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vrijdag 12 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL CA #341 - This is about ending the genocide in Palestine. (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Text distributed at Columbia University (New York City)
Tuesday June 11, 2024, by Courant Alternatif
1. - It is about putting an end to the genocide in Palestine.
2. - Both political parties are fundamentally determined to support
3. - If this commitment were to weaken, Israel would be ready to drag
the United States into a war against Iran, which could constitute an
increasingly relevant option for one of the two political parties, or
even both.
4. - The movement to end the current war against Gaza must therefore
consider becoming the movement to end the coming war to distract us from
the war against Gaza.

5. - At the same time, even the liberals, the bureaucracy specialists,
tell us that the American political system is on a terminal collision
course with the November elections. It's spring before fall.
Once again, we are asked to scrupulously support the lesser of two
evils. But today, choosing the lesser of two evils means choosing the
public relations campaign that seems most appropriate to you to justify
the absolute evil of genocide. There is no absolute lesser evil. The
logic of bipartisanship that has deceived us for generations has finally
come to an end.
Under these conditions, this movement could be our last chance to open
another possibility before something even worse than democracy is
imposed on us.

6. - The question facing us all today is how to stop the genocide in
Palestine. But the only possible answer to this question involves asking
how to stop the war machine that is the economy, how to stop the
political system that is the war machine, how to stop the universities
that is the political system, how to stop all this before it kills more.
How to dismantle them and not let them build back better. If we dig a
little deeper into our collective memory, we know that we have
experiences in this area.

7. - Recently we have seen small groups of people paralyze metropolitan
areas for hours using simple blocking tactics.
What would happen if these tactics of blocking traffic and commerce took
on the magnitude of the George Floyd uprising? What if we blocked
everything? For Gaza and for those who are next in their line of sight?
For the planet and for future generations? For each of us, so that we
can live with dignity, knowing that we did what we swore we would do if
it ever came to that?

8. - What would happen if we stopped everything? Could it be worse than
letting it all continue? Could an apocalypse that results from our
refusal to act and our work stoppages to fuel the war economy really be
worse than the apocalypse that is being created - in Gaza, in the ocean,
in the atmosphere - through our working days? These are not abstract
questions. We have really come to this point.

9. - This past week we have seen the occupy tactic spread across college
campuses at a pace that can only be compared to the Occupy movement more
than a decade ago. During the fall of 2011, we witnessed and helped
build something we thought was impossible. Once again, we witness and
participate in the construction of the impossible.
Blocking everything for Palestine requires that we quickly develop a set
of life options that currently exceed the bounds of realism - which
simply means "what the police will allow."

10. - For decades, the Israeli army has trained and been trained by
American police services. Palestine is at the center of all concerns
because it is the model of the police world that they are building
everywhere. Now is the time for us to rise to the task before us and
defeat him.

Quick translation by a friend

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