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dinsdag 9 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL leaflet: Kanaky: the time of the colonies is enough! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The arrival of Emmanuel Macron, who claims to want "neither withdrawal

nor postponement but to call for calm" sowed confusion and anchored the
climate of fear and mourning that already reigned. The dissolution of
the National Assembly distracted the media from the problem that still
needs to be resolved urgently: the end of the colonization of Kanaky.
---- Kanaky - or Kanaky-New Caledonia - is an archipelago of islands
located in the Pacific Ocean, between Australia and New Zealand,
included in the UN list of territories "to be decolonized" . The Nouméa
Accords of 1998 were supposed to launch a twenty-year decolonization
process, culminating in a series of 3 referendums on the full
sovereignty of Kanaky, but the French state wants to retain its control
for geopolitical and economic interests. Indeed, Kanaky has geographical
proximity to China as well as maritime and mining resources.

The UCL already denounced this situation several weeks before the start
of the revolts which began when the police opened fire on demonstrators
opposing the constitutional reform. This, in fact, provided for a "thaw
of the electorate" in Kanaky. It was a question - since it was
temporarily suspended with the dissolution of the National Assembly - of
expanding the electoral body in Kanaky to integrate the latest arrivals,
the majority from France, accentuating the minority of the Kanak on the
political level, yet an indigenous population. The objective is to
authorize anyone who has lived in the territory for ten years to become
a voter. This is equivalent to adding more than 25,000 new voters to an
electoral list of 180,000; it's considerable.

Worse still, on June 19 we learned of the arrest of 11 pro-independence
figures, notably from the CCAT. Their offices were immediately searched
because these figures of the movement are accused of being responsible
for the revolts that the French government itself provoked, by having
its police open fire on the Kanak people during a demonstration and by
its forceful passage of a colonial reform without any consultation.

This is essential for any settlement colonization, as Algeria was. For
171 years, the French state first decimated the Kanak, then organized
the replacement of the indigenous population with waves of immigration.

The French state has not renounced its colonial empire, and is strongly
destabilizing societies still colonized, confronting people with extreme
violence: from the French police but also from settler militias wanting
to preserve their privileges and the situation. colonial.

It is time for the French state to withdraw from this territory located
more than 22,000 kilometers from Paris. The time will come for the
inhabitants of Kanaky to decide for themselves the future society they
want to build, while at the same time regaining their access to the most
fundamental rights, namely the right to their history, to land, culture,
dignity and self-determination.

Solidarity with all the people and anti-colonialist organizations, from
the UGTG of Guadeloupe to the FLNKS of Kanaky, who suffer and fight
against the colonial policy of the French State, in the so-called
"overseas" territories or in decolonized countries still under influence.

Complete solidarity with the Kanak people and the independence movement
as a whole! 171 years of colonial occupation is enough: the days of
colonies are over!

Libertarian Communist Union, June 22, 2024.

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