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donderdag 4 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #350 - Culture, Read Harsha Walia: Migrations, capitalism and nationalism (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

With this global panorama of labor control through borders, activist
Harsha Walia, co-founder of the migrant rights group No One is Illegal,
challenges dominant narratives on the "migrant crisis". ---- The
inevitable result of colonization, capitalist globalization and climate
change, it explains how migrations are criminalized, at the same time as
they reinforce racist discourses, in order to guarantee the accumulation
of capital. ---- She returns to the formation of the border with Mexico,
justified from the beginning by the ideology of manifest destiny, then
the forced annexation of half of the country, the Indian wars, which
served as a model for genocidal wars, the surveillance and control of
the black population in the service of the interests of white
supremacism and racial capitalism, the continuity between the
development of the prison-industrial complex and counter-insurgency
operations, free trade agreements, a true counter-history the United States.

The policy of externalization of the border, implemented by Australia,
has become a global model, particularly for "fortress Europe": "The
doctrine of deterrence requires a massacre at the borders to arouse fear
and prevent migration.» The kafala system, which governs the labor of
migrant workers in the Persian Gulf countries, is a regime of exclusive
citizenship and legal segregation, as a hijacking of class consciousness
for the benefit of nationalist consciousness. It is indeed a question of
defending the dogma of racial citizenship, which was already done by the
Temporary Foreign Worker Program established in Canada at the end of the
19th century, and which all far-right governments on the planet are
doing, whose common point is Islamophobia.

This almost exhaustive study provides an understanding of immigration in
its systemic and historical dimension.

Ernest London (UCL Le Puy-en-Velay)

Harsha Walia, Borders and domination. Migrations, capitalism and
nationalism, Lux, 2023, 408 pages, 23 euros

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