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woensdag 3 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news jounal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL: CHILD IS NOT A MOTHER! Overthrow PL 1904 by occupying the streets across Brazil! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On Wednesday, the 12th, the Chamber of Deputies approved the urgency

regime for voting on Bill (PL) 1904/2024. Authored by deputy Sóstenes
Cavalcante (PL-RJ) and taken over by other deputies from right-wing and
center parties - many from the PL and known for extreme right-wing
practices and speeches -, PL 1904/24 intends to modify the Penal Code so
that abortion after the 22nd week is equated to murder, which can lead
to a sentence of up to 20 years for the women and health professionals
involved. Furthermore, it seeks to add the same penalty for cases in
which the pregnancy is the result of rape, in which case abortion has
been permitted by law since 1940.

The project is a serious attack on the right to abortion, especially
with regard to the lives of children and adolescents. In Brazil,
carrying out abortions provided for by law already suffers from a series
of obstacles, such as lack of clear information, delays and denial of
care, bureaucracy and criminalization of people seeking the procedure. A
possible approval of this PL would intensify this scenario, especially
for poor and black women, who are most often arrested or die from
clandestine abortions. At the same time, according to the Brazilian
Public Security Yearbook, the year 2023 broke a cruel record for rape
cases, accounting for 74,930 victims, with 61.4% of the victims being
children between 0 and 13 years old. Children would be directly
penalized for the second time, as these are the cases in which
identifying and reporting rapes are more difficult and take longer, with
86.1% of rapists being acquaintances and 64.4% family members.

The vote for the emergency regime lasted 23 seconds and revealed the
organization of the right-wing benches to roll back rights already
achieved by women, as well as preventing the advancement of others that
are still necessary. It is necessary to remember that the offensive
against women's reproductive rights has been going on for some time,
with several proposals that aim to remove the cases of abortion provided
for by law; a greater penalty; the exclusion of public debate and sexual
education in schools; and even to try to prevent the availability of
contraceptives. The list is long! Such as, for example, PL 5364/2005,
which provided for the withdrawal of the legality of abortion in cases
of rape; PL 1413/2007, which provided for the prohibition of
distribution, recommendation by the SUS and sale in pharmacies of the
morning-after pill; and PL 5069/2013 by Eduardo Cunha (PMDB), which
became widely known thanks to the denunciations of organized women's

In addition to the PLs and Proposed Constitutional Amendments, "family
and pro-life defenders" and churches have promoted several waves of
persecution and violence against women and children who seek to
guarantee the procedure legally, entering hospitals, disclosing
identities , making threats... Arthur Lira and the evangelical benches
and other sectors of the right are directly responsible for PL
1904/2024, but the fundamentalist network that subsidizes their actions
and advances speeches and practices against reproductive rights acts in
a broad way, anchored for financing and structuring itself within the
state apparatus. The State advances in controlling women's bodies and
lives to the same extent that the extreme right and its fundamentalism
advance through social structures.

On the other hand, the 23-second vote also demonstrated the inertia to
which what would be a "left-wing bench" in the Chamber was reduced in
the face of Arthur Lira's maneuver so that the urgency could be passed
without major difficulties. None of our rights are safe within a system
that keeps power structures intact, by class conciliation governments
that have shown themselves to be increasingly incapable, such as that of
Lula/Alckmin. The PLs and PECs mean an advance in the legal and
repressive domain, but, socially, there is also an advance in the domain
of vigilantism and violence. This will not be blocked by institutional
means. Those elected themselves with the speech of blocking the
advancement of retrograde laws have not even been able to act within
their own parliamentary powers; the power of the right-wing and
extreme-right benches becomes clear when the blackmail game is carried
out through constant tests of Lula/Alckmin's political project of class
conciliation; The most reactionary field of Brazilian institutional
politics continues to dictate how the federal government should proceed.


Currently, the right and the extreme right are acting in various corners
of the world to prevent the right to abortion, as well as various other
rights of women and the working class. The fight also takes place at an
international level: we need to return to the internationalism of our
struggles. Argentine women showed the way in this fight, with years of
occupying the streets, which culminated in the achievement of legal and
safe abortion. As for Brazil, resistance to the overthrow of PL
1904/2024 needs to be included in a broad agenda of struggles, in which
combative and more radicalized actions are planned for the defense of
the rights of women, children and adolescents, which involves
strengthening the popular organization of the oppressed, with class




Libertarian Socialist Organization - OSL, June 15, 2024.

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