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donderdag 4 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - (en) Czech, CAS: WE REFUSE TO PURCHASE TANKS FOR 52 BILLION (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Ministers approved the expansion of the list of strategic army projects.
Among them is an agreement to join the German tender for the purchase of
77 Leopard 2A8 battle tanks. The agreement is an intermediate step
towards the actual conclusion of the purchase contract, which the
parties could sign by the end of this year, Prime Minister Petr Fiala
(ODS) said. The government is also counting on the acquisition of two
transport aircraft. ---- The Czechoslovak Anarchist Association (CAS)
categorically condemns further militaristic efforts of the current
government. The government wants to spend an additional 52 billion
kroner on armaments for the purchase of tanks. At a time when the
government is cutting spending on education, science, pensions and
social security! A government that serves the rich, including arms
companies and banks, despises us as working people and acts directly
against our interests.

The acquisition of tanks should take place from 2027. After 2030, the
Czech Republic should have 122 tanks. This would involve 77 2A8 tanks
and 45 2A4 machines, declared the Minister of Defense Jana Cernochová
(ODS). These militaristic efforts of the Czech government are part of
the strategy of the NATO military pact. Main battle tanks together with
infantry fighting vehicles form a heavy brigade. The Czech Republic
previously committed to NATO that it would have a heavy brigade at its
disposal until 2026.

However, not only the political parties of the government coalition
(ODS, STAN, TOP09 and Pirates) have militaristic tendencies, but also
the largest opposition party ANO, which approves not only the purchase
of tanks for 52 billion, but also F-35 fighters for at least another 150

It is obvious that we cannot count on political parties against
militarism and armaments, we must build a popular anti-war and
anti-militarist movement, similar to the one that was active in the
Czech Republic against the construction of the US "No Bases" radar. As
anarchists, we should initiate it, stand in the first ranks of this
movement. Let's get to work! Join us!

We don't need tanks and fighter jets, but decent pensions and social
support, free and quality education and healthcare! Not a penny, not a
man for war and militarism!

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