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dinsdag 16 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FDCA, Cantier #27: Emililio Covelli, the theorist of evildoers - Alberto Labellarte (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The thoughts and works of the anarcho-communist Emilio Covelli are still
to be explored and the essay by Professor Mario Spagnoletti, former
professor of History of political parties and movements and of
Contemporary History, entitled In the footsteps of Marx and Bakunin. The
anarchist Emilio Covelli has the undoubted merit of filling this void
overall. ---- Born in Trani in 1846 and member of a family firmly
anchored to the city life of the aforementioned municipality, Covelli
dedicated his entire existence to the redemption of the oppressed.
Having graduated from the University of Naples in law in 1868, Covelli
soon became a fearless follower first of Marxist-style communism and,
subsequently, of anarchist socialism. Defined by Giovanni Bovio as "one
of the most powerful minds in Puglia", Covelli stayed, for study
reasons, in Berlin and, later, in Heidelberg, a stay which allowed him
to master the German language and attend Professor Eugen's lessons
Dühring, considered 'a socialist of the teaching', through whom he came
to know and approach the works and socialist thought of Karl Marx, whose
ideas penetrated the Italian peninsula also thanks to the merit of Covelli.
And it will be precisely in his pamphlet entitled Political Economy and
Socialism of 1874 that Covelli will show his gradual approach to the
thought of Marx, whose prestige also induced numerous other
intellectuals to distance themselves from the now bankrupt political
experience of Mazzinianism. Initially, Covelli was dazzled by
Prussian-style Caesarean socialism, only to later adhere to the
theoretical-political dimension of catastrophism, which testifies to the
gradual approach by the intellectual from Trani to Bakunin's ideology,
without neglecting another ideology that was then hegemonic, namely
social positivism.
Having soon come into conflict with the current of socialism in favor of
the establishment of a political party and electoral participation,
whose major exponent and target of the Tranese intellectual was Andrea
Costa, Covelli, a staunch follower of the movementist and anarchist
direction, was acquitted together to other companions by a judging panel
as "seekers of the best, all the restless and intolerant spirits who
dream of new perfections and new improvements for society", he will soon
be accused of being a malefactor, a much heavier sentence, which cost
him imprisonment, wanderings throughout Europe and, finally, internment
in various mental hospitals.
In his essay, Professor Spagnoletti shows the political and judicial
itinerary of the intellectual from Trani, from which he emerged
defeated, although his desire for the redemption of the oppressed
undoubtedly does not condemn him to oblivion and for this we must give
credit Undoubted credit goes to Professor Spagnoletti.

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