
After all, if this government absolutely wants to kill the idle, let the
guns go to the upscale neighborhoods to beat up the real parasites: The
rentiers who live off the work of others.

To return to our Thiers in the making, if it crushes everything in its
path, it is perhaps not only for the pleasure of destroying the
proletariat or of suffocating us under the big smelly ass of capitalism
for which it is perfectly suited. job. There is certainly also the whim
of a spoiled child who wants to leave his little mark: Like Chirac who
demanded that his bomb go off, he is relaunching civil and military
nuclear power. Like George W. Bush who wanted to fight like his dad,
Macron talks to us about war every chance he gets, even if it means
implying that a conflict against Russia would not be ruled out.

Could it be to imitate Chirac again that he is now attacking the Kanak
people? Unless, on this one, his reference is Netanyahu. From a
government which unreservedly supports the racist and reactionary
policies of the State of Israel, we can only fear a new massacre like
that of Ouvéa in 1988, in the middle of an electoral period (wait!).
Absolutely no one - even on the right - doubts that the "thaw of the
electorate" for the benefit of the settlers was intended to inflame
Kanaky. But "the idiots dare everything. That's even how we recognize
them." Alas, the repressive forces and militias who attack the Kanaks
rightly fighting for their rights are closer to the Tontons Macoutes of
sinister memory than to the thundering Tontons Flingueurs of Lautner.
The Macron method is now well established: We swing a match to set
things on fire then... We gas, we beat, we mutilate, we arrest, we
imprison, and sometimes WE KILL! As of May 24, 2024, there were already
7 deaths, including 2 gendarmes (one of them killed by an accidental
shot from one of his colleagues while handling a weapon).

No, Mr. Darmanin, the Kanak rioters are neither "thugs" nor "mafiosi".
They are fighting for their survival! Your government, which has
pantheonized Missak Manouchian, whom your political ancestors called a
terrorist, would be well advised to remember that every colonized people
has the right to fight to free themselves from the yoke of their
oppressor. By using their names for dirty political purposes, you have
insulted the memory of the FTP-MOI. They would probably spit in your face.

No Mr Macron, the terrorists are you and your acolytes! You who
terrorize the population of the country you claim to serve and the
people you colonize with your hunts for the poor, your over-equipped
cops, your armored vehicles, your GIGN, RAID and other racist Caldoche
auxiliaries. As one of your vacuum cleaning freak minions said: "We are
not in the same camp".

Without any hesitation, we choose the camp of the weakest, of the
excluded, of the exploited, of the colonized, of those who fight against
all forms of oppression. You will have understood, today as yesterday,
we support the struggle of the Kanak people like those of all the
peoples colonized by France and of course the struggles led by the
Palestinian, Kurdish, Uighur, Amerindian peoples...

Paris region, 05/24/2024

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WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: Books - Cesare Bermani - Macello Ingrao. The dawn glimpsed. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Political militants of the Red Biennium between Piedmont and Lombardy.

Marxist Perspective Library, March 2024. Pages 564. ---- "Of the large
mass of recordings preserved in the Bermani Archive in Orta San Giulio,
it seemed to Marcello Ingrao and me that it might be of some interest to
select the narratives of the communist, socialist, anarchist, republican
and squadristi militants of the 1920s, which I had recorded in the 1960s
and which are transcribed here as reported in speech".
Cesare Bermani collected these testimonies, as has been the practice for
many decades, recording them from the witnesses' own voice, without
intermediaries and without filters, with his tape recorder. Gianni
Bosio, with whom Bermani collaborated on Edizioni Avanti!, writes in the
Praise of the Magnetophone "[...]that it would become the point of
reference for a group of non-academic researchers, whose fundamental
points seem to me to be summarized as follows: The recorder is an
instrument of many and different comparisons, a pledge of new
possibilities even within the traditional cultural disciplines" and
thanks to the use of the tape recorder Bermani has collected thousands
of hours of recordings "The tape recorder documents the constant
presence of the oppositional culture which it comes not only from the
objective historical presence of the popular classes and the working
class, but also from the forms of awareness[...]the tape recorder gives
back to the culture entrusted to the means of communication the
instrument to emerge[...]it gives back to the culture of the oppressed
classes the possibility of preserve the ways of one's own awareness,
that is, one's own culture[...]as far as I am concerned, everything I
have written about contemporary history has largely taken into account
the broadening that oral narratives bring to history".

And it is precisely from these recordings that Bermani and Ingrao have
built this book, starting from a preface of this last Red Biennium, the
roots and strength of a perception, in which the author traces the
events that characterized the Red Biennium in Italy, its scope, the
events of the militants "This experience and this achievement, precisely
because they reached these historical heights and political depths,
would have imposed a particularly painful price in the ebb phases of the
struggles, in the ferocious counter-offensives of a multifaceted
international reaction[...]The story and the memories of those militants
are also a precious testimony to this." "There are thirty-one
testimonies, some are transcribed as they were recorded, the informant
spoke in dialect, his language, because in dialect a concept or idea is
better expressed; the transcription in the "official language" is also
reported. Each interview is preceded by a biobibliographic sheet of the

As Bermani writes, "From these portraits and stories, it seems to me
that a lively picture emerges above all about the Red Biennium and the
subsequent affirmation of fascism and I believe there may be some use in
reproposing them, if only to measure the sidereal distance between
politics and the militants of the time and politics and militants
contemporary to us, that is, over a hundred years later". A not useless
revisitation, I believe, also for the reflections on the debacle
suffered by the Italian left from the end of the seventies onwards". If
the dawn of a new society free from the domination of capital and class
division did not arise, it was only glimpsed, that dawn represented an
aspiration that led the popular masses to new experiments and
formulations, a starting point of a path of formation of a collective
political identity, because as one of the interviewees said "We count
for one, after us there will be others".

Carlo Ottone

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WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, CAB FAG: LEGAL AND FREE SAFE ABORTION! NO TO PL 1904/24!! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB) ---- A CHILD IS NOT A MOTHER, A
RAPIST IS NOT A FATHER! ---- Yesterday, June 14th, we took to the
streets in several cities across the country, denouncing PL 1904/2024,
which could be voted on at any time in the Chamber of Deputies, better
known as the Child Pregnancy PL? ---- With it, girls, women and other
pregnant people, especially victims of rape, can be sentenced to up to
20 years in prison for terminating a pregnancy as a result of violence.
The penalty is greater than the penalty for rape - which is 12 years if
committed against a child. Every 30 minutes a girl becomes a mother in
Brazil, the rates of sexual violence in the country are extremely high,
a PL like this is a blow to the lives of girls, women and other people
who give birth.

We cannot let this Project be approved! Violated people need care, not
jail. Let's take to the streets to shout against the Child Pregnancy PL!

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WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN CATALONIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spaine, Catalunya FAC: Communiqué of the FAC on the Palestinian Genocide (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 From the Anarchist Federation of Catalonia we condemn the genocide that

Israel is currently perpetrating on the Palestinian population. They
condemn the current, systematic and deliberate massacre that the
occupying Zionist forces are perpetrating against the Palestinian
civilian population, children, the elderly, hospitalized people...
annihilating ambulances, hospitals and places of refuge for the civilian
population. ---- With all this, it is evident that Israel does not have
a problem with Hamas, but with the entire Palestinian population as a
whole, which it kills indiscriminately directly through bombs, or
indirectly through the prohibition of entry of food, humanitarian aid
and water. What Israel is doing today not only exceeds the limits of
humanitarian law, the limits of human ethics, but is on par with the
horrors committed in the worst massacres in history, some of which they
were themselves victims


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WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL: Strike at universities and federal institutes shows the way: direct action, independence from the government and unity between categories! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

After more than 70 days of strike by administrative technicians in
education (TAEs), 60 days by teachers nationwide, workers at
universities and federal institutes, along with higher education
students, high school students and basic education teachers (as in
Paraná ) point out paths for the class struggle in general. Until this
month, there were more than 62 federal institutions on strike, with
constant assemblies reiterating the position for strike. Paths that are
not new in the history of the working class, however, in moments of ebb
in struggles, combative movements from certain categories can inspire an
anti-capitalist horizon and encourage other sectors of the oppressed
classes to take up their struggles.

The scenario of underfunding of education is the result of the
neoliberal strategic perspective of the dominant classes, a battle that
is long-term (crosses different governments) and aims to cut the budget
in social services that serve the population (health, education, social
services) and continue to enrich bankers and businessmen.

This policy has been deepened in recent years with the Michel Temer and
Bolsonaro governments and, with the current Lula/Alckmin government, the
education budget is hostage to class conciliation and the neoliberal
mechanism of the fiscal framework, without being able to reverse the
scrapping, the bad conditions of schools and universities. They continue
a deliberate policy of salary cuts and cuts, without adjustments for
workers at public universities and federal institutes, amidst the
increase in the cost of living and other attacks by conservative sectors
on education (such as militarization, outsourcing, ideological
surveillance). The attempt at class collaboration by the Lula/Alckmin
government and its Broad Front is falling apart in reality, along with
the myth of national pacification. We begin to see the oppressed classes
lose patience and use historical methods of struggle. At the same time,
union entities and the category's bases reject any opportunistic
approach from the extreme right to the strike movement.

Indefinite strikes, occupations, pickets and roadblocks as tactics in
several universities and federal institutes in the country set the tone
for the struggle. The unity between teachers, employees and students in
higher and basic education are elements that began to put pressure on
state and federal governments and show the power of the oppressed
classes in front of governments and employers.

As a result of this, at an event with rectors, on Monday, the 10th, Lula
announced a recomposition in the budget of universities and federal
institutes in the amount of R$ 747 million. This value is far below what
is necessary, but it expresses progress achieved through the struggle,
and it is only this that can overcome the scenario of precariousness and
disinvestment. In Paraná, although Governor Ratinho Jr. managed to
approve the state education privatization project, it was not without
struggle and national commotion, in a category that has been heavily
attacked in recent years by the country's right-wing and extreme-right

As if the attacks from the extreme right were not enough, federal
education educators are the target of an attempt to erase their past
struggles and defamation by a significant sector of the PT electoral
base, which propagates false information that Educators did not go on
strike and did not mobilize in past governments. They ignore or hide the
strike during the Temer government, which lasted 26 days and affected 46
universities against Constitutional Amendment 95 (previously, PEC
55/2016) in 2016. They also "forget" the category's participation in the
2017 general strike and the struggles of the Education Tsunami in 2019,
which ushered in the first fights against the Bolsonaro government and
large street demonstrations, before the start of the covid-19 pandemic.
This stance demonstrates that it is in the struggle on the streets, in
the places of work, housing and study, that class consciousness is
forged and that the left's focus on elections, far from presenting an
alternative for radical transformation for Brazilian society, can
produce passive subjects, even conservatives, who demonstrate against
the historical tools of the oppressed classes.

After Lula stated that "the strike no longer has any reason to last so
long", the increase in the category's revolt is notable. Lula sees that
attempts to cool down the strike through the co-option of union leaders
and an agreement with a government union (Proifes) have failed, as the
base of the category does not accept idle talk, much less a coup
orchestrated with skinflints. The category is firm in its intention to
end the strike only after concrete proposals that improve their working
and studying conditions.

This process of struggle demonstrates the limits of the left's actions
through the institutional means of the State and, at the same time, the
great power of the choice for direct struggle and organization of
workers with combative actions. It is the conflict between classes that
can bring about change, not collaboration with the enemy. It is in the
unrelenting popular struggle, with direct action and independence from
governments and bosses, that the oppressed classes are strengthened not
only to maintain and conquer their rights, but also have the conditions
to defeat class conciliation, the extreme right and their allies.

We express our full solidarity with the education strikes across the
country and their important radicalization at this time. The unity of
the fighting sectors and popular support can deepen the massification of
the process and lead us to important victories not only in this battle,
but also in the next ones to come.

  Libertarian Socialist Organization OSL, June 13, 2024

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WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE BELGIUM BRUSSELS - BRUZZ International - dinsdag 2 juli 2024



In this edition of BRUZZ International, we zoom in on the Lithuanian community in Brussels.
Last Sunday on the show:

K.L.8 in Jette

Exhibition space K.L.8 was founded by Lithuanian artist Sandra Meilunaité and co-curators Dilum Coppens and Yannick Marien. They promote young and promising artists.

"We did several international open calls. For some shows, more than 170 portfolios were submitted."
Watch the report

Lithuanian dancing with Lietuvonis

Lietuvonis is a Lithuanian folk dance group in Brussels. Founded in 2017 to keep their traditions alive in their new hometown as well.

"It makes me proud to pass on these traditions to my children. We are also already well known in the Lithuanian community in Belgium and are invited to many different events."
Watch the report

Gintaras Marijauskas, chairman of the Lithuanian community in Belgium

We meet Gintaras Marijauskas, the chairman of the Lithuanian community in Belgium.

"Around the year 2000, there were only about 100 Lithuanians living here. But with Lithuania's accession to the European Union and other international organisations, the number of Lithuanians increased. Currently, there are almost 4,000 Lithuanians registered in Belgium."
Watch the report

Artist Renata Gibaviciute

Renata Gibaviciute is a Lithuanian artist working on non-figurative, abstract mixed-media paintings and visual poetry.

"For weeks the ink dripped on the paper. I had so many beautiful landscapes of paper absorbing ink and water. It's a photograph of time."
Watch the report

Previous country specials

Transylvanian dishes from Romania, a traditional Latvian choir, a Spanish bookshop, Gaelic football, Polish sweets, a Slovenian crime novelist... Once a month, we zoom in on a specific foreign community in the capital of Europe.
Check out all of our country specials through the map below.
See country specials

Do you have an idea and you would like to feature on BRUZZ International? Or do you just want to give us some feedback? Please feel free to reach out, we would love to hear from you!

Take care and see you soon,

Méabh Mc Mahon
host BRUZZ International 
