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vrijdag 5 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Umanita Nova: Turin. On the streets to demilitarize the city (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


As always, on June 2 the Republic celebrated itself with military
displays, parades and commemorations. A nationalist and militarist
"party". ---- A "celebration" which this year too was actively contested
in two days of information and struggle. ---- On Saturday 1 June
antimilitarists met in Corso Palermo on the corner of Via Sesia, where a
group of soldiers from the "Safe Roads" operation has been stationed
since January. ---- In addition to the soldiers, waiting for us were the
carabinieri, two riot police and traffic police. A war scene that is now
common in this corner of the suburbs placed under constant siege by the
Italian state.
Upon our arrival, the police were stationed in the rear, while the
soldiers quickly got into their vehicle and moved to Largo Giulio Cesare.
A lively communicative procession crossed the market in Piazza Foroni
with numerous stops for interventions. The Clown Army and a delegation
of Murga drummers staged the military's continuous patrols, ridiculing
them. This area of the neighborhood has been subjected to military
occupation for over six months, in the long electoral campaign in which
the right and left focus on law and order, between increasingly
liberticidal laws and increasingly suffocating forms of control. The
focus is on poor neighborhoods, where making a living is increasingly
difficult, where the government, in all its territorial branches, deals
with social issues in terms of public order.
The procession then headed towards Largo Giulio Cesare, where the huge
group of soldiers once again moved away in great haste.
The choice of the police station to avoid contact between soldiers and
antimilitarists is evident, the former fully armed, the latter with red
noses, megaphones, leaflets and drums. Apparently their confidence in
the propaganda effectiveness of the "safe streets" operation is wavering
a bit.
The procession then returned to the small clearing of Corso Palermo
where there were interventions and the anti-militarist songbook of Alba
and Carenza503.
For one day this corner of the Barrier was demilitarized.

Good morning starts in the morning. On Sunday 2 June a group of
antimilitarists blocked the entrance to Leonardo in Corso Francia. On
the banner the words "let's break the wings of militarism!"
It was the first stage of the second day of information and struggle to
demilitarize the city.
The blockade of Leonardo's Turin headquarters was an obligatory stop.
Leonardo produced the weapons used in wars everywhere. Italian troops
use them in "peace" missions abroad, Italian industries sell them to
countries at war. These weapons have killed millions of people,
destroyed cities and villages, irremediably poisoned entire territories.
Leonardo and the Polytechnic intend to build the Aerospace City, a new
hub for the flourishing war aerospace industry, which would be built on
the ruins of the Alenia in Corso Marche. The aim is to design
increasingly sophisticated, precise, fast and deadly weapons.
To stop the war, a No is not enough. We need to jam the mechanisms,
throwing sand into the gears.

After the blockade in Leonardo, the antimilitarists moved to Corso
Ferrucci, to the "Mountain Artillery" park.
An eagle surmounts the ugly monument placed in the center of this skimpy
park devoted to evening nightlife.
An inscription celebrates the horrors of the First and Second World Wars
and the genocides committed during the colonial conquest of Libya and
Eritrea. Wars of a past that reverberate in an equally ferocious present.
For decades, Italy has been financing Libya to intercept and block
migrant ships and reject men, women and children into the hell of Libyan
concentration camps. Borders are marks on a map, lines made of nothing
made real by men in arms.
Even today, Italy is among the protagonists of the devastation and
plunder of Africa.
The banner "No military missions in Africa" was hung on the monument.

In the third stage of their tour through the city, the antimilitarists
gave the monument to the Bersagliere in Corso Galileo Ferraris a makeover.
A banner with the words "no to all armies" and a bloody puppet give
Turin an anti-militarist monument.
There are those who believe a flag of peace is enough, there are those
who think it is enough to say no.

But opposing war without opposing militarism is a short-sighted
perspective, because it fuels the opinion that there are good armies.
And it is not enough to put the word "resistance" in place of "army" to
change the meaning of wars fought to ensure exclusive control of this or
that geographical area. Only the transnational alliance of the oppressed
and exploited breaks the borders, shatters the statist and patriotic
logic, blows the identity cap linked to the place, to religion, to
tradition to open a symbolic and real space to the non-place, to utopia,
which is not the unrealizable but only the unrealized.
Militarist monuments are everywhere in the city: it is a shame that men
are celebrated who, for a living, kill, rape, destroy cities and towns
and devastate the territory.

"ENI produces war". Antimiltarist* opened this banner in front of the
ENI Store in via Garibaldi.
There is a close interconnection between the many Italian military
missions in Africa (but not only) and the interests of ENI.
The government's arms diplomacy extends from Libya to the Sahel to the
Gulf of Guinea. These areas have strategic importance for ENI's
interests, because the major African producers of gas and oil are
located there. The objective is the protection of offshore platforms and
extraction plants, because beyond the chatter about renewables, energy
obtained from fossil sources represents the core business of the Italian
ENI today represents the spearhead of Italian colonialism in Africa and
The flag with the six-legged dog of ENI flies alongside the tricolor
flag in places where desertification and the predation of resources
destroy the lives of many of those who live there.
The antimilitarists distributed leaflets and made interventions. A
banner reading "ENI: blood, oil and war" was tied to the shutters.

In Turin the military occupies Piazza Castello every year. As every
year, anti-militarists could not be missing, who protested the armed
forces ceremony.
They appeared in the square with the banner "Against all homelands for a
world without borders". A very lively protest which was not appreciated
by the dummies in uniform.
While the soldiers were strutting for the Italian anthem, the
antimilitarists sang "our homeland is the whole world",
Digos and riot police lined up to face the antimilitarists. Once the
ceremony was over, we marched through the demilitarized square.
The far-right government fuels identity rhetoric, "sacred" borders, the
glorification of war.
The military ceremonies of June 2nd serve to justify enormous military
expenditure, the sending of weapons and Italy's direct commitment to
military missions abroad from Ukraine to Africa. Wars, rapes, land
occupations, bombings, torture, the entire range of human horrors, if
carried out by men and women part of an army, becomes legitimate,
necessary, appropriate, heroic.
The parade uniforms, the flags, the medals, the triad "god, homeland,
family" are not the mere legacy of a more rhetorical and grandiloquent
past than our present, but the ever-present representation of the
imperialist and neocolonial attitude of the Italian state .
Actively contesting these ceremonies is the key to preventing the
presence of the military on the streets of our city from becoming
normal, from becoming normal for someone to kill, bomb, rape, occupy and
devastate territories in our name.
This was the last stage of the two-day fight against militarism and war.
Let's continue to demilitarize the city!

Antimilitarist Assembly
Turin Anarchist Federation
Corso Palermo 46 - meetings every Tuesday from 8pm

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