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vrijdag 5 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: ENI. Disposable gas (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


As for some years now, with the A Sud association we participated in the
Eni shareholders' meeting in May. We do this by applying the critical
shareholding method: relying on the mediation of Fondazione Finanza
Etica, we present ourselves at the event built by Eni's top management
to return the magical dividends as a killjoy, bringing the voice of the
territories impacted by the company and presenting a series of questions
we work on for months. Real lashes, or camurrie, to which the company is
forced to respond. In particular, our attention was focused on the role
of Sicily as a gas hub - a reflection on which we also dedicated some
reflections on Sicilia Libertaria - because it is precisely through the
island that a large part of the gas that is used in the rest of the
world passes (and will pass). of Italy.

According to data provided by Eni itself, in 2023 approximately 26
billion cubic meters of gas arrived in Sicily, coming from Algeria,
through the Transmed gas pipeline which lands in Mazara Del Vallo, and
from Libya, through the Greenstream gas pipeline which lands in Frost. A
quantity that covers approximately 40% of the national requirement and
is almost 10 times higher than the consumption of the region, which is
in the order of 3 billion cubic meters per year. Given Sicily's crucial
role in the island's energy supply, one might think that there are at
least many economic benefits paid by the six-legged dog and requested by
local politics. Or not? We already knew the answer but we preferred to
have Eni put it in black and white.

"The Greenstream and the Transmed are gas pipelines that transport gas
produced in Libya and Algeria respectively to Italy, and have their
respective reception terminal on the Sicilian coast, interconnected with
the national network of Snam methane pipelines; therefore, no royalties
are due in connection with such pipelines," the company writes. So Eni
does not provide money for the passage of the gas that it takes from
Africa and brings to Italy via Sicily but only on extractions. We could
then console ourselves with Eni's other gas pipeline, i.e. the one off
the coast between Gela, Licata and Porto Empedocle, called
Argo-Cassiopea. The infrastructure is expected to go live by the end of
this year, and has always enjoyed press praise. Sicilian information
parroted the six-legged bullshit, claiming that it is a "proximity gas
pipeline", a work that "enables the ecological transition", a "breath of
fresh air for workers". Really?

We made a simple calculation, based on the data provided by Eni and
parroted by the newspapers: if the field has estimated reserves of
around 10 billion cubic meters of gas and peak annual production could
exceed one billion cubic meters of gas , how many years will the
pipeline be active? Ten, fifteen at most? And then? It was enough to ask
these questions, not even who knows what journalistic investigation, to
open Pandora's box. In fact, Eni had to admit the correctness of our
estimates and add that "once the useful life of the field has expired,
we will proceed with the decommissioning phase of the project
infrastructure". That is, the gas pipeline will be dismantled in 2040 at
the latest. In the meantime, the inconveniences for the fishing sector
will remain, which will have to settle for 15 million euros, defined as
compensation, to be divided between the marinas of Gela, Licata and
Porto Empedocle. There will probably also remain the unfulfilled
environmental requirements, which in theory should be implemented before
the installation of the work and which instead were condoned (the
company itself admits this) following the economic contribution provided
to the fishermen. And it will also remain a rip-off for workers.

Just read beyond the winged words of the six-legged dog. "The project
promotes the valorisation of the territory with investments in the area,
increased employment, valorisation of local related industries both in
the construction and operational phases" writes Eni. Aware of the fact
that the company historically exalts the numbers during the construction
phase of the plants - the famous 10 thousand people employed in the Gela
petrochemical plant, at the time of Enrico Mattei, were almost halved in
the space of a few years - we have therefore asked to provide the
numbers in the construction phase and in the operational phase as
regards Argo-Cassiopea. As anyone who deals with gas pipelines knows,
these are infrastructures that require very little staff and, at least
for the first few years, also little maintenance. At the "brother"
Greenstream in Gela, for example, just a dozen people work. Result? "The
average presence on site in the construction phase is close to 700
workers and employment in related industries is estimated at around
1,000 units; in the operational phase the involvement of over 100
employees is expected". A collapse of around 900 workers in the space of
a year, this is what to expect in 2025. But there is no trace of these
issues in the sleepy electoral campaign of the city of Gela. However, we
need to continue talking about all this. Hope is placed in the No Eni
coordination attempt which in recent months has been trying to build the
social realities which have long been carrying out constant work of
monitoring, raising awareness and counter-information on the activities
of the six-legged dog, on communicative manipulation and on the
influence towards the energy policies adopted by the government: from A
Sud to ReCommon, from Greenpeace to Fridays for Future, from the
University Union to Legambiente. Emblematic in this sense is precisely
the role designed for Sicily by Eni where, as we have seen, the
"disposable gas" or, if you prefer, "take the gas and run" method
prevails. Up to this point, coordination, amidst management difficulties
due to classic jealousies between similar groups, has tried to provide
the first tools for interpreting the data and the first shared analyses.
The hope is that this dialogue will also reach Sicily, where there is a
greater need to better deal with Eni's energy colonialism.

Andrea Turco

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