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vrijdag 12 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: Edited: Against war and every form of fundamentalism and imperialism (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Global chaos, this is the situation we are facing; the Russian-Ukrainian

war, the war in Palestine, make us understand how the Western-controlled
world, and in particular the Anglo-American power, has ended its
historical phase, as the Iraqi and Afghan events also fully demonstrate
this to us. ---- The war on the borders of Europe now risks widening and
extending to our homeland. ---- The Israeli-Palestinian conflict day
after day increasingly reveals to us a logic devoted to genocide and
martyrdom, a dimension constantly desired by the respective political
leaders, the Zionist right and Islamic religious fundamentalism, well
convinced that we are now fighting to end it once and for all.

As a backdrop, there are other massacres and other ethnic cleansings,
like those that are being perpetuated in Sudan.

The fact is that we have a short memory, we tend to repress, we have
forgotten about the end of Yugoslavia and the ethnic cleansing of the
Bosnian Muslim population; and not only that: we forgot about the
genocide in Rwanda which was carried out without any reaction, since
those were "dirty blacks" who massacred each other.

Wars, in their dimension, contain massacres, exterminations and
genocides; only the criminal hypocrisy of governments, markets and
states can pretend to be indignant; and the markets get fatter, for them
the more deaths the better, the corpses are transformed into money.

But some people aren't buying it: a strong opposition movement to the
massacre in Palestine perpetrated by the Jewish government has developed
in American universities, and it is creating quite a few problems right
at the home of American imperialism. An important and decisive fact is
the participation in this movement of students from the Jewish
community, which allows a vision and contents that can contribute from
below to building a new vision of a different Palestine that sees
Israelis and Palestinians living in a single territory.

Even in Europe and in Italy, a movement has developed in support of the
Palestinian struggle and resistance, which has acquired a strong moment
of media visibility with the camps inside the universities. The
university students in conflict strongly demand that all collaboration
between universities and the State of Israel and with the Italian war
company Leonardo be abolished.

However, it is necessary to reflect on how this movement in support of
Palestine has overshadowed the anti-war mobilizations and runs the
serious risk of flattening out within a campist logic entirely focused
solely on the American enemy rather than opposing any type of
imperialism , because it is precisely here that the risk of the
explosion of a new world war lies.

We say clearly that the Palestinian struggle and resistance are an
objective and incontrovertible fact, as is the determined opposition to
the Israeli massacre, but we cannot remain silent in the face of the
practice and politics of Hamas, a reactionary and fundamentalist force
that it has long been sacrificing the Palestinians to its will to power.

We say to our comrades that if we really want to support the cause of
oppressed peoples we must refuse to uncritically support decolonial
theses which only lead to a redefinition of powers in a nationalist and
religious key.

We need to introduce into the political debate reflections and questions
that contribute to overcoming state logic, that reject alliances with
new imperial powers, accepted as friends only because they have
anti-American positions.

Let's go beyond the logic of war to immediately prepare a new world.

Antonio Rampolla

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