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vrijdag 5 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, UNIPA, Causa do Povo #82 - The Zionist occupation of Palestine and the New Cold War (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

After five months of continued bombardment of the Gaza Strip by Israeli
occupation troops, we have more than 30,000 Palestinians dead, most of
them children and women, 70,000 injured or maimed, and more than 1.5
million homeless. ---- The genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel
gains greater proportions as it becomes evident that 1) the capitalist
interstate system with its multilateral bodies is incapable of
preventing the Israeli State, with support from the USA and the European
Union, to stop murdering and expel the Palestinian population in Gaza
and 2) the working class does not have the strength in countries and
globally to organize an international general strike and increase the
boycott of movements like BDS.

The State is a force that creates and maintains the centralization of
political power and with it the domination of class, ethnicity-race and
gender. The State of Israel today is a typical example, confirming the
concerns of Jewish intellectuals in 1948, among them Albert Einstein.
Zionism became the ideology of this State and Israeli political forces
built a system of apartheid and expulsion of local populations,
including persecution and repression of Jews contrary to their
colonialist-racist policies. Zionism preaches a State of Jewish
Domination and subordination of other peoples, using the memory of the
Holocaust to justify its brutality against the Palestinian population.
The capitalist interstate system organized at the UN has no answer for
these solutions, because all States are on this threshold. Just
remember, for example, the Chinese position in relation to the War
between the Kmer Rouge and Vietnam, where proletarian internationalism
gave way to state-national interests. This only worsens the death of the
UN and the group of organizations born at the end of the Second World
War. The Israeli colony is precisely a front for European-American
domination to have control in the region, which is why they act like a
father who spoils his children, as the Israeli position is central to
geopolitical control and energy infrastructure, including gas
exploration. in the Mediterranean. It is also symptomatic that the
indiscriminate bombing of the civilian population was a military tactic
launched by the Nazis in Guernica and also by England and the United
States in Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagazaki, Vietnam and Iraq.

On the other hand, the only other force that could paralyze Israel's
genocidal machine towards complete liberation and social revolution
would be the organizations of the working class and people. However, the
working class, despite its global presence, does not have enough
organized collective strength to build a global general strike in
solidarity with Palestinian workers, being restricted to small local
resistance movements, importantly, even more powerless to stop the
Zionist death machine of the State of Israel. Not to mention local
resistance against other colonial forces of occupation, such as the
resistance of the people in Rojava, in Syrian Kurdistan, against the
Turkish Colonial State, and the Zapatista resistance in Chiapas, in
southern Mexico.

The New Cold War

In this context, the demoralized situation of the United Nations becomes
increasingly evident, showing that the structure set up after the Second
World War has definitely been exhausted. It is no coincidence that
Brazil, with mainly Russian support, has been advocating a reform of the
United Nations, showing on the one hand the relative weakening of the
USA and the rise, mainly of China, which still does not engage in open
conflict, but has escalated its positions, such as the recent defense of
the right to armed resistance against colonial occupations. The
demoralization of the UN was caused by the main capitalist state power,
the United States, and its faithful henchman, England, mainly after the
invasion and destruction of Iraq in 2003, without having the approval of
its Security Council, and based on if only on accusations that they
themselves invented and that they later recognized as false. This
situation caused Russia itself to wage war by invading Ukraine, also
without the approval of the Security Council, to protect its
national-state interests in the face of the Ukrainian government's
pro-EU and US position on joining NATO.

On the other hand, the developments of the Ukrainian War have
accelerated the process of reorganization of the global interstate
system, such as China's leadership through initiatives such as the BRICS
Bank, the expansion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, OPEC+ and
BRICS+. US sanctions against Moscow have accelerated the Sino-Russian
strategic partnership and the idea of Eurasian integration has gained
momentum and is also materializing in the New Silk Road.

Since the past decade, the American government has been trying to
isolate Russia and reduce its economic influence in Europe by supplying
energy based on hydrocarbons, mainly gas, through oil pipelines. As the
IEA points out, Europe and the world in general have used natural gas as
a source of transition for countries' infra-energy infrastructure.
Furthermore, the USA is one of the main suppliers of LNG gas.

Energy security in capitalist countries is the order of the day. With
the War in Ukraine, the Russians have been trying to maintain gas
supplies to Central European countries, such as Serbia, and Turkey,
which are routes that do not pass through Ukraine and have now started
heading towards Asia. During 2020, imports via gas pipelines from Russia
fell, due to the increase in American LNG exports to the European
continent, stocks remained high and Asian demand grew less than expected.

The New Silk Road, which has brought together the states of the Global
South and even led to the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The
escalation of conflicts in the region, such as the genocide carried out
by Israel in Gaza, serves American interests, which try to maintain
their influence over the Saudi theocracy and neutralize the Iranian
autocracy, and thus prevent the increase of Sino-Russian influence.

The role of the working class and the people!

In the case of Israel, the most immediate mass movement is to expand
boycott movements, such as BDS, and ties of solidarity with Palestinian
workers, mainly with regional and global strikes that weaken the Israeli
war machine. The pressure to cut national governments' economic,
political and diplomatic relations must also be an important banner of
the mass movement to reduce military actions against Palestinian workers
in Gaza. In this sense, it is to return to the anti-militarist flag from
which the idea of an international general strike originated, that is,
the problem is the States themselves and their domination machine.

In the medium and long term, the more than urgent need to build
proletarian internationalism to build global resistance actions against
the capitalist interstate system becomes more evident. In this sense,
both the Kurdish alternative and the reorganization of revolutionary
trade unionism globally through organizations affiliated with the CIT
are important initiatives for building the Social Revolution.

Long live the resistance of the Palestinian people!
For the confederation of peoples!

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