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dinsdag 2 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE TUNISIA MAHDIA - ANIMALS - AFA animals First Aid - Saving Innocent Lives: Support our Life-Saving Mission in Mahdia

In Tunisia, the population generally does not consider or respect animals, and there are no laws protecting them. The Tunisian state condones the barbaric slaughter of stray dogs
Caring for all, leaving no one behind.

Saving Innocent Lives: Support our Life-Saving Mission in Mahdia

Dear friends,

Thanks to your incredible generosity, we have made significant strides in our mission to support Mahdia’s shelter, home to 57 canines and 130 felines. Your contributions have been a beacon of hope for these animals, many of whom have suffered unimaginable cruelty. Today, we turn our focus to a particularly heartwarming story within this mission – Virginie and her house full of rescued cats.


Credit: Un Cœur sur Pattes Association

Must stop barbaric slaughter of stray animals.

Virginie Dhiab, the founder of “Un Cœur sur Pattes Mahdia,” has been living in Tunisia for six years. Her journey started with feeding the distressed cats and dogs on the streets of Mahdia. As she witnessed their physical and psychological suffering, she began caring for and adopting them. Virginie’s apartment quickly filled with dozens of cats and two puppies. The turning point came when she met Elena, a Russian woman who had taken in around a hundred cats. When Elena fell ill and had to return to Russia, she left Virginie with about sixty unsterilized cats. Virginie, using her personal resources, rented land to establish a refuge. However, these resources are now exhausted, and donations are insufficient to cover the ongoing costs of the shelter, which houses over 200 animals.


Credit: Un Cœur sur Pattes Association

In Tunisia, the population generally does not consider or respect animals, and there are no laws protecting them. The Tunisian state condones the barbaric slaughter of stray dogs, and hundreds of bloody videos circulate on social networks. At the shelter, dogs and cats find dignity and a peaceful life. They are cared for, fed, and cherished.


Credit: Un Cœur sur Pattes Association


Credit: Un Cœur sur Pattes Association

Virginie’s personal funds are depleted, and the shelter’s costs are mounting. Monthly expenses include 4500 Tunisian dinars (approximately 1500 euros) for animal feed, veterinary fees, medications, and daily necessities like blankets, especially for the disabled animals who defecate on them. The situation is urgent, and the shelter’s financial reserves are running out. Virginie works tirelessly, often 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, with very little help.

Credit: Un Cœur sur Pattes Association

Maintaining this sanctuary is an ongoing challenge. The costs of food, medical care, and general upkeep are substantial, and we need your continued support to ensure these cats can thrive. Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and treatments for medical issues are crucial for their well-being. Moreover, the shelter also has many disabled animals requiring special care, further increasing the costs.


Credit: Un Cœur sur Pattes Association

We urgently need to build a good food reserve to continue feeding these animals properly. Additionally, a good stock of blankets is essential, as some become soiled and unrecoverable, particularly those used by disabled animals. Veterinary costs are high, and we need funds to pay for sterilizations, vaccinations, and sometimes even amputations to alleviate suffering. Our primary objective is to provide a safe and loving environment for these animals. Unfortunately, few are adopted, and many will live their entire lives in the shelter. Therefore, our dearest wish is to make their lives as happy as possible, to cherish them, and to protect them from the violence and barbarity of the streets.
Your continued support is crucial. By committing to a monthly donation, you help us plan and allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that Virginie’s cats and the other animals at the shelter receive the ongoing care they need.

By donating this cause you will be helping Association "Un Cœur sur Pattes" Mahdia (Association “A Heart on Paws” Mahdia) in Tunisia.

Caring for all, leaving no one behind.
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