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dinsdag 16 juli 2024


 Rafael Belizário is a state teacher, called up on the reserve register

at the end of 2022. At the beginning of the 2023 school year, he was
assigned to 3 schools. As there were definite shortages at EMTI Deputy
Joaquim de Figueiredo, in the municipality of Iracema-CE, Rafael sought
to concentrate his workload at this school, facilitating his daily
journey during the week, as he would not need to travel more than once
between schools, as that does not have transportation. However, her
request for assignment was denied by the management of that school, as
they did not want to give up the temporary teaching positions
"sponsored" by her. Rafael was only able to concentrate his workload by
turning to Seduc-CE. It was in this clash with the management team that
Rafael's work problems began.
Feeling threatened, the managers of EMTI Deputy Joaquim de Figueiredo
and Crede 11 began persecuting the teacher, which ended up leading to an
administrative process full of irregularities and defects, with the
signature of a student union instrumentalized by the school management,
forged signatures of the teacher who got it right. by not generating
evidence against him, ending in the dismissal of the teacher with an act
published in DOE on 06/11/2024.
We know that in many cities, there is a network of relationships that
range from management centers (many not elected by the school
community), creeds, councilors, mayors and the state government. These
are networks of political "patronage" to maintain the status quo.
After the publication of his dismissal, Rafael sought help and
solidarity from the category, as well as from APEOC. He was received by
the union management who initially denied legal assistance, as the
teacher was not a member. This shows the lack of solidarity from the
union leadership to the teacher.
After having his case rejected by APEOC, Rafael Belizário sought
articulation with the union opposition to APEOC, which was accepted.
Thus began a support network that managed to articulate political
forces, report the teacher's case on social media, and a solidarity and
financial campaign. Along with the category, an event was scheduled at
SEDUC for June 27th at 9 am, as a way of pressuring the teacher's
reinstatement and holding everyone involved in this irregular process
accountable. Noticing this movement, on 25/06 APEOC negotiated with
SEDUC-CE the annulment of the companion's dismissal, even though the
administrative process continues.
The union opposition forces will closely monitor the teacher's case, as
it was this mobilization and pressure from the category and popular
opinion that made the union's stance change and SEDUC annulled the
teacher's dismissal. We at ORC have been monitoring the teacher's
situation since the beginning and will continue until the process is

Solidarity is our weapon! THE STREETS!

Our working/educational conditions, which are already bad, become worse
when we do not have the necessary support. We understand that it is
fundamental to guarantee the right to socialization through school life
and learning for neurodivergent children and other disabilities (visual,
motor, hearing, etc.), but the way the city of Fortaleza does it does
not guarantee one or the other. . Children with very different
conditions are placed in the same room: ASD, ID, ADHD, among others,
without the necessary support staff to monitor the inclusion and
learning of these children. To give you an idea, schools with more than
70 neurodivergent and/or disabled students have the support of just 1
professional for the entire institution. It is simply impossible to
guarantee that the inclusion of this child and their proper
socialization in the school environment actually occurs.

This shows that the school is seen by the city hall not as an
environment for teaching, welcoming and learning, but as a warehouse for
children, left without the necessary support.
Currently, the city hall is offering teachers and management a course
aimed at inclusion and has signed a partnership between Iprede and UFC.
We understand that continued training is extremely necessary for our
performance in the school space, but linked to this, it is also
fundamental offer professional and logistical support (adequate spaces,
teaching material, acoustics, ventilation), as leaving it solely in the
hands of the teacher and not guaranteeing the minimum conditions, only
shows us that the city of Fortaleza is more concerned with numbers and
enrollment than with the guarantee of inclusion, without actually
excluding each child and their individual potential.
We demand an increase in the number of inclusion agents, as well as an
increase in their remuneration, as they carry out crucial work, not only
for the teachers in the classrooms, but for the school community as a whole.


We from the Classist Resistance Opposition/FOB made up Chapa 2 -
Opposition for the Base, built by an immense majority of independents,
we from ORC, POR and CSP-Conlutas, as well as a companion from the left
wing Articulation/PT and a companion from PSOL . The current party was
made up of Articulação Sindical/CUT, O Trabalho/PT, PSOL, Unidad Popular
and Consulta Popular. The ruling party had 6073 votes, while the
opposition won 1055 votes.

The election began at the 2023 union congress with the victory of the
bureaucracy. At this congress, the management approved the possibility
of a virtual election. At an assembly held in a hotel in Praia do
Futuro, the management brought forward the elections to the month of May
in order to make the formation of an opposition ticket unfeasible. More
than four thousand eligible comrades did not vote, which demonstrates a
certain detachment on the part of the base, not only from the
leadership, but from the entity itself. This phenomenon needs to be
better analyzed by us and by the political forces competing for the

After the election, the group that built ticket 2 decided to remain
articulated, on the move, building the Opposition Movement for the Base,
taking advantage of the networks created during the elections. We see
that this movement is important to constitute an autonomous force that
can dispute the category's struggles, its methods and keep governments
and union leadership under pressure. This is the role of the opposition,
which we at ORC, as an autonomous group, propose!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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