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woensdag 3 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - (en) Czech, CAS: GONE WITH THE BORING WAGE JOB! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 "If work was so pleasant, the rich would keep it to themselves." - Mark

Twain ---- Let's face it, work sucks and we just hate work these days.
Anyone who works or has worked for a wage or salary will confirm this.
Work is forced labor for the vast majority of us. And it looks like it
too! Whether you work casual or temporary and suffer from all the
insecurity, or you're lucky enough to have a permanent position where
job security tightens like a noose around your neck, it's basically the
Work offers everything: physical and nervous exhaustion, illness and,
more often, intoxicating boredom. You can add to the list the feeling of
being bossed around for someone else's profit. Work consumes our lives.
It controls every aspect of our existence. When we are not at work, we
spend our time traveling to or from work, preparing for or recovering
from it, trying to forget it or trying to escape from it in what is
ludicrously called our "free time".

Work is truly an offensive five letter word and too terrifying to
contemplate. We sacrifice the best part of our waking lives to work in
order to survive in order to work. It is a kind of drug that numbs us,
clouds our minds with the pay packet and all the "benefits" of
consumerism that it brings. Apart from the basic fact that if you don't
work and prefer not to receive state/welfare benefits that won't
guarantee us survival anyway, we are wage slaves drawn into "gainful
employment" ideologically designed to convince us of the personal and
social necessity of "having a job".

Among other things, anarchists aspire to change the nature of work and
life, and to create a society based on freedom in all aspects of life.
In a free society, a person's contribution to society or the social
value of work will not be measured in economic terms, as it is under
capitalism. It will not be measured at all. It is important that each
individual feels that the work they do is personally fulfilling. If it
will also have a positive benefit for the company, it is a bonus for us
and for you.

The end of wage labor! Long live freelance work!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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