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dinsdag 2 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE AFRICA ZIMBABWE - ANIMALS - ANIMAL SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL - Deadly snares are devastating Zimbabwe’s animal populations.


We MUST increase the number of snares we remove every month. With your help right now, we will save animal lives.

Please help by making a donation now!

Dear friends, 

Right now, wild animals in the ecologically important Lake Kariba region of Zimbabwe urgently need your help. This is why…

Alarmingly, our anti-poaching partner has seen a surge in the number of wire snares being set around the 9,320-square-mile (15,000-square-kilometer) region in the last six months.  

Snaring is one of the cruelest methods poachers use to kill wild animals

Credit: BHAPU

Lake Kariba is home to a magnificent diversity of wild animals, from elephants and buffalo to cheetahs, lions and leopards. Right now, all of these magnificent animals are at risk of falling victim to deadly snares.

These crude wire loops, which trap animals indiscriminately, cause immense pain and slow, agonizing deaths. Even worse, many snared animals are not collected by poachers, but left to succumb to their injuries over days or weeks

These are completely senseless deaths.

In one particularly devastating incident, a heavily pregnant buffalo was caught in a snare. She endured so much trauma that she miscarried, giving birth to a stillborn baby before dying an excruciating death herself.

Please help by making a donation now!
Our team discovered this heart-wrenching scene on one of their regular patrols: A pregnant buffalo trapped in a wire snare aborted her baby before slowly succumbing to her injuries. 
Credit: BHAPU

With the explosion of snares being laid in Lake Kariba, countless animals are at risk of suffering a similar fate. 

Please help us increase our snare-removal capacity so we can save more lives every month!

Please help by making a donation now!
Credit: BHAPU

In the first six months of 2024, our partner, Bumi Hills Anti-Poaching Unit (BHAPU), removed more than 2,000 snares, sparing the lives of over two thousand precious wild animals. This is a shocking 60% increase in the number of snares recovered in only one year!

Every snare NOT removed means another animal is DEAD.

Credit: BHAPU

BHAPU urgently needs to boost the frequency, intensity and range of their snare sweeps. 

  • For every $800 (around £630) we are able to raise, we will be able to increase monthly snare removal by roughly 17%, enabling our team to save as many as 700 more animals every year. 
  • If we raise $2,400 (roughly £1,900), we can increase monthly snare removal by over 50%, removing as many as 8,000 snares from the wild every year.

Considering that the region lost 75% of its elephants to ivory poachers before 2016, there is not a minute to lose.

Please help by making a donation now!
Credit: BHAPU

Wild animals do NOT deserve to die slow, excruciating deaths in wire snares. Please, help us protect what is left of Zimbabwe’s natural heritage – we cannot wait another moment

Can the animals count on your support today?

Please help by making a donation now!

In response to the dramatic rise of poaching, Zimbabwe is implementing ever-stricter laws, with hefty fines and lengthy jail terms for those found guilty of wildlife crimes. But, as with any criminal activity, the lure of a “quick buck” often outweighs the risk of punishment.

That is why we must all work together to protect wild animals – animals who depend on the kindness and generosity of caring, concerned custodians of our planet like you. 

Credit: BHAPU

We cannot protect animals without you.

Please, donate as much as you possibly can now, and together, we can save Zimbabwe’s precious, irreplaceable wild animals. 

Saving animals and the planet,

General Manager
Animal Survival International

P.S. Beautiful, rare species are being wiped out in the Lake Kariba region of Zimbabwe as snaring soars. Your donation today will help us to increase our monthly snare removal by up to 50% – the only effective way to save animals from agonizing death by snaring. Please, help save wild animal lives! Donate as much as you can right away.

P.P.S. With your generous donations, we have supported our partner’s mission for several years. As a testament to their effectiveness, the team has not lost a single elephant to poaching since 2016. More snares removed = MORE ANIMALS SAVED, so please, donate generously now.

Please help by making a donation now!
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Banner credit:  Steve Edwards/Caters News

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