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woensdag 3 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY news journal - UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: Participate Support Subscribe! - The Anarchist Space 19 July is not closing! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The Spazio Anarchico 19 Luglio (lot 60) is a space just over 100 m2 in
size in via Rocco da Cesinale 16.18 in Rome and here, among the numerous
activities, we have reactivated the Fabio Iacopucci popular library and
the archive project requested and also supported by local residents,
historians, journalists, students and graduates who are going through
it. ---- After eighty years of activity in Garbatella, the Gruppo
Anarchico C. Cafiero FAI Roma has therefore expanded and, in addition to
conserving books and documents belonging to or donated to the Gruppo
Cafiero, the Spazio Anarchico 19 Luglio is hosting funds in its library
also belonging to private collections of more recent dating.

Our group was founded in Garbatella on 6 June 1945 by a group of
anarchists about a year after 4 June 1944, a decisive stage for the
partisan resistance since this date marks the liberation of Rome from

In continuity with the activities of the Anarchist Group C. Cafiero,
already present in the small cellar in via Vettor Fausto 3 at lot 13, at
the Spazio Anarchico 19 Luglio we have organized many self-managed
political, social and cultural events.

The cultural events are self-organized with free subscription and all
operated free of charge and since the venue remained open and abandoned
for over 25 years, before starting our activities, it needed economical
work to make it usable.

Over the last decade, in addition to ordinary management, we have
activated an administrative and legal process so that the lease could
become permanent, a process which, however, in recent months we have
insisted on interrupting. In fact, the management of Ater Roma (former
public housing institute), a body of the Lazio Region that manages part
of the assets of the Municipality of Rome, has in fact requested the
eviction by public force for 17 April, ignoring the open path. On that
date there was a demonstration of citizens and supporters and after
having drawn up an administrative report with our reasons, the eviction
was postponed to 20 June 2024. To date, however, it has not been
revoked, despite having been requested, the intervention of the public

Thanks to the mobilization of the inhabitants of the neighborhood and
the solidarity that is accompanying us and supporting us, we have
activated a coordination assembly process towards June 20th and a
subscription campaign to support us in these extraordinary expenses.

You can subscribe and support us:

-directly by participating in our initiatives that you will find on the
cafierofairoma.wordpress.com website

- by bank transfer made out to Associazione Culturale 19 Luglio IBAN

- giving 5x1000 to the Associazione Culturale 19 Luglio CF: 97682510587
at the time of the tax return

- with donations to the 19 Luglio Cultural Association via Rocco da
Cesinale 16,18 - 00154 Rome

  Tax code: 97682510587

-for other methods write to cafierofairoma@inventati.org

Anarchist Group C. Cafiero FAI Rome


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