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vrijdag 12 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE. - (en) France, OCL: Libertarian meetings in Quercy: July 23-28, 2024 (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 THE LIBERTY MEETINGS that the OCL offers every summer are planned this

year from Tuesday July 23 to Sunday July 28 inclusive - in the hills of
Quercy, thirty minutes north of Montauban or south of Cahors, one hour
from Toulouse. ---- They are a space for discussion on our activist
investments, which is why they are open to all people interested in the
planned debates; in the spaces left free by the program, other
discussions may be proposed to share an experience or present a
particular struggle.
We will camp on the wooded grounds of a Quercy lodge, in the town of
Vazerac, and we will benefit from its community facilities. There will
also be press tables there, as well as a video library made up of films
on struggles of yesterday and today. Regarding daily life and management
of meetings, meals and cleaning will be provided by rotating teams which
will change every day.
Prices for meals and participation in venue rental costs will be
established according to income (from a daily minimum price of 7 euros
per adult), and 5 euros per day will be requested for a child.
In order to facilitate the preparation of meals and your welcome, we
will ask you to notify us of your arrival by calling (06-16-93-07-28) at
least twenty-four hours in advance.
If you come by train, we will pick you up at Montauban station.

NB: The program below may be modified between now and the campsite, so
we invite you to regularly consult the site oclibertaire.lautre.net and
the next issue of Courant Alternatif to obtain the final version.

Afternoon: Kanaky
After 170 years of colonization, the Kanak people are still resisting
for their self-determination and freedom. The decolonization process
signed by the Nouméa agreement remains unfinished, despite the desire of
the colonial state to unilaterally impose an exit from it, after having
stolen the last self-determination referendum. This spring's
mobilizations against the law on unfreezing the electorate mark a
historic turning point. Social inequalities, racism, colonial justice
are the realities of popular Kanak youth who rose up in the capital to
prevent the colonial power from opening the vote to the bourgeois class
of metropolitan settlers who arrived only ten years ago. years. Fierce
repression, fascist militias, state of emergency...: 2024 is a key
moment in the fight for a free Kanaky, in a colonial context of pressure
on the mining economy and French militarization in the Pacific.

Evening: The riots following the murder of Nahel
Following yet another racist murder by the police in a working-class
city, several nights of revolt shook capitalist and state normality:
attacks against public institutions (prefectures, town halls,
departmental councils, etc.), parliamentary offices, fires or damage to
thousands of buildings (police, gendarmerie, town halls, schools),
looting, etc., all for a billion euros. If this revolt without
intermediaries and without concessions can only be understood within the
framework of a radicalized class struggle of a particularly precarious
part of the urban proletariat, it nevertheless has its limits in its
ephemeral character, in the small proportion of inhabitants who can get
involved in it, and in the absence of sustainable political perspectives
attached to it. How has the situation in working-class suburbs changed
compared to 2005? What do these revolts say about the class struggle
today? What solidarity should we build?

Wednesday July 24

Afternoon: Against capitalist territorial planning
For several years and the opposition to the NDDL airport project, the
so-called "ecological" struggles have taken on a new dimension. The
range of targets they attack has broadened towards aspects of capitalist
domination which concern more and more people. They tend to move away
from a strategy consisting, on the one hand, of putting pressure on
those in power to demand general measures to "save" the planet and, on
the other, of being content with virtuous individual behavior. Apart
from an inaccessible and political "macro" and a moralistic and
ineffective "micro", the anti-basin movement like all those linked to
capitalist territorial planning mark a desireDifferent local groups and
collectives have been created in recent years which illustrate the
diversity of sensitivities which drive this movement. We participate in
it with our anti-capitalist and internationalist specificities and see a
possibility that in the current situation they participate in a rebirth
of the class consciousness of a proletariat atomized by capitalist

Evening: Agriculture
Both the latest farmers' movement and the movement against mega-basins
have demonstrated that the class struggle is crossing the agricultural
world. The agrarian question, that is to say the use of land to produce
the food essential to our survival, is at the heart of any project to
transform social relations. Who owns, who produces, who controls and for
whom? Questions that concern the entire planet and which question an
industrialization of all of life which does not seem to want to stop.

Thursday July 25
Afternoon: Presentation of the book Postmodern lures against the social
reality of women
by its author, Vanina
In the 80s and 90s, in the United States and then elsewhere in the
world, a real ideological counter-revolution took place with the
appearance of two schools of thought: neoliberalism, supported by a hard
right, and postmodernism, emanating from a left disappointed by Soviet
"communism". Vanina studies what made this counter-revolution
successful; and she critiques the effects of gender theories from
postmodernism on the fight against patriarchal oppression and capitalist

Evening: Rise of fascism in Europe?
There is currently a rise in far-right parties in France and in many
countries around the world. Many are called fascists. We must have a
materialistic approach. Just as we do not confuse the discourse of
so-called left-wing political apparatuses with their actual practice in
government (where they betray all the promises made), we must
differentiate the discourse of far-right parties from their practices in
governments. We must therefore be able to characterize what a fascist
regime is in order to be able to differentiate it from a far-right
regime; because by confusing everything, we risk proposing erroneous
militant axes. We will therefore return to this difference to try to
understand the current political issues.

Friday July 26
Afternoon: No debate planned in advance. Informal discussions.

Evening: Alternating Current Journal Commission, 1st part

Saturday July 27

Afternoon: Against the social and political treatment of immigrants in
France and Europe, what struggles can we wage?
We will discuss the role of the latest French and European laws to
control and hinder the movements of poor foreign people, to create
undocumented immigrants and establish permanent pressure on them so that
they accept their assignment to overexploitation.
We will talk about the media use of immigration in the escalation of
rigor, security, exclusion and racism.
And we will see how these laws and certain media have served and will
serve as a springboard for the program of the extreme right, in the face
of left-wing parties that are not very active and very reserved in the
area of migration.
Finally we will ask ourselves what struggles to lead that are united
(not just humanitarian) and emancipatory?

Evening: Palestine
With Emilio Minassian, professional proofreader, with "autonomous"
Marxist training, having traveled extensively in the West Bank over the
last twenty years, co-author of the book "The Yellow Vest Revolt,
History of a Class Struggle" published by Niet!

In this discussion, we will seek to develop a class-based approach to
the antagonisms in Israel-Palestine, away from readings in terms of

Some themes that will be covered:
* Political and social processes following the second Intifada: a
victory for the Palestinian political leadership on the autonomy of
* Economic and security cooperation between the Palestinian Authority
and Israel: a joint Israeli-Palestinian repressive apparatus.
* "Inside" (Israel) and "outside" (the Territories): the movement of
Palestinian workers from the West Bank, the experience of exploitation.
* Return to the history of zoning and ethnicization of the workforce in
* The proletariat in the refugee camps and the "non-party" armed
struggle: struggles for access to political income / class struggles /
logics of revenge
* Hamas and Fatah: what social contradictions run through the
Palestinian political parties?

Sunday July 28
Afternoon: All terrorists? for direct reappropriation of a space very
real, known to all and controllable.

In 1986, Charles Pasqua, ex-boss of the SAC (Civic Action Service,
Gaullist militia specialized in hunting militants after 68) who became
Minister of the Interior, declared his intention to "terrorize
terrorists". Today Gérald Darmanin, ex-sympathizer of Action Française
(royalist counter-revolutionary organization) decrees from Place
Beauveau war on "eco-terrorists" and the dissolution of their
organizations. If Pasqua targeted revolutionary groups practicing armed
struggle, the figure of the terrorist today is that of the Islamist, the
ultra-leftist, the eco-activist, or depending on political needs that of
yellow vests who are too angry or of CGT trade unionists sensitive to
the Palestinian cause... In 4 decades, thanks to laws initially
targeting Basque refugees or migrants, anti-terrorism has transformed
from an instrument of repression into a mode of governance. From curfews
to confinements, under the pretext of riots, attacks, disturbances to
public order or epidemics, exceptional laws have become permanent.
Should we fear "state terror" or are there still ways to resist
"democratic terrorization".

Evening: Alternating Current Journal Commission, 2nd part

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